
  By Fatj  

Chapter 1

“Geez dude! I hardly recognized you past ur double chin. Look at you! Holy fuck, I cant get over how much you’ve put on! I mean everyone gains a little weight in college, but you definitely took that to a new level! How much have you put on? It’s gotta be over a hundred pounds I mean look at the fucking gut! Can I touch it? I just want to feel how big it is,” you find yourself in your hometown running into an old friend, someone who hasn’t seen you in god knows how long. “I seriously can’t get over how squishy it is!” You blush intensely before stammering
“I- it’s not that much is it?”
“That much?” They reveal their slightly pudgy frame, pulling up their sweater. “This is “not that much”, you? You’re blowing up dude! I wonder how much food you’d need to eat to get full?”
“Ah well even I’m at a lost at that,” you’ve never really measured the amount of food you’d consume in one sitting since everyday seemed to be different. I mean yesterday you finished the day by eating an entire tub of ice cream just to feel full before bed. “Probably a lot,” you joke.
“Well, how about I take you out to dinner and we see how much you can handle?”

The two of you settle for a buffet, seeing as that would give you enough bang for your buck. He makes you sit down in a booth before asking.
“Why don’t I just get you a little bit of everything?” You just stammer in return as he chuckles in response putting a hand on your gut. His hands feel so strong against the plush of your doughy body. Frank disappears for a good five minutes before returning with four plates absolutely mounding with food. From burgers and hot dogs to plates of pasta. The buffet had it all, and you were staring to feel ravenous. You had no idea how much you could actually eat. He places the plates in front of you before disappearing grabbing two plates for himself.
“Mmm you gotta try this!” Frank says around a bite of cheesecake. He pushes the plate towards you, as you take a bite.
“I didn’t say a bite. Have the rest.” You don’t even hesitate. The slice is gone in seconds. You feel a twang in your pants at his commanding tone. You don’t know if it’s the pressure from being too full. You’ve tackled two of four plates. But you’re not slowing down. Instinctively you grab a hotdog shoving it down in two bites before going for the next. Frank watched in awe as you continued with gusto. Passerby’s gave ongoing looks of concern but you’re too lost in a food filled daze to care. God your pants are tight. Pressing deep into your expanding flesh. You continue before you realize Frank left. Did he get put off by it all? Your thoughts race as you feel enormous. Food smears your chubby face and shirt. Your gut extends over the waist of your pants resting in a solid orb on your lap. Nobody would see you unbuttoned pants honestly for the best. You’re about to leave until Frank returns with a plate stacked with desserts.
“Got room for more?” He asks. Every ounce of shame and guilt had fled in that instant. And along with that your hunger for more.
“URRP always.”

“So now I can definitely see how you gained all that weight, do you want to get bigger?”
“I like eating, way too much. So probably? I mean if anything were to happen maybe, but I don’t see any plans to stop anytime soon,” you say between bites of brownie.
“Well I gotta say it fits you well. You really put it all away, bet that gut feels tight.” You blush intensely perhaps from eating so much your cheeks had grown rosy before he began speaking.
“You’re free to feel it if you want,” without a moments lose he’s on your side of the booth both hands rubbing the extremely bloated gut. “Urp ugh damn I’m full.”
“Wanna come to my apartment for dinner tomorrow?” He asks taking a piece of cake with the end of a fork. Before bringing it to your lips. Hesitantly you accept the large bite.
“I’d love too, if it’s anything like this Im game“ before you could finish he shoved another forkful in your mouth. Even though you said you’d been full he didn’t let up. He fed you the rest of the desserts as you struggled to breathe.
“Alright tubs let’s roll you out of here.” Hoisting your food filled gut was easier said than done. Belching and bloated you walk out of the buffet, your shirt riding up revealing the soft underbelly of golden fuzz Frank seemed to love so much.
4 chapters, created 2 months , updated 2 months
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