Chapter 1 - The consultation
Nathan liked how his body looked,not overly muscular but not exactly slim either and he liked his face well almost all of his face there was one thing that bothered him - his nose. He had a sharp jawline and great cheekbones but in Nathan's eyes it was all overshadowed by his hooked noseHe intended to get it fixed once he turned 18 but kept putting off doing anything about it out of a fear of something going wrong. 10 years later he has finally gathered the courage to book an appointment at a local plastic surgeon.
Driving to the office his nerve grew but he just kept reminding himself that this was just a consultation and he didn't have to go through with the actual surgery and that it would only be his loss to back out now
These nerves continued while he sat in the waiting room. He was only there for a few minutes but it felt way longer and then finally he was called in.
Upon entering the examination room the plastic surgeon was facing the other way, but when he turned around his nerves melted away recognising him from high school even though he had lost a ton of weight since then.
Back in high school, Jack was the fat kid but now he had slimmed down and leaned up. He used to have a double chin but now he's got a sharp jaw line and a strong chin.
''Jack is that you?'' Nathen said
''Whow, Nathan. I can't believe it, it's been so long.'' Jack returned
The two chatted for a couple minutes, which eased Nathan's nerves before the consultation began. During which Jack drew how he would change Nathan's nose and showed him photos of his passed clients. Nathan was thrilled and decided to go ahead with the surgery after all booking a date two weeks away.
Driving home after the consultation Nathan's nerves were all gone and he wa actually feeling kind of excited to finally get the nose he always wanted.
This excitement lasted the entirety of the two weeks, making it difficult to sleep, leading up to the drive to the schedualde day of tue surgery when the nerves returned.
4 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year