The Seamstress

Chapter 1

'If I had to put money on it, I'd say donuts explain a lot of this belly,' she said, patting it as she spoke, and as he helped himself to another few from the dozen box she had just placed on the kitchen counter-top.

'l know,' he said, with a sigh. 'You're gonna have to stop buying them soon.'

'But l like 'em too.' She punched his arm playfully and scrunched up her nose at him.

'Maybe just buy a smaller box then?' He offered, and she looked over at him a little confused. 'I mean just for you,' he added, and then she realised he was just playing with her.

'Ha!' She smirked at him. 'A few dozen-boxes a week should be more than enough for the both of us. And even for a growing belly like yours.' She peeled up his t-shirt and gave it a knowing prod with a teasingly evil grin. 'You do remember we've got that wedding reception this Friday, don't you?'

She could tell from his face that he did not.

'Dammit!’ He muttered, through a mouthful of another donut. ‘I'm gonna need you to let out those pants again.'

'Again?' She looked at him a little incredulously, and patted away merrily at his gut.

'Been a big month.' He stifled a belch with his hand. ‘I just can’t stop eating these days.’

She giggled, and replied, ‘Well, that shows.’

She then prodded his belly again. 'I think my seamstress skills have sure met their match in trying to containing all your chub.' She slapped his belly disparagingly. 'Bad belly,’ she chided it aloud. ‘I swear it's a full time job keeping it contained, not to mention well fed!!'

'Cute.' He remarked, a little dryly, at her playfulness that night.

'Although lucky for you,' she continued, before rising onto her tiptoes to kiss at his cheek. 'All my dresses still fit me perfectly, so at least I can have my pick of the bunch.' She grinned at him again and patted her own slim waist. 'That takes discipline m'boy, and I’m not sure that’s really something you know very much about.'

'Hey!' He swatted her prying hand away as she tried to pat his belly again. 'Putting on weight takes discipline too you know, just a different kind!'

'Donut discipline.' She giggled, bringing another donut temptingly to his lips.

'Exactly!' He confirmed, as he took a bite. 'Donut dissschipline,' he muttered, through a very full mouth. 'A belly can't grow without it,' he added, with a belch.

She rolled her eyes at him playfully. 'Pssht!' She silenced him. 'You forget I know what you eat Mister. This thing,' she continued, shaking his belly for him with both her hands, 'would still be getting bigger if l never bought even a single box. And problems with your pants are the least of your worries especially with an appetite like yours.' She opened up her blouse a little to tempt him to explore that thought further.

'Tease.' He grimaced at her.

'But how ‘bout another donut first before that?' She asked, hovering another by his lips. 'Seeing as you’re being so disciplined again tonight.'

‘Don’t mind if I do,’ he said, chewing at yet another mouthful as he took a bite. ‘So you really think there’s no hope for my pants?’

She kissed his cheek again. ‘Nope.’ She grinned. ‘Unless you want a ‘v’ in the back of them as wide as your ass, which is very wide indeed I would hasten to add.’

She reached around him to try and give his thickened behind a quick squeeze, but it was no use, he had grown too big for any of that. ‘All those donuts must be getting round there too,’ she winked at him as she mused.

‘Feels like they're getting everywhere these days,’ he said, sighing pleasurably at her teasing touch. ‘But I figure they're now mostly parking up front.’ He rubbed his belly and grinned at her before stifling another belch.

‘That much I’ve noticed.’ She puffed out her cheeks at him and glanced down at his waist. ‘When’s this donut baby of yours gonna pop then?’

‘I'd say probably about another ten pounds or so, give or take.’ He joked along with her.

‘Well ten pounds will come soon enough if you keep eating like this,’ she remarked, raising another donut enticingly to his lips.

‘S’pose you’ll be catching one from the next box then?’ He asked, noticing the dent he was now putting into her own supply.

‘You guess rightly,’ she whispered in his ear, and kissed his cheek. ‘But at least l know you're putting them to good use.' She patted his belly firmly. 'I'm gonna enjoy watching you try on those pants later.’ She giggled. ‘They’ll do well to hold all this in. You’re becoming quite a lot of man to contain these days.’

‘Sure you can’t work your magic on them?’ He asked again, now looking a little more concerned.

‘Fingers too sticky to do so after these donuts I’m afraid,’ she said, taunting him as she licked her fingers clean of the donut glaze upon them. ‘Looks like my fat hubby will need that button extender of shame once again.’ She walked her fingertips across his belly delightedly. ‘But at least there’ll be more food at the reception too, so it’ll be fun watching you struggle not to pop.’

‘You’re incorrigible,’ he said, rolling his eyes at her.

‘And wedding food is definitely bad for your waistline,’ she added, winking up at him again. ‘Lots and lots of calories you know! And a man in your condityion should definitely go easy on those.’

‘Well I’ve definitely been counting them.’ He chuckled, and jiggled at his gut.

‘So have I.’ She prodded his belly. ‘So have I …,' she reiterated. 'It’s actually been a lot of fun getting to fatten you up.’

‘Relationship weight,’ he remarked at her, smiling. ‘And a successful one at that.’

‘Well at least it’s gotten you a few new suits.’ She winked at him, before continuing. ‘l guess l better go pick out that dress for Friday.’ She ran her hands over her own slim waist again. ‘I dare you not to finish that box whilst I'm away.’ She was smiling sweetly at him as she turned and headed for the door. 'You could at least try to be a little disciplined for once.’ She winked at him.

‘Too late.’ He popped another bite of donut in his mouth. ‘Growing a fat belly like this has gotten to be too much fun.’

‘Bye-bye your pants,’ she waved at the imaginary pair in the air. ‘And hello your new suit!'

‘One to grow into this time.’ He chirruped along with her.

‘Don’t worry,’ she said, smiling sweetly at him again. ‘You can get as big as you want with such a talented seamstress by your side. Just don’t expect her not to point out your gains once in a while.’

‘What gains?’ He teased her, patting at his fattened belly like he was anywhere near being svelte.

‘Boy-oh-boy,’ she said. ‘I bet you’ll be bigger again next month if you have the temerity to think like that.’

‘I’m ever so disciplined you see.’ He said, with a sly smirk, as he stifled another belch, then picked out his next donut to try.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
10   1   2521


Built4com4t 3 years
short and sweet...nicely done