Chapter 1 - The Tempting Nurse
Jake arrives at the doctors office and checks in. He turns to take a seat and opts to sit in the double wide one, as the other chairs look like the armrests may cut into his sides a little bit. Jake is a fat guy, short brown hair, short beard, and fat all around. After several years of putting off going to the doctor he is finally here. He’s very nervous but glad he is finally doing something to help change himself for the better. Although he still has his doubts about this.A couple minutes later a nurse opens the door and calls him back.
“Hi Jake, I’m nurse Emily. How are you doing today?”
“I’m doing ok I guess, little nervous to be here heh.”
Emily is a fit and toned woman just a few inches shorter than Jake. Jake thinks she’s gorgeous though, cute dark brown hair, glasses, freckles, and a nice hourglass body to match. Jake usually fantasizes about getting with woman like her but knows since he’s so fat they’re always out of his league.
Emily reassures him that being here is a good first step especially since he hasn’t been in so long so that helps calm his nerves, but only for a second, as the next thing is the scale. Emily tells him to step on. As the scale tips Emily gets close to adjust the weights to get an accurate read. She accidentally pushes her arm into his fat stomach and apologizes as the scale finally comes to rest. 275 pounds. At 5’10” that’s a morbidly obese BMI. But Jake read somewhere that the BMI scale is full of mistakes so he’s probably fine.
Emily records down the result with a smirk and takes him to the exam room. Once inside she shuts the door and tells him to take a seat on the exam table.
“Looks like you’re here for a regular check up and physical. You haven’t been here in a while so we want to be thorough today.”
Jake nods and listens intently while trying not to stare at her cleavage. She is so hot, he thinks to himself. But then she says she will be doing the physical today and the first part to a thorough exam is to get his blood pressure. Not a big deal at all and it turns out it’s relatively normal. Next though she wants to ask about his weight. This is where Jake gets a little nervous but he’s here for a reason.
“So I want to ask about your weight and your diet to get a baseline of how I can proceed to help. So when you’re eating food do you eat until you’re full or do you eat until you’re stuffed?” Emily asks with a slight smile and she bats her lashes.
“Uhh well I usually just eat what I want, I don’t really think too much about it.” Jake is already turning a little red, knowing he definitely likes to overeat sometimes. Ok, most times. It’s just food is so good and being full makes him happy.
“Ok well what kinds of food are you eating,” Emily questions, “Do you have a good mix of fruits and veggies in your diet, is it mostly fast food, little of both?”
Jake sits there for a bit and looks down at his big squishy gut before giving his answer. “Well let me put it this way, I like to eat food that tastes good. Sometimes I’ll have some fruit and veggies, but most times I do get take out and I try to cook for myself, it just might not be the best for me because I like the tasty fried food and carbs.”
“I appreciate you being honest with me Jake, that’s what I’m here for is to try and help you. Now I can give you some reading about a healthy diet later, but now I want to do some more physical tests. Now please if you could remove your shirt and pants for me.”
Jake looks at her stunned for a second. Maybe he misheard her. But she sits there tidying up her clipboard and clicking some things on the computer. She looks back over to see he hasn’t moved.
“Go ahead and take them off here, I’m the one doing your tests so I’ll see you with them off anyway,” Emily bluntly states.
“Uhh may I uh, ask why I need to do this?” Jake stammers out, his face already turning red.
“It’s to be able to get the most accurate and thorough results from each test. Don’t worry about it I’m not here to judge, I’m here to help. And I need you to be honest and cooperative with me so I can give you the best care,” she smiles at him with a beautiful smile that melts all his worries away. Jake takes off his shirt and pants and sits back down on the exam table, now even more aware of his stomach folds and how much it sits on top of his thighs.
“Ok first I want you to lay back and I’m going to put slight pressure on different parts of your belly.” She proceeds to press on him and each touch feels electric to Jake. Her dainty hands pushing on his huge gut make such a contrast that it kind of turns something on in his brain. He shakes the thoughts and looks to Emily for his next instruction.
“Ok all good there. Now Jake, do you exercise or do any other activity at all? Or do you have more of a sedentary lifestyle?” She says this last part while she eyes his body up and down, noting how squishy he looks and how his fat moobs hang on top of his stomach. Yeah there’s no way this fatty exercises at all she chuckles to herself.
“My job does have me on my feet all day so I say that’s some decent exercise there.”
“Right… well exercise as in does it get your heart pumping, does it make you physically exert yourself at all?”
“In that case, no it doesn’t. I’m sorry.” Jake says dejectedly, thinking being on his feet all day was good enough exercise.
“Oh there’s nothing to apologize about, I just want you to be honest with me so I can help you,” Emily says this with a smile on her face trying to ease the tension Jake is feeling. But then she goes in with another question. “Now Jake do you get out of breath easily when doing light activity? Such as climbing stairs, or jogging? And do you have difficulty getting up out of bed or off your couch? And please be honest with me I won’t judge you I’m here to help.”
Jake’s face turns red again thinking about these questions. It also doesn’t help that he’s in his underwear while a hot nurse looks his fat soft body up and down. “I’m fine going up and down stairs, and I don’t jog much but that might make me winded a little bit. And I’m fine with getting out of bed and off my couch, no difficulty there.”
“Well if that’s the case then you’re doing okay. But now I want to test it. So can I have you step up and down from this step up to the exam table. Do it 15 times to simulate a flight of stairs for me.”
Jake gets up and starts the exercise. It’s relatively easy but he can feel his body jiggling with each step. His thighs rub together, his moobs bouncing up and down, his stomach squishing into his thighs with each step. And after about ten steps he starts to pant. He can’t help it, he’s too much out of shape to hide it. By the fifteenth step he’s broke out in a little sweat and breathing loud enough that nurse Emily can hear him from across the room.
“It doesn’t look like that was too bad for you, but you did get a little more winded than you said you would. That’s ok though because today we’re just getting your baseline. Now please if you could do 15 jumping jacks for me.”
Jake looks at her and sees a small smirk on her face as he starts the jumping jacks. Or was it a smirk? Maybe he’s just seeing things I mean she’s a nurse after all she’s supposed to keep it professional and she told him she’s not judging. These jumping jacks though are really taking it out off him, every jump he feels his belly bounce up and down, his big breasts bounce up and off the top of his belly. His arm fat flapping and his thighs jiggling every time he lands with a big thud. Finally he’s done with his 15 and he’s breathing hard and a little red in the face.
“Please take a seat Jake.” Emily says a little coldly and she starts writing something on her clipboard. “Now it does seem like you could do with some good exercise along with a change of diet. But I think there’s something more to this Jake. I think there’s something you’re not telling me.”
Jake seems confused, “What do you mean by that?” He questions.
“I mean to ask, what is your relationship with food. Even with your sedentary lifestyle you shouldn’t be this fat,” she says as she walks over to him and grabs his fat stomach. “I think you’re hiding how much you actually enjoy your food mister. I don’t think you’re being completely honest with me.”
Jake is entirely confused and now red in the face from the blatant confrontation. Can she just grab my belly like that? And did she just call me fat?
Emily speaks again before he can say anything, “So I want to run one more test if that’s alright with you.” She walks over to the cabinet, opens it, and pulls out a tray of 6 scrumptious looking cupcakes. She sets the tray down next to him on the exam table and then picks one up. “Doesn’t this smell good Jake? Are you hungry would you like a bite? You seem pretty hungry, how many do you think you could eat right now?”
She holds it under his nose and as he gets a whiff his stomach lets out a huge gurgle.
I am pretty hungry but I gotta seem reasonable, he thinks to himself before saying, “uh probably two, maybe three if I push it.”
Emily nods her head approvingly as his stomach lets out another gurgle. “Oh it sure sounds like someone’s hungry, go ahead take a bite.”
Jake seems very unsure but takes a bite from the cupcake. It’s so delicious, one of the best he’s ever had. He can’t help but let a soft moan escape his lips as he goes in for another bite. Soon the cupcake is devoured.
“See I knew you were hungry,” she says as she lets out a cute giggle and pats his tummy. “Now there’s no reason to lie to me Jake, I’m your nurse you can trust me. If you’re hungry you eat simple as that.” Her phone buzzes and she looks down at it with an annoyed look. “Ugh I’m sorry I have to go help in another room really quick, I’ll be back soon,” she says as she walks out and closes the door behind her.
Jake is now alone in the exam room, naked except for his underwear, and wondering what the hell just happened. Something just took over in his brain to just devour the cupcake like that. There’s no way he would willingly do that in front of a nurse, not when he’s here trying to fix the issue of his fat body. She did say it was a test, he thinks. Maybe it’s to show me that I do have a bad relationship with food, surely she is trying to help me. He tries to rationalize what just happened but his stomach gurgles again with hunger. He looks over at the other 5 pristine cupcakes.
“No, I cannot eat any more of those! Bad tummy, bad!” It gurgles again as if in defiance. Ok fine just one more can’t hurt right? Jake picks up the cupcake and starts eating. It’s just as good as the first. So moist, fluffy, and delicious it goes down in three bites. Then as if on autopilot he reaches for another, and then another. He happily chews and swallows all but one cupcake and gives his belly an affectionate pat as if to say good job. Just then the door opens.
“Okay sorry about that I’m back,” Emily says as she walks through the door and closes it behind her. “Where were we?” She then sees the tray of cupcakes and a big smirk appears on her face. “Oh I see where we left off,” she says with a seductive tone. “And I also see just how hungry you were. Now why would you lie to me and say you were only hungry for two, maybe three, when in fact you were hungry enough for all of them.”
Jake’s face turns bright red from embarrassment as he is now brought back to the reality of his situation. He’s sitting there in his underwear in front of a hot nurse with 5 huge cupcakes in his already bulging belly. “I only ate 5 out of the 6 though,” he quietly states with his head down.
Emily tsks disapprovingly and then shakes his fat belly with both hands. “I think you’re still hungry fat boy. There’s still plenty of room in this big belly of yours.” She then picks up the last cupcake and holds it up to his mouth. “Go on, take a bite. I know you want to. Piggy.”
Jake’s mind is racing as the treat is brought to his lips. He wants to deny this last one, to save some small part of his dignity, but then his mind thinks to what she just said. She called him fat, and a pig. And instead of that making him upset, it actually made him turned on. His dick was already getting hard, and being only in his underwear there was no place to hide it. Why is this happening right now, why do I like it? Why do I want more…
Emily noticed immediately, she had been expecting this from Jake. She knew what a glutton he was and she was going to prove it to him, even if he denied it himself. She pushed the treat to his lips and he took a bite. Then another and another until it was gone.
“Good boy Jake, you finished all your food! See that wasn’t so bad was it,” she said the last part while rubbing his stuffed belly. Jake let another small moan out as her fingers worked their magic. Emily giggled at his sounds of content. She knew she had full control now. “This fatty can’t contain himself around food at all,” she thinks to herself, “and I want to test that further.”
“Your stomach still feels like it has room, I’ll be right back.” A couple minutes later she was back with a burger and fries. “Here you go, eat up!” She said in a cheery voice. She then set the food on the exam table and sat and watched. She knew he wouldn’t be able to resist, and that was her favorite part. Seeing the glutton realize the situation he’s in, try oh so desperately to hold back his cravings, only to always lose in the end. That fat gut has a mind of its own, and won’t let him stop eating until all the food in front of him is gone.
Jake looked at the food and rubbed his gut that already had 6 cupcakes in it. He then looked back at Emily who was waiting patiently, just watching his every move. Scanning his fattened form up and down, drinking in the sight of her obese patient. Then without thinking, his hand reached out for the burger and he took a huge bite. Then another. After that a handful of fries. Everything was a blur as he couldn’t stop himself from stuffing past the point of fullness. It just tasted so good he couldn’t let it go to waste.
Emily sits there with a smirk on her face and gets up as he is putting the last bite of burger in his mouth. “Oh what a good piggy you are Jake, I knew you could eat it all.” She then picks up his stomach from the bottom and drops it to watch it bounce and jiggle. “Oh you’re looking so stuffed now, I knew you loved your food.” She continues playing with his belly and rubbing it causing Jake to burp and let out small moans of pleasure. He’s also still rock hard and Emily knows it.
“You’ve been such a good fat piggy for me Jake, now I think it’s time for a reward to show you how much I appreciate your willingness to eat for me.”
Jake is so confused and turned on and stuffed full that his brain is stuck in an erotic fog. All he can do is sit there and let her do whatever she wants. Emily then pulls out one more big cream filled donut and puts it under his nose.
“Now Jake I know you’re very full but I need you to be at max capacity for me, and I still think you have a little room left.”
Jake tried to resist and turn his head, but in that instant she now has moved her hand down between his legs. She grabs hold of his cock and squeezes ever so slightly. His eyes go wide and he looks at his nurse as she says, “Open wide for me piggy, one more treat and you’ll get your reward.” She squeezes his dick a little harder and forces a moan out of him which she then shoves the donut into his mouth, forcing him to take a bite.
“There you go, it’s so good isn’t it? You just can’t stop. You have to eat until it’s all gone don’t you fatty.” She then takes his dick out from his underwear and starts stroking. A strong deliberate motion to make him feel relaxed and turned on. “I want you to eat this donut all for me, and when you do, I’ll let you cum. This will further reinforce the idea that eating until you’re way over full is to be associated with… this kind of treatment.” She says in a low seductive voice while gradually picking up the pace in her strokes.
Jake’s mind is filled with confusing, conflicting statements. He came to the doctor to get help with his weight problem, but here is his nurse forcing him to overeat. And now she is going to make him cum to the feeling of being stuffed to the brim. To top it all off, he is really enjoying this. Almost too much. Like this awoken some reserved special feeling that’s been inside him. He loves overeating and wants to feel this way everyday now. He wants to have nurse Emily help him eat everyday and get fatter and fatter. To become even more squishy and out of shape. His mind then goes to the thought of Emily having to take care of him because of how fat and out of shape he has become. He shudders in ecstasy from the thought.
As all of these thoughts flood his mind, Emily is putting the last piece of donut in his mouth, and as she does this she strokes his dick even faster. Then she grabs one of his big breasts and starts pinching it and sucking on it. Jake is on the verge of release when she whispers in his ear, “You are my glutton now. My good boy who eats everything I give him. Now be a good piggy and cum for me.”
As she says these last words Jake’s mind reaches euphoria and he cums. All of his thoughts leave his brain and all he feels is the rush of dopamine from how full he is and the erotic words and touch of his nurse. He can’t wait for his next appointment.
Thanks for reading :) I’ve been a long time enjoyer of this site and wanted to post something of my own. I’m open to suggestions and would like to write some more stories soon, maybe even using some of your ideas. Thanks again xx
College Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
No Transformation
1 chapter, created 4 months
, updated 4 months