Chapter 1 - [1] unexpected encounter
Evelyn stared into her cup of coffee, bored. She wanted love, but couldn't find the right girl for her. She was only attracted to 'certain' girls. Whenever she dated one, she would get carried away and do something which scared them away. Although Evelyn didn't mean to, the girls who she liked were self conscious of what Evelyn pointed out. She loved big girls. Not just big girls. She loved them huge, massive, enormous. Unfortunately, she could never find a girl who also enjoyed their chub, which made her dream of being a feeder very difficult.Suddenly the door to the coffee shop opened, the breeze to fly into Evelyn's face, messing up her wavy, blonde hair. Looking up in annoyance at the interruption of her thoughts, she made eye contact with the 'intruder'. She was fat, 400 pounds at the minimum. Her short pink hair matched the girl's chubby cheeks as she waddled to a flabbergasted Evelyn. The girl's thighs jiggled and her hips were too wide for the close together chairs, forcing her to walk sideways. Then, another girl came in. She was around the same size as the pink haired girl, she had long brown hair with emerald green eyes. Her belly was far too big for her shirt and her breasts sat on top of her doughy midsection, complimenting her size immensely.
The pink haired girl waved over to the other and pointed at Evelyn. Evelyn was too shocked to say a word, all she could do was blush and stare. The girl with brown hair had as much difficulty as her friend with traversing the shop. Her tummy often bumped into the chairs, and she giggled apologetically when her gut pressed into an old gentleman's back. After what felt like forever, the two beauties were towering over Evelyn. Now that they were closer, Evelyn could really take in just how fat they were. Weight aside, they were both stunning, and Evelyn was shaking with excitement and fear. What did they want?
"Hey," the pink haired girl said, "I'm Keira," Evelyn just gulped and nodded, unable to speak.
"And I'm Lily," the other girl said. Without asking, they sat down at Evelyn's table, sighing with relief.
"It's hard work lifting all of this around," Lily giggled, lifting up her already small shirt for a second so Evelyn could take in the view. The skinny girl was as red as a tomato!
"Yes! We found one!" Keira cheered, hugging her fat friend with delight.
"We can spot feeders from a mile away," Lily said.
"W-what?" Evelyn stammered, was she dreaming?
"You know what I said, will you help us get bigger? We've always wanted a feeder." Lily asked, giving Evelyn a cute, wanting look.
"I-I..." Evelyn was speechless now, this was so unexpected and odd it was hard to process what was going on.
"She's confused, Lil," Keira chuckled, "How about we discuss it over lunch?" It didn't seem to be a question, the two girls took Evelyn by the hand and led her out of the store.
3 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 5 years