Too much beer

Chapter 1 - planting an idea

It was a Saturday morning, Andy and Amy both woke up around the same time, 9am. They had recently moved to Chicago and were settling in to their routines nicely. Andy was a copywriter working remotely, and Amy recently got hired to work at an animal daycare center, it's what brought them to Chicago. Even though Amy hadn't secured anything more than an entry level job, it was enough for them both to move - they were both looking for any excuse for a new adventure and with Andy's remote job it was extremely easy to pickup and go anywhere.

Amy had recently got let go from a small arts & crafts studio that was struggling to stay open, and she just happened to see a post from Sarah, an old acquaintance on Facebook "Hey y'all! I'm moving on up in the world and sadly will be saying goodbye to my family at Riverside Pet Care, if anyone needs a job and loves puppies and kitties let me know! I'm hoping to fill my spot here and the staff is awesome. Let me know if you have any questions". Amy wasn't really friends with Sarah, but she did loves animals so she reached out and got the job.

Amy and Andy both rolled out of bed and walked in to the kitchen to start their usual morning routine. Amy started to make some coffee while Andy washed a few dirty mugs that were in the sink. As the coffee brewed and they had a moment to kill Amy walked up to Andy and pressed her body against his for a little warming cuddle-sesh. They were both still in their underwear and it was a little brisk in the apartment this morning. Andy was an average height guy, with an athletic build and a little bit of muscle. Amy was about 5'4" with a couple extra pounds on her, but luckily her body did her the favor of directing those extra pounds in her chest and ass more than anywhere else. She was a solid hourglass shape with just enough to pinch in her tummy and her cheeks.

"What do you want to do today?" Andy asked. "Idk, we could head in to town and just walk around, it's pretty nice out today!" Amy replied with her head against his chest. Andy patted her butt and gave it a little playful pinch "Sounds good to me! Is this what you're wearing?" He joked. "Yup!" She replied teasingly, followed by "Coffee's ready!" And she bounced over to the coffee machine and poured a couple mugs.

They enjoyed some coffee, got dressed, and headed out into the town. Andy was happy it was nice out because it meant Amy would dress more comfortably - with some tight jeans and a small t-shirt pulled tightly across her chest she was extremely easy to look at. Her beautifully wavy light brown hair and big green eyes didn't hurt either.

A couple hours had passed, they had walked along the canal, through some parks, gotten a couple coffees, stopped in to a few nick-nack shops, and it was getting close to that time for one of their favorite places - the local German beer garden. Beer gardens had originally been an interest of Andys, but since they had been together, and especially since they had moved to Chicago, Amy really absorbed it as a passion of her own. She used to be more of a cocktail person but had taken to beer culture and was now a driving force behind their frequent visits to the beer garden. When moving somewhere new it's easy to latch on to a couple key places to build a sense of familiarity and routine, and for Amy and Andy, the beer garden was it.

They walked in, and went to the bar to get a couple of beers. "Hey guys! What can I get for you today?" Asked the bartender. Amy is always excited to order when she's got her eye on something. "Oooooo can I please get the Hefeweizen?" She asked with a big cheeky smile. "Can I have the same thing?" Andy asked. "Sure thing" said the bartender, "What size pour?" Andy and Amy looked at each other mischievously, because last time they were here they talked about the idea of ordering the humongous boot shaped mugs on a day where they had no plans. And today they had no plans. Andy turned their shared glance in to action and answered for the both of them. "Can we get the big boot mugs please?". Amy let out an "oh my god" with an embarrassed, awkward smile on her face, but she didn't protest. The Bartender heavily placed a couple of 2-liter boot-shaped mugs on the counter with a hearty "There ya go!" Amy's eyes got big while picking hers up "Oh my god this thing is huge, there goes any Saturday plans!" Andy payed and the bartender joked "Let me know if you need help finishing those!".

Amy and Andy walked to the back terrace where there was lush greenery, and an amazing overlook of the canal cutting through downtown Chicago. They walked to the edge and placed their drinks on the thin standing bar, and did a bit of people watching as they drank. They talked about life, and the city, and things they might wanna do while they drank their giant boot beers. As usual, Amy got on the topic of her professional life and how she wants it to go somewhere. She's great at a lot of things, and wants to do many things but she seems to be stuck in the entry level job chapter of life. She has a degree and wants to actually use it for something. And as usual - Andy tried to reassure her and let her know she's getting there, and that it's just a longer road, not a shorter one.

After an hour and a half Amy was halfway through her giant beer, Andy had drank a little more but usually tries to slow down to not outpace his girlfriend too much. "This beer's really hitting me, I need to eat something" said Amy. "Ya I could go for one of their pretzels." Andy agreed. "I'll get it!" Amy exclaimed, "I have to go to the bathroom anyways". She headed inside as Andy took another sip and looked out to the city. He knew that she liked to buy the smaller things as her way of chipping in - like a pretzel, or offering to split gas every once in a while. Andy payed for the majority of things including the bigger chunk of their rent, and he suspected that Amy might have a slightly skewed perception of the amount she chipped in, but he didn't mind.

Amy walked back out on to the terrace with a giant pretzel that already had a bite taken out of it. "the beer cheese here is soooo frickin good" she said through her chewing mouth. "I know" He replied with a smirk on his face, "Now can I have a bite?" He reached for the pretzel before she whipped it back while grabbing his hand. "Hold on" she said with her mouth still full, she chewed for another second, swallowed, dipped the pretzel into the beer cheese then took another big bite. She then handed him the pretzel and lovingly rubbed his arm while she pulled out her phone to scroll through insta a little. Andy took a bite of the pretzel and just watched Amy for a sec while she scrolled on her phone, chewed her pretzel, and took a big gulp of her beer to wash it down. She looked really good.

He always liked it when she indulged. Amy has had a few chapters of her life at this point where she had gained about 30 pounds, and then lost most of it. But while her whole body got bigger when she gained, she had a knack for keeping fat in her chest and ass when she lost weight. Thanks to this quirk she's gone from an B cup to a full D cup in the past 4 years, and her ass is pretty noticeable in tight pants. Amy has always had a tiny twinge of "greedy hot girl" in her personality, and it seemed like her body was aligned with this philosophy as her chest and ass held on to fat much more greedily than the rest of her body. It's like her body's on a mission to be hotter.

"You look hot" Andy said with a sly smile on his face. Amy's attention was drawn up from her phone screen while her mouth was full of pretzel, and her right hand was holding her giant beer. She then held back a burst of laughter trying not to spew pretzel in Andy's face. She regained her composure and swallowed. "Really?? Now when I'm stuffed full of pretzel and beer??" She said with a sarcastic tone. "Ya, you look super good in those jeans and that little shirt" Andy reinforced. "You should keep doing whatever you're doing, cuz it's working." "Well that's easy" Amy replied as she took a big sip of her beer. "I just have to watch out for this thing" As she looked down and poked her little tummy. "Oh that's easy" Andy said as we waved away the problem. "Just wear one of those German beer girl dresses, you know where you can pull a string and make it tight around your stomach". "Is that what you want me to wear?" Amy teased. "Ya, don't you think you'd look good?" Andy replied, testing his luck. "Fine, but you're buying it for me" Amy stated as she poked him hard on his chest. Andy poked her chest back. "I knew you were gonna do that!" Amy said, laughing. Andy then put his hand on her arm and said "And if you ever want to drop everything and move to Germany and be a full time hot beer girl just let me know". He was completely joking, but also totally serious. The "joking/but serious" card is one he's played many times in the past. "Yes babe, I will let you know" Amy humored him as she took another sip of her beer. and rubbed his arm.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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BulletSpire 2 years
I like where this is going