Valerie's New Desires

  By Eggmf92  

Chapter 1 - The Dream

Valerie Valdez woke up with her heart racing, having just had a dream that could only be described as bizarre and maybe even arousing. She couldn't believe it, here she was at 27 years old and she had just had a wet dream about...eating and gaining weight.

"What a strange dream," she said to herself as she couldn't escape how real it felt. In her dream, Valerie had been sitting at the kitchen table at least 100 pounds, maybe even 200 pounds heavier than she currently was. Her mom Paula was serving her plate after plate of all of her favorite foods, encouraging her to clean her plate, to try this cake, to eat this slice of pie, to drink her shake. Valerie kept eating and eating, growing and growing until finally the chair gave way from beneath her as waves of pleasure overcame her.

Taking a moment to collect herself and her weird thoughts this morning, she looked down at herself and thought about the past year. At 5'1 and 140 pounds, Valerie was already very curvy, especially in her lower body. Her hips flared out softly and she had a cute bubble butt, but lately her little stomach had softened. When her dad died unexpectedly last year, Valerie turned to food for comfort more than she ever had, remembering all the good times she had eating food with her dad as a single child growing up. As a result, she had already gained 10 pounds in the year prior. Her habbits had slowly changed as well, as evening jogs around the neighborhood were replaced by staying in and watching tv or working late. She felt angry at herself for not showing up for dinner with her parents all those times she had been invited and found herself drinking a bit more often, smoking weed a little bit more frequently, and snacking a bit more too to cope with her dull sense of guilt. She had done well at work, being promoted to supervisor 3 months ago, had even started working on an old art project she had long forgotten about, and was starting to accept and move on from the loss of her father despite some of her growing vices. Every time she saw her beautiful mom Paula though, she couldnt help but feel horrible, the memories of the 3 of them together flooding back.

Feeling terrible for her mom, knowing she was going through a lot, Valerie had decided to move back home with her to keep her company and save up some money. Even though her dad had been a decently successful business owner and had left a generous life insurance policy as well as investments in their name, Valerie enjoyed working. But she would have much rather take time to enjoy life with her mom, even considering quitting her job right before moving.

Paula was all she had left and Valerie absolutely loved her mother, but it seemed in the week that she had gotten back, Paula had been really persistent about getting her to eat more. She would act hurt if Valerie didn't finish her meal or get seconds and was always cooking or baking something. Her kitchen was packed with sweets, snacks, and sodas too, something she could never remember her mom doing growing up. Valerie could tell cooking was her mom's coping mechanism and would try and eat everything she made just to make her feel better, but it was a lot of food. Then she had this dream...

"Why do I kind of want my dream to come true?" she asked herself, heart racing with excitement.

Valerie's thoughts were interrupted by an amazing smell coming from the kitchen, bacon. She stretched, put on some yoga pants and went to the kitchen to greet her mom. Paula was already busy cooking up a meal for a family of 5 rather than 2 women. "Good morning sweetheart, I'm just finishing up the bacon. There's a big stack of chocolate chip pancakes ready for you, I know they're you're favorite. Go ahead and eat up," Paula said.

Valerie's heart leapt with joy. She realized she could start her plan today and no one would say a thing. "Plan?" She asked herself. "Are you really going to do this Val? Maybe if I just got a little chubby first no one would say anything or I could still change my mind. I mean, lots of people gain weight while working at a call center, right?" She reasoned. "Good morning mom, It smells amazing in here," Valerie said cheerfully.

She sat down at the table in awe of the feast in front of her. "Why is she always cooking so much?" Valerie wondered to herself, secretly thankful. She began to eat with gusto, never realizing just how much she loved her mom's cooking. Every bite and swallow of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and crispy bacon made Valerie more satisfied and determined to follow her plan, almost as if a switch has gone off in her brain that she couldn't turn off. As she ate, Paula looked on with joy at how much food her daughter is eating, seemingly proof of her being a good mom. But as Valerie slows down, feeling incredibly full, Paula has to encourage her to keep going. "You can do it, baby girl," Paula coaxed Valerie. "Just a few more bites and you'll be done with breakfast." Valerie obeyed her mom, forcing the hot and fluffy pancakes down her throat. As she eats, she notes how warm and heavy her stomach feels, smiling to herself.

Paula took notice of Valerie's slowing pace and cut the last bit of pancakes into bite-sized pieces and urged her to eat on. Soon after, Valerie swallowed the last of her breakfast, feeling positively stuffed. Paula looked on with pride.

"You're becoming quite the eater honey," she says to Valerie brightly. Valerie sat at the table for a bit, enjoying the feeling of her newly expanded belly. She couldn't believe how good it felt to be full and to overeat. As she gets up from the table, the weight of her breakfast hits her hard, causing her to stumble towards the living room. Valerie manages to get to the couch and plops down, feeling the cushions enveloping her. "Oof, I could get used to this. That was so good!" She said, rubbing her bloated belly. Why did this feel so natural to her?

Valerie turned on the TV and spent the morning lounging on the couch. The warm sun cast a golden light into the room, adding to the cozy atmosphere. As she watched TV, her mind wandered to the prospect of eating more and more, of gaining lots of weight, of becoming supersized just like her dream. The thoughts felt invasive, yet she couldn't help herself. She ended up putting on the show my 600 pound life just out of curiosity. As she watched, she chuckled to herself that she could probably never get that big. But she could try... Before long, she dozed off, falling into a blissful sleep filled with dreams of tasty treats. In her dream, Valerie found herself in a world where food was unlimited, and everything she ate was delicious. She indulged in every possible thing she could think of, her body swelling and growing with every bite. Her mom cooked for her frantically as she ate and ate and ate. Pizza, burgers, pasta, fried rice, not to mention all types of pies, cakes, and other sweets, found their way into her enormous swelling stomach. A feeling of warmth washed over her as she grew bigger and bigger in her dream until she finally woke to a sound in the kitchen.
4 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Perenolde 1 year
Great start! Can't wait to see where you take it.
Eggmf92 1 year
Thanks! I have a lot of material left, just need to find time to edit.