Witch's Model Meal

Chapter 1 (And so it begins)

Lucy was 20 years old when she began her modelling career. It had now been 5 long years of modelling and Lucy wanted to take a break. She had managed to book herself a spot at a secluded motel and used the GPS in her car to follow the trail. As she drove through the wooded area, she had neglected to fill her car before the journey, which lead to her running out of gas and the car breaking down in the middle of the woods.

“Shit,” Lucy groaned to herself. She knew the nearest gas station was miles away. She sighed and pulled her bag out from the trunk and started walking down the dirt trail. The trees towered above Lucy and their branches tangled together creating a dark, ominous ceiling. The trees seemed to close in on her, she couldn’t see 5 feet in front of her. The air was dense with the scent of mud and wood. There were small insects flying around her, she couldn’t tell if they were moths or mosquitoes. The sound of leaves rustling echoed through the forest and Lucy shivered. Suddenly, the trees opened up, and Lucy found herself staring at a small cottage. There were black plumes of smoke coming out of the chimney. Lucy quickened her pace towards the cottage and knocked on the door, but no one answered.
“Hello?” Lucy knocked once more and heard an old voice, “Come on in.”

The owner of the cottage was none other than Esmerelda, the powerful witch who fattens up her human prey to feast on, which helps her retain her beauty. She had sensed Lucy's presence from miles away and set up her trap. She prepared many sweet and gluttonous dishes ready for her arrival, spreading them across the table. She also left the door ajar so Lucy could venture her way inside. She made the plans in the basement, cleaning out the remnants of her last meal, making the cage livable yet again as she had awaited Lucy's arrival.

Lucy slowly opened the door and stepped in. The room was warm and filled with a comforting aroma of baked goods and hot tea. Lucy’s eyes grew wide as she took in the assortment of foods spread before her. “Is this some kind of...party? Is there a feast I’m invited to?” "You could say that" Esmerelda thought to herself. "Welcome to my home my dear. Please, feast yourself on all my meals. I sensed you were lost so I prepared this spread just for you. And don't be afraid of making a...pig...of yourself." She giggled as she said this.

Esmerelda revealed herself to Lucy, dressed in long purple robes that looked to be hundreds of years old. Lucy saw that her body looked to be in its mid 30’s yet she sensed a wickedness in the witch that made her uneasy. “Are you the owner of this cottage?” “Indeed, and I am so happy to make your acquaintance. Now come, sit and eat.” She gestured to the table that sat across the room. Lucy eagerly did as she was told. She was famished from her walk, and this was the best feast she had ever laid eyes on. She dug in and ate her fill and as she did, Esmerelda sat in the corner watching, smiling.

Lucy finished the entire spread in a single sitting and leaned back in her chair, her stomach bulging from eating so much in one go. The witch slowly got up and approached Lucy. “Now that you’re fed, let me show you to your room. I am sure you are tired from your journey.” "I mean I am a little sleepy, but I must find my way back on the road or at least to a gas station to fill my car." She tries to get up but for some reason is feeling rather dizzy. "Oh wow, I must be sleepier than I realized.” "Well, then I will just carry you to your new room and make sure you get some rest." The witch wrapped her arms around Lucy’s waist and lifted her up. Lucy was too weak to struggle as she was carried to the room.

As she was being carried, Lucy saw that the house was rather small. It looked like it only had a living room and a kitchen, then the room the witch took her to. Lucy saw a large cage with a mattress and some blankets set up inside. “What is this?” Lucy’s words were slurred now. “This will be your room for the duration of your stay. But don’t worry, I will feed you daily.” Lucy tried to get out of the witch’s clutches but it was too late. The witch tossed her in the cage and slammed it shut. “Wait, I’m sorry. You must be confused. I am not going to stay here, I need to get back on my journey.”

[Lucy]: "Oh don't worry my dear, I will take good care of you for the remainder of your stay. Now, I feel that we need to dress you in much more suitable attire, don't you?" The witch then produced a large, puffy diaper. "Here, put this on." Lucy hesitated, "You have got to be joking." "Do I look like I am joking?" The witch looked at her with bright red eyes. Lucy looked down and saw that she was still wearing her outfit. She slowly stripped out of it until she was standing completely naked. "Now, put that on." Lucy had no choice, she had to comply. She put the diaper on and the witch strapped it up for her.

“There now, doesn’t that feel better?” Lucy nodded her head as the witch walked back to the main part of the house, locking her up inside. That first night was one of the worst nights Lucy would ever have. The mattress was hard and smelled bad. The room was musty and cold. And she couldn’t sleep, only thinking about what the witch’s plans were for her. She tried to cry out for help, but no one could hear her.

Lucy woke up to the sound of the cage unlocking. She sat up, looking to see the witch bringing her a tray of food. "Good morning my dear. Did you sleep well?" Lucy backed away from the cage, afraid of what the witch was planning on doing to her. "Please, let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about you. I have a lot of money and can pay you." "Oh dearie, I don't want your money." "But just think of what you could do with the money. You could buy yourself a bigger house instead of this tiny one you live in." "Oh dear, my dear, you know so very little about me and my past. You see, I have been alive for well over 500 years. The only reason I live in this cottage is because it’s secluded, and I want to be alone. Now, eat your food."

The witch sat the tray down and started walking away. "Wait, 500 years??? You mean...you're a witch!!! No!!! That can't be!! Witches don't exist!!!" "Oh my dear. You're so young and dumb. I am most certainly a witch and I am going to fatten you up until you’re ready for dinner." "No, this is a joke!!! Come on, who put you up to this? Was it Tony? Is this because I slept with his brother?" "Tony? Brother? I don’t know what you are talking about. But what I do know is that I have been waiting years for the perfect meal and you are just it."

"No, this can't be real!!! Stay away from me!!! I must be dreaming, yeah that's it!!" "Stay away? It's a bit too late for that." The witch grabbed Lucy’s foot and dragged her over to the tray. "Eat." Lucy, afraid of what the witch would do, decided to pick up one of the pastries and bite into it. It was one of the best things she had ever tasted. Unbeknownst to her, Esmerelda had also cast a hunger enchantment on the food which meant that Lucy would feel painfully hungry all the time

"Now, that wasn’t so hard now was it. Remember, you need to eat everything on your plate for dessert." The witch walked away and left the room, locking the door behind her. That day was filled with Lucy stuffing herself with whatever she could.
3 chapters, created 2 months , updated 2 months
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