Chapter 1
Lisa heard Jessica screaming from her computer. "Yes!!! He wants to meet up!!!" Lisa jumped with a startle. "Gosh girl, you almost gave me a heart attack!!" "Sorry, but I am just so excited that he wants to meet." "I don't know sis, something seems a little off." "Oh quiet, you're just jealous that he likes me." Lisa rolled her eyes at this. She was the complete opposite of her sister. Lisa was a brunette that was always hitting the books and studying away. Jessica on the other hand, loved to party and drink and do nothing else. Jessica was a blonde female college student and she had been speaking to this guy named Tim online. The two of them had been chatting for a good while now and he was interested in meeting up. "Well you're not going anywhere alone. If he really likes you, he doesn't mind me tagging along." "But why do you want to go? You don't even know him." "He asked you out, not me, but you're not going anywhere unless I tag along." Jessica rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine, but if you ruin this for me, I will kill you."The next night Jessica and Lisa met with Tim for their first date. Tim was a tall man of considerable build, but it wasn't muscle. It looked more like fat. Jessica didn't let this deter her though, as Tim's money would provide for her and then some. Tim led the girls to his car and they all set off to a nearby restaurant. They made it in a few minutes and Tim ordered his meal. He picked the meat platter which consisted of slabs of pork, steak, chicken and lamb. "Wow, my man has quite the appetite" says Jessica as she watches him order. "Well I have to have one to keep up with someone ravenous like you." This made her blush. She looked at the menu and decided to order the bonanza burger which consisted of a 1/2 pound patty stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon and then deep fried. It also came with a bucket of fries and a large chocolate fudge shake, which had an option to add alcohol. Since she wasn't driving she went for a double shot of vodka.
"Umm, I think you should slow down. Remember you aren't used to eating this much." says Lisa. "Shut up, this is my first time in a real restaurant. I'm going to enjoy it." Lisa shook her head and ordered the shrimp and vegetable platter. She knew she wouldn't be able to stomach anything much more. "You're a feisty one aren't you?" said Tim to Jessica. "That's what I like, a girl with some spunk and hunger." Jessica giggled at this and he squeezed her hand in his. Jessica got excited at this feeling. Her meal soon came and she dug in.
The food was delicious, but her jaw soon started to ache from eating so much. She was full by the time her burger was 2/3 gone, but the sight of Tim licking his fingers was so sexy she was determined to finish her meal. With that she forced down the rest of her burger. She felt a bit sick after, but when she saw Tim's eyes light up with excitement, it made the pain worth it. Tim then looked at Lisa's plate and saw that there was still food there. "Now I know you girls aren't leaving anything here. You've been teasing me all night and you're going to give it to me now." Jessica laughed and shovelled the rest of Lisa's food down. Lisa watched in horror. "She isn't used to that much food sis. It was way too much." "Shut up you. He knows how I roll better than you do."
"See, your sister knows best," says Tim with a wink to Lisa. This of course made Lisa trust him less. She had heard of creeps online who loved nothing but to feed girls and turn them into immobile slobs for their pleasure and knew that if that's what he planned to do, Jessica would probably do what he says. She didn't like the way he looked at her one bit and decided to say something. "Ok sis, we do have a term paper that is due tomorrow so we better leave." "Wait, I thought you said that you girls were done with Freshman year." "We are, but I want to get a head start on my classes for next year." "Don't mind my sister, she's just a nerd." This of course angered Lisa. "Fine, you know what, fuck you. I'm leaving."
"Whoa, now don't be like that. Let me walk you to the car." Tim then pulled out his phone and said, "Now listen, you two have made my night. I want to make yours too. Come up to my cabin for the weekend and we can party it up." Jessica agreed, but Lisa protested. "Oh come on, you said you wanted to get a head start, it's still Thursday. You'll have plenty of time. Now come on and let's get going." She wanted nothing but to leave this whole situation, but of course she knew her sister couldn't say know to a party, even if it felt like a trap. "Fine, I'll tag along but you won't make me dance. You two can do whatever you like." She gave Tim an untrustworthy glare.
The two of them piled into the back of the car while Tim took the driver's seat and drove off. The ride to his cabin was quiet. Jessica couldn't wait to get there and have fun, but she could tell that Lisa was uncomfortable. They finally arrived at the cabin and Jessica noticed that it looked like something out of a horror movie. "Oh this looks creepy" says Jessica. "Come on, you'll see." Tim took them to his room and opened a hidden compartment in the floor. Inside was a cage. "See, I built this especially for you." "What do you mean? Are you a kidnapper or something?" "Oh no, not that. I just want to keep you safe and make sure you have all you can eat." "You're going to fatten me up aren't you?" says Jessica with a grin. "Oh yes, I am going to fatten your plump little ass up into a nice big piggy." Jessica loved being referred to as a piggy and started to giggle at this.
"Oh my god, you idiot." says Lisa. "Shut up nerd." says Tim as he slapped her. "You're just jealous because I want her and not you." "Listen to me you freak." She grabs him by the throat. "I know exactly what you are up to. I've read about weirdos like you online and I am not going to stand by and just watch you fatten up my sis into one of those grotesque monsters on those documentary shows. You got it!!!" He then grabs her hand away. "Oh don't you worry, she won't be anything like those girls on the documentaries. Now, before me and your sister have some fun together, I want to talk to you in private. Jessie, you go down inside the cage, there are some lovely cakes waiting for you down there." She didn't need much coaxing as she made her way down the stairs and began to feast on the creamy pastries. "I have my eye on you." Lisa says as they both make their way into the cabin. As soon as they do, Tim locks the door, leading her into the kitchen where there was a large cage, taking out his gun
"Oh my god what are you going to do to me?" she says. "Nothing yet, but I'm going to lock you in the cage and watch you eat all those sweets I have for you. They are coated in weight gain drugs and will make you nice and plump." "I am not going down without a fight. You're not doing this to me!!" She tried to run but he grabbed her and tied her up. He then took off all her clothes and put a diaper on her before tossing her in the cage. She cried as she watched him lock up the cage door. "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit. I'm sure you will love the food and you'll be plumping out in no time." "You fucking psycho!!! I knew you weren't to be trusted!!! It's one thing fattening up my sister to one of those large whale girls on the news but I never agreed to any of this!!!" "Oh I don't think you fully grasp the idea at all. I am not one of those chubby chasers that you see online. I crave a lot more and both you and your sister will fulfill my deepest desires." He then gives Lisa a lick across the face, licking away her salty tears. "And don't worry, this room is sound proof so your sister won't hear your screams when it happens."
Jessica felt a bit sick to her stomach. She had been blinded by lust and greed. She knew now that she and her sister were in a bad situation. She hoped that she could convince him that she had been a mistake. She grabbed the bars of the cage. "Please let me out!! I am not like them!!" "I am not releasing you. You see, I have been starving for quite a while now and you two are going to be my first meal. I've always wanted to roast a girl into one of those yummy fat pigs I've seen on TV, but it takes quite a lot of effort to make them into that form and I've just gotten the chance to try it. You are going to spend the next week feasting on your own personal candy buffet I have prepared for you and then when you're nice and plump, I will take you out of there and throw you into a roasting oven." She felt sick to the stomach upon hearing this. "Wait, you're going to eat us!!! You're a fucking cannibal!!!" "I like to think of myself as a gourmet chef. Now of course you know your fate, but your sister is going to be my plaything and seeing how naive she has been already, will play right into my little trap."
She felt so sick. She was sure she wouldn't be able to survive a week in this cage eating all that food. She knew that by the time he let her out, she would be so large she couldn't even move. He then shut off the lights and locked the door. The only light she could see came from a small kitchen window that was right at the top. She couldn't even see the food down here. She was now left alone with her thoughts. All she could do now is hope that someone comes to her rescue before it's too late. She heard Tim's car start up and realized that he went to get supplies. She heard the car pull off and she knew this was her chance to escape. She started to look around the cage, trying to find a weak spot she could squeeze through, but all she could find was the bars which were way too far apart for her to fit through. Her eyes then began to focus on the lock. The lock had a small key hole that seemed to be a little bit larger than normal locks. She thought about this for a moment and suddenly got an idea.
Thriller & Suspense
Weight gain
4 chapters, created 3 weeks
, updated 3 weeks