Yo-yo Dieting

Chapter 1

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Madison studied her reflection in the mirror, admiring the subtle curves that defined her feminine figure. Despite her modest weight of 130 pounds, Madison's hourglass proportions made her appear voluptuous.

Her gaze lingered on her ample bosom, those rounded mounds straining against the fabric of her top. At thirty, her breasts with rosy nipples, seemed to defy gravity, overflowing her bra in a tantalizing display. The V-neck top she wore, along with her slightly padded bra, highlighted her round, full boobs.

Below, her narrow waist provided an alluring contrast to her wide hips, shapely legs and round, full butt. The form-fitting jeans she wore where stretched tight across her hips and thighs, emphasizing the noticeable rounding of her ass.

As Madison turned slightly, the morning light danced across her flawless skin, accentuating the natural rosiness of her cheeks.

Her chestnut hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, framing her heart-shaped face and delicate features.

While browsing YouTube one evening, a provocative title grabbed Madison’s attention: The Truth About Yo-Yo Dieting. Intrigued by the unfamiliar term, Madison clicked play, unaware that this chance discovery would profoundly alter her life. The renowned fitness guru who hosted the video was delving into the phenomenon of weight cycling, also known as yo-yo dieting. As she listened intently, Madison learned about the common pattern of shedding pounds through strict dieting and exercise, only to regain them once normal eating habits resumed. The expert then presented compelling scientific findings, explaining how fat cells retain a memory making it easier to re-accumulate fat after dieting.

As the video progressed, the host shared poignant stories of individuals who had initially lost a considerable amount of weight, earning accolades and admiration from loved ones. However, a sobering reality soon emerged: nearly all of these individuals ultimately regained the weight they had painstakingly lost, and in many cases, they ended up gaining even more.

This relapse led to profound feelings of guilt and humiliation for the subjects, who were also met with scorn and ridicule from the very people who had previously praised their success.

As she watched the video unfold, a peculiar excitement began to build within her. The notion of individuals achieving notable weight losses, only to subsequently regain and even exceed their former weight, stirred something primal inside. It wasn't the weight loss itself that aroused her, but rather the inevitable, uncontrollable nature of the subsequent gains.

As Madison sat engrossed in the video, a slow-burning heat began to spread through her body and her genitals. The more she learned about the cyclical pattern of weight loss and gain, the hotter she got.

Images of her own reflection, transformed by the accumulation of a massive amount of fat, danced in her imagination, stoking the flames of her arousal. She felt an overwhelming urge to surrender to her cravings, to let her body balloon with excessive weight. The thought of defying societal norms, of rejecting the idealized beauty standards that had always constrained her, sent shivers down her spine.

Madison's breath quickened as she envisioned the shocked expressions on her friends' faces, the disgust in strangers' eyes, the pity in her family's gazes as they beheld her fattened figure. The idea of intentionally gaining weight, of letting her body succumb to its deepest desires, was both terrifying and exhilarating. She imagined the softness of her skin, the roundness of her curves, and the way her body would sway with every step. The thought of exploring new dimensions of pleasure and decadence—of experiencing the world from a different perspective, sent a wave of excitement through her.

Madison's heart pounded with excitement...she was ready to give it a try.

Intrigued by the tantalizing prospect of experiencing the thrill firsthand, Madison devised a plan. To first part of her plan involved getting her body in “starvation mode”. To do this, she would have to drastically reduce the amount of food she ate and seriously restrict the number of calories she consumed each day. Also, to help burn calories, she would exercise excessively.

She would continue this regiment until she succeeded in losing 10 pounds—a number carefully chosen to initiate the desired chain reaction.

Madison's mind raced with visions of the praise and admiration she'd receive upon revealing her slimmer physique. She imagined her friends gathering around, oohing and ahhing over her shrinking waistline and toned arms. Their envious glances and heartfelt compliments would be music to her ears. At work, colleagues would whisper excitedly, speculating about her secret weight loss strategy. They'd pat her on the back, congratulating her on taking control of her health and her body. Madison craved the attention. The validation would be intoxicating, a heady cocktail of approval and adoration.

Madison had a rush of sexual excitement knowing that all the praise she would receive would abruptly end when she suddenly curtailed her exercise routine and started overeating.
Then she would receive attention for a different reason, because the next part of her plan was to intentionally gain 30 pounds.

Considering the weight she would lose initially and the subsequent gaining of an additional 30 pounds, that would put her new weight total at 150 pounds. Madison guessed that this amount of body weight would elicit the maximum shock and disdain from the people she knew.

But Madison's plan didn’t stop there. After allowing herself to balloon to this new size, she would once again tighten her belt, cutting calories and exercising obsessively until she shed another 10 pounds. After she accomplished that, she would once again engage in a life of indulgence, forcing her body to add another 30 pounds of fat to her figure. She would continue this cycle of losing 10 and gaining 30 until she reached her ultimate goal of 300 pounds.

Madison got turned-on thinking about the havoc this plan would have on her body’s metabolism and physiology. She knew that starving her body would significantly slow down her metabolism. However, when she suddenly began overeating, her body would instinctively store more fat in an effort to replenish its depleted energy reserves and protect against potential future periods of starvation.

In addition to that, Madison remembered what she had leaned in the Yo-Yo diet video about fat cells developing a memory. She knew that when she cut back on her food consumption, her fat cells would shrink, but when she once again started eating normally (or even worst start overeating) her fat cells would explode in size causing her to easily and quickly add more fat to her body.
10 chapters, created 2 months , updated 1 month
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ChrisBsmurfin 1 month
Sounds a good plan to me 🙂
GainingAddict5 1 month
Another great read.
Mothman1953 1 month
I must be honest...I like it too.
Pd500 1 month
The RELATIONSHIP makes this so much better!! Thanks for this wonderful material.
Mothman1953 1 month
Coming from you, that means a lot to me.
Petebj1 2 months
captivating story. Makes me want to caress your wonderful fat curves all over your body.
Mothman1953 1 month
Thank you so much! Have you read my other stories?
Sir Neapolitan 2 months
Wonderful story! Yo yo dieting is such a fum concept to play around with and you did it brilliantly! Hats off to you! 😄
Mothman1953 2 months
Thank you so much!
Japeti110 2 months
I like this story.write More.
Mothman1953 2 months
Thank you - I will.
Pyracollinsn... 2 months
I would love more chapters to this story! Maybe Tanya can get Madison to over 500lbs of blubbery goodness!
Mothman1953 2 months
I was thinking about doing just that.
Mothman1953 2 months
You were the inspiration for me to write Part 2. Check it out.
LLP 2 months
Mothman1953 2 months
Thank you so much!