Growing man tits

The meat wopper has virtually no estrogen, so 18 million times zero is still zero. (click bait) BC pills years ago contained a lot of estrogen, but they have very little estrogen now. If you take any form of estrogen, you would still need to take an anti-androgen to get boobs. Body fat can sometimes raise estrogen levels. That is why fat girls develop sooner than thin girls. Otherwise, you would need to see a doctor and get prescription estrogen and anti-androgen.
3 years

Posting new pictures every day

I really don't understand people who post new pictures every day with comments like, "Look how much fatter I have gotten." You really can't tell. The more time between pictures, the more obvious the weight gains are. If someone wants to post new pictures to show off new outfits, etc,, that is fine.
3 years

Tammy jung weight gain.

I think some of the more famous feedees want to get out of the spotlight. For one thing, no one is ever satisfied. Instead of commenting how good someone looks, they comment on how much better they will look after they gain even more. I think some realize that immobility is not as much fun as they thought. They don't want negativity about stopping gaining, so they disappear. In other cases, I am sure all of the attention is distracting from a relationship, so they disappear to keep their relationship from failing.
3 years

Why do all feedees want money?

I guess it depends on why people are here. If someone is looking for a relationship, hopefully they are not expected to pay for that. Of course when someone is in a relationship, it is not unusual to pay for dates. I am here because I love to hear about women who want to gain. I want them to gain because they love being a BBW, not because they are looking to get paid for it. Yes, it costs money to gain, but spending money is making that purchase a priority, and I like women who make gaining priority.
3 years

Are there really any lifestyle differences between 600 lbs and 700 lbs?

There are weights that people hit that make things harder or impossible to do. It is different for everyone, and people are shaped differently and are different heights, so there is no one point for everyone. These are things like fitting in cars, fitting in planes, being able to walk without aids, etc.
3 years

Weight limit

The clothing industry generally uses size 14 and above as BBW, and size 28W and above as SSBBW. But with sizing not standard, and many women different sizes for top and bottoms, this does not always work.
3 years

Male lactation

There are certain hormones males need to take, on top of the hormones needed to grow breasts. Also, I have heard that abruptly stopping taking female hormones can cause lactation. But you need real breasts first, not just moobs.
3 years

Anyone else here turned on by the idea of girdles?

Unfortunately, girdles are almost obsolete. I remember seeing a girl in my 6th grade class with a girdle outline under her dress. Perhaps that is when I became interested in larger females.
3 years

Philadelphia, pa

Any fellow BBW interested in meeting up on Saturday January 9 at McGillins Olde Ale House in Philadelphia for a fun girls night out?!

I am!!

The thread is 4 years old
3 years

Friends/family have all gained, should i?

In my opinion, doing something just because other people are doing it, is not a good reason. Do you want to be heavier?
3 years