Falling down as a fat guy

this weekend i helped a buddy move his stuff out of a storage locker... it was notable for a couple of reasons.

first, this friend used to be a gym buddy of mine and we had not seen each other since before the pandemic... suffice to say he was a little surprised by how much fatter i've become in that time!

this was also the most exercise and activity i've participated in a year (since i moved), and wow, did the extra weight ever make itself felt! i was quickly exhausted.

and finally, near the end of the move i slipped and all 340 lbs of myself fell on my fat ass. at first i thought i was more embarrassed than hurt, since i managed to get up (with some difficulty) and drive myself home. but after a few hours the soreness really set in. so much for ass fat providing a cushion.

the next day i was really stiff and sore (partly from all the lifting, not just the fall), and pretty much laid up. i have been in bed pretty much since then.

luckily my gal has taken pity on me and is bringing me meals (and treats in between meals) smiley

so my safety message for you fatties is: watch your step, don't fall down!
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

Captain Cake:
I started out around 120lbs, but didn't really gain much at all for many years because I was more of a feeder type. I was actually toned, and very athletic. The thing is, spending more time around feedees and have multiple feedee girlfriends over the years, I ended up gaining some weight to around 180, and in my last relationship she basically properly pushed for me to actively gain, so the pounds rapidly piled on and I became obsessed with growing larger as all the body changes started to happen and I enjoyed them. It kind of hit me first when a friend had a bar for pull ups, and I used to be able to do many of them with ease, but when I tried it I could barely manage 1.

i had a very similar experience. i was 150ish for most of my adult life until i started seeing my most recent ex. she persuaded or influenced me to take a break from all the working out and food denial... and it has stuck, even after we split up. now i am about 340 lbs.
3 years

Alcohol and weight gain

Alcohol has a lot of calories so absolutely it can be a factor in weight gain.

i don't know if this is unique to me, but i tend to eat more when i am drinking (beer is my beverage of choice). so not only am i getting the empty calories of the beer, but i am consuming above and beyond what i normally would, too.
3 years

How to let yourself go?

everyone has made really great points so far (well, with the exception of the poster directly above smiley).

we were having a discussion last night at dinner around how people get to the point that they do what they want, or follow the path they want to, rather than do what pleases others or others expect them to... it's a complicated, difficult subject.

i think my advice would be, don't feel badly if you haven't figured it out now. or this summer. or this year - there's lots of time. you might find in your mid-20s you feel differently. it's not a race. i think the worst position to be in is one where it creates a lot of anxiety for you. so just relax, enjoy the fantasy in a way that is not stressful for you.

experience will help open your mind. the biggest leaps in my understanding of myself resulted from being placed into new situations - moving away for school, moving to a new town for a job, breaking up with someone and moving into a new apartment - it doesn't necessarily change you, but it pushes you out of a comfort zone and accelerates your development. well, that has been my experience. you meet new people, get exposed to new things, and hopefully you get a better sense of yourself along the way.

best of luck!
3 years

Average daily calories?

“Fat Secret” is a curious name for an app that presumably is intended as a weight loss resource.

Or is it in fact a covert feedist resource?! 😮

lol! i would love to see more fat and gaining people on it - most of the updates are coming from people trying to lose weight, though. the tracking tools are really great, easy and fast to use. if it wasn't easy, i wouldn't bother, lol!

yesterday was a 6000 calorie day, btw. smiley
3 years

Average daily calories?

my girlfriend encouraged me to track the calories i consume and burn using this website: fatsecret.com/

last week i cut out beer and some treats, but i was still averaging 4800-5200 calories a day.
6000 is not unusual, with a few beers, and i have had days as high as 7000 on rare occasions.

i have tried to cut down to 3500 but it seems like a punishment!
3 years

Opinions on fit people?

Do you have any opinions on fit people? Your someone who obsesses about gaining a big fat belly and wants to be fed and rubbed and to be so heavy and immobile, so what are your opinions about someone who’s got sculpted abs and works out daily with no fat hang whatsoever. Would you want someone like that to feed you, or are you that person that’s fit that wants a fat guy/girl to feed?

i used to be a fit person, worked out at a gym regularly for many years. i have always been attracted to fat partners, though not exclusively.

when i started getting fat i was with a larger partner. now i am fatter and with a smaller partner - in every case pretty much it has been wonderful, because of the partner i was with.

my advice is don't get too hung up on "types" of people, concentrate on making real, human connections. being fat or fit is a part of that, but it's a small part.
3 years

I’m so confused and need guidance

When I reached 21 I was a totally different person. In what I thought my outlook on life everything was almost 180 degrees different of how I used to be.
The main thing is be flexible and don't get stressed out.

this is really great perspective and advice, ditzy.

as an old guy now, i can attest the level of change that ditzy talks about is common... and not just between 17 and 21, but for me those changes continued.

my perspective is, it's a journey. when you're young you don't have that perspective, so you take the "now" (pretty much all you know) way more seriously than you probably should.

my advice: do whatever you need to do to reduce your stress (first and foremost) and concentrate on the things that you want to learn and experience. if that requires distancing yourself from anyone (including your gf), do it. ditzy was right - you can't imagine the connections to come over the next 10 years!

most of all - don't live you life because of what others will think. we've all been there, and most of us will tell you, life gets much, much more fulfilling when you start living life for yourself.

best of luck!
3 years

Pros of getting fat?

for me it was getting fat that eventually allowed me (to give myself) the freedom to eat without second guessing... indulge in what i want, when i want, how much i want. just accept the pleasure of food, of flavour, of texture, of taste - without any guilt or worry.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

You gained some love fat, but that’s not the whole story. When in a new relationship, many succumb to the habits and enjoyments of their new partner. She was no gym-goer. You got to spend more time with her if you didn’t go to the gym.

And what did you do with that time? You did what she did: You enjoyed food. She was a foodie, and you became one. She was big and soft, so you grew soft as well. Her hedonistic ways became a part of you.

As did the belly you acquired.

yes - this is exactly it!

so, we split up (amicably) about a year ago. what is really interesting now is that those habits are still with me - maybe more now, having worked at home for the last year and adding another 50 lbs (probably more).

we are still casually in touch with each other, just the odd email. some stuff happened in her life last month, so i sent her a note and we had a zoom chat last month. i think we were both surprised - i was bigger and she was smaller, lol! she has been using the pandemic to get in better shape, so while she still outweighed me, the gap was certainly much narrower than it was a year ago!

so while she's changed her lifestyle, i find i am stuck in mine. my new/current gf is sensitive to being healthy, but she also has made it clear she's not attracted to skinny guys, so i think i am in a good place right now. smiley
3 years