Have you ever been enthralled by comments about your weight??

I've had two strangers prod my belly in public. It was incredibly erotic.
11 months

When you decided to start gaining…

It was hard for me to accept at first that I wanted to get fat and I wanted people to notice how plump and well-fed I became.

I started by going on MyFitnessPal and basically setting a "reverse goal," computing how many calories I'd need to gain 50-100 lbs. That alone turned me on, seeing how many calories I "needed" to eat each day.

What's weird is that getting fat often requires discipline just liking losing weight. You have to overeat every day, even when you don't feel like it. I had decided I wasn't going to stuff myself or get sick, but that I had to stick to my new calorie goal every day to make sure I was growing larger.

It really was a gradual thing: getting less shy about ordering more food, learning to enjoy that I couldn't hide my new weight in clothes anymore, accepting that I had chosen to get fat and that I had to stick with it.

A major thing for me was changing how I wore clothes. Rather than wearing loose fitting things, I began wearing things smaller and tighter, to make sure that there was no way to hide my weight gain from people. I had to keep reminding myself that part of all this was making sure everyone could see how fat I had become. That meant tops that hugged my belly and boobs and often showed a smidge of belly pudging out underneath. Progress for me was stopping myself from pulling my shirt down when it rode up and enjoying the breeze on my belly and the looks I got.

This is a hard thing to accept, but this IS who you are, like it or not. It's better to embrace it and get used to it.
1 year

Michigan meetup?

I'd go with GR because it's more central. Plus it's only an hour north of me. I'd go to a meetup in GR, Lansing, or Kalamazoo.
1 year

Feedee trans men happy with their tits

I'm not trans but I wear a bikini when I go to the beach and getting boobs was a major goal for me. At first, all my weight went to my belly so I had to revise my goal weight because I wanted to be fat enough to have boobs.
1 year

What was your first “im getting so fat” moment?

I had one yesterday when I realized that I always look for chairs in waiting rooms that don't have arms.
1 year

I live very close to the beach and i feel embarrassed to wear a bathing suit

I agree with Starfish. While going right out and strutting your stuff is really exciting, the fear and nervousness may counteract any pleasure.

I'd suggest beginning by wearing something that exposes your belly a bit...it can even be a top that's a bit too small. That was what I first did...go out wearing slightly too-small clothes with my belly peeking out underneath. Once you get used to the looks and remarks from people, you start to enjoy them and even crave them.
1 year

Loving your body in public

It's not something that comes overnight. When I decided to get fat, I knew that wearing things that showed off my blubber was essential for me, but it can take awhile.

I began by wearing slightly too-small clothes in public, usually a shirt with my belly peeking out underneath. I kept reminding myself that I wanted to wear my clothes tighter, that I wanted people to see my weight gain and my new body.

Wearing a bikini at the beach was my ultimate goal, but I was so frightened when I first did it. I kept reminding myself that I loved the way my body looked, that I thought I was sexy, and the disapproval of others was a major part of the turn-on.
1 year

Feeding while pleasured

It’s one of my fave things to do - I prefer it with someone else. The humiliation as I’m so full and so easily winded, the pinches and pokes and grabs of my body as I’m being pleasured is second to nothing

The prods and pokes are amazing, as they test how fat you are. I had a feeder who would say, "Any more grub, Chub?" while squeezing my belly and it was amazing.
1 year

Are we all "doomed" to eventually give in and get fat?

One thing that helped me was embracing the notion that most of us were meant to be fat. It's natural evolution...now that there's abundant food and little reason to do physical labor, it's only natural to expect that most of us will pork up.

The statistics show it...every year, there are more fat people, and fat children as well. We fight it and fight it but in the end, most of us become fatter. It's better to accept it, eat what you want, and fatten up.
1 year

Outgrown clothing?

I love wearing too-small clothes, but for comfort's sake you can't usually do it except for short-term excursions. I usually go to the grocery store or out for ice cream where I won't be wearing them too long but I'm guaranteed to get the looks and remarks I crave.

When I began fattening up, part of the experience was making sure my gain and new fat was obvious to everyone, so I began wearing my clothes more formfitting. Formfitting can still be comfortable, though. I tend to wear my shirts so the buttons gap just slightly when I sit down.
1 year
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