Getting lazy

One thing I’ve noticed since getting fat is a brief, automatic pause when confronted with ANY physical activity. It’s like my brain is trying to sort out: “Am I too fat to do this? Do I have to do this? What exactly is required?” And as I’ve progressed from ‘normal weight’ to morbidly obese, the threshold has changed from “Do I have to run?” to “Do I have to walk?” to “Do I have to stand up?”

The fatter you get, the fatter you get. I’m fat because I’m lazy and I’m lazy because I’m fat. Certainly fat people can be active, but there’s just something about embodying the stereotype of the lazy glutton that frankly turns me on.
4 years

Psych meds

Has anybody gained weight from psych meds?

I have been prescribed many different psychiatric medications, but the only one that turned me into a bottomless eating machine was Risperdal. This was before I had committed to gaining, so I stopped taking it before I gained any real weight. Ironically, this was at my lowest adult weight (~120 lbs), and I remember my psychiatrist at the time commenting that I could stand to gain a few pounds..., 115 lbs later at 235, he might have a different opinion (if he wasn’t retired.)

Obligatory side-note: Psychiatric medication is serious business, and should be the subject of careful consideration by the prescriber and the individual receiving it.
4 years

You ever feel this way about gaining

Absolutely. Feeling conflicted or indecisive is part of gaining for just about everyone. It is a serious commitment, and sometimes it feels like the whole world is aligned against it. If it’s not society, it’s family, or friends, or health, and so on. My fat fantasy world is constantly smacking up against reality, and lately I’ve felt more conflicted than ever about what direction I want to pursue.
4 years

Bmi. what's yours?

Lowest adult BMI: 21.5 "Normal"
BMI now: 40.7 "Morbidly Obese"
5 years

Immobility, but how much?

This does not quite fit in with the options or aforementioned stages of immobility, but at least in my fantasy world I would LOVE to be barely mobile. I could still do most of the things I can do now, but everything physical becomes a complete struggle. Stairs, clothes, standing, walking, showering, etc, all become a sweaty ordeal which only makes me lazier, then fatter, then more and more helpless until I am verging on actual immobility.
5 years

What do you like the most in gaining?

A lot of things, but the surprises in particular that come from transforming from a lifetime of thinness to a state of extreme fatness. The increased appetite, capacity, and perpetual gluttony. The increasing fear and avoidance of any kind of exercise. Bumping in to things. Physically struggling to do simple things, like reaching far or just standing up. Going from a medium size shirt to a XXL. Etc. I love these daily surprises and reminders of how fat I have become!
6 years

Movement changes?

My short stature and expanding waistline are now causing my belly to bump into the kitchen counter (among other things), which makes it a real struggle to reach things on high shelves like plates or food. Struggling to reach for my food is such a turn on! I even had some trouble reaching across the breakfast table this morning, since my belly was pressed right up against it. smiley
6 years

Waist size & outgrown clothes

I was purging my wardrobe today and dealing with outgrown jeans/shorts/pants was quite something. A few of them can't be buttoned closed and can only stay up by the grace of the zipper. Do any of you have bottoms like that or you've let them go?

I have a closet full of outgrown clothes. I'm pretty sure I could dig up some 32" or 34" pants, though I'd have NO chance of even starting the zippering process on those since I've swollen up to around 50" (though I can squeeze into slightly smaller pants).
Actually I just got back from vacation, bringing the only 2 pairs of pants that still fit with me. Naturally I popped a button when I bent over to reach my feet, so now I'm down to 1 pair that "fit" sort of... awkward but arousing.
6 years

Waning interest in feederism?

The only thing that’s waned for me is the conscious, intense, active gaining I engaged in to achieve my current weight/plateau. It really is a major commitment, and more difficult to sustain without a partner.

On a less conscious level, however, my sexuality is deeply intertwined with my fatness and desire to get fatter. Every time I’m reminded of how fat I’ve become, or even just THINK about these things, I get turned on. That’s not something I imagine will ever wane.
6 years

Fatter and more submissive

My experience is very similar.
When I was younger, thin, and fit, I always imagined myself in a masculine, dominant (even sadistic) role both sexually and as a feeder. Then, when I really committed to gaining and started to get fat and soft and weaker, my sexual impulses inverted.

Now I can only imagine myself in a submissive, masochistic, feminized, feedee role. I think there is definitely a parallel between the weight gain transformation of the body and this kind of transformation of the mind...

Thanks for the post. I wish I could add more right now. Food for thought.
6 years
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