When you became fat, did people treat you differently?

Yes and especially by my eventually ex husband and my Mother.

My mother is a great lady. However, she always makes it a point to let me know when I have gained weight.
3 years

When you became fat, did people treat you differently?

I've been considered short and thin all of my life. When I hit 40, my metabolism slowed down and I plumped up quickly. I recieved a mixture of reactions. Some were VERY friendly with me while others just looked at me seeming to be less responsive than when I was smaller. I'm 5'3, making every pound count. For those of you who started small and became overweight, did you receive different reactions after the weight gain?
3 years

My experience of the psychological effects of fat phobia

Been where you guys are, and can say that once I stopped hiding the size and roundness of my belly, I felt liberated!

Yes! That is how I think about it. Earlier this year as my gaining was becoming more noticeable, I found myself subconsciously trying to hold my belly in. I reasoned that if my goal was to become very fat, then trying to minimize how fat I looked made no sense.

Now I try to be mindful of the tension in my belly and remember to relax and be proud of my appearance because this is me and I like the way I look.

And regardless of what others think, it isn't any of their business. It is up to each of us to assess the value of any decision.
3 years

Anybody else feel shame/embarrassment?

I certainly can relate to the embarrassment. Being a very short guy, I'm hit with a double whammy with each pound. I seem to embody two forms in which people discriminate. I'm not just a short guy, I'm a short and fat guy. I happen to be very good looking so that helps. Although,
I could succeed either way.However, in one way, this is a blessing in that I can know the genuine people from the clowns.
3 years

The fatter i get, the more feminine i feel

I don't know that I've felt this way. I just tend to feel shorter the fatter I get.
3 years

My experience of the psychological effects of fat phobia

I have struggled so much with these feelings its not even funny. My parents were health nuts growing up and didn't allow me to overindulge in unhealthy foods and not exercise like I wanted to so getting fat as a kid was definitely not an option. When I first got out on my own, I wanted to explore my desires, however I met my ex and the mother of my child. While she was morbidly obese herself, she hated it and when I brought up the idea that I wanted to be fat myself, she was surprised anyone would choose to make themselves fat because she hated herself so much because of her weight, and she told me she would not like me and would be embarrassed to be seen with me if I became obese. This definitely set me back big time psychologically, as even the person I loved the most would hate me just for being fat and wanting to not hate my body. I am just now starting to overcome the depression and self consciousness this caused, and realizing that I deserve to love my body and not care what people think about me being obese because its my body and I deserve to be happy. Its the best feeling to binge out on junk food now knowing that I'm going to be super obese and happy and no one can tell me different

It seems as though some overweight people discriminate against other overweight people. We often dislike others who exhibit what we're ashamed of in ourselves. It's very unfortunate.
3 years

My experience of the psychological effects of fat phobia

Yeah, that makes sense. It seems like height also plays a role in weight distribution.

I'm 5' 11" and broad-shouldered, so I had to put on lot of weight before it started to become noticeable. There are a lot of places for the weight to go, so it makes sense that my distribution was more "all around" than in just the belly.

If you're on the other end of the height spectrum, every pound will be more noticeable (which can be an advantage since you don't have to work as hard to get pronounced effects). Sometimes I wish I was shorter for this reason, but I guess the weight will come on eventually.

You're right. Every pound is noticeable on me. People have light heartily joked about how I've obviously been eating lately. Although being short and fat for a guy is a different experience.
3 years

My experience of the psychological effects of fat phobia

Been where you guys are, and can say that once I stopped hiding the size and roundness of my belly, I felt liberated!

I agree. I feel liberated. I'm certainly getting used to being more authentic in this context. I've learned a lot this week from doing this. People have responded positively towards me and I often wonder if they sense that I'm self conscious or if I've been able to hide that well
3 years

My experience of the psychological effects of fat phobia

Yeah, I've had kind of similar.

Before I had gained any weight, I used to look at my stomach from the side. If it was convex at all, I would shake my head at myself. I wanted my stomach flat so I wouldn't have to be self conscious at all, especially in front of my parents/siblings.

At the same time, I wanted to be fat too. My parents have always been trying to lose weight, so they have something of an obsession to be skinny. They didn't want their children to struggle with the same weight problems as them, so they encouraged all the kids to be healthy.

On top of that, all the kids have skinny genes, so gaining weight growing up would have been very noticeable. I would've felt super self conscious to gain weight.

Fast forward to today, and my siblings are still skinny (my older brother who's 30 has a very slight belly, but he's be no means fat).

Then there's me. I was always built athletic and fairly muscular, so I had a starting weight of 145. My brothers are probably around 130-135 to this day.

I started intentionally putting on weight (the only way to do it when you're pre-30 with skinny genes). I started to get comments around 180 pounds saying that I looked buff, and that I filled out. Of course, since I was drinking a gallon of milk a day to get to that weight and working out, the new weight had gone mostly to other places besides by belly, to which I was disappointed (I was, and am still going for the ball belly look).

Before long, I was at 200 lbs, where I hovered for a long time. Couldn't seem to put on more weight, but at least my efforts kept me in the 200 lb range. I would also say that this was the weight which I started to have a hard time hiding my belly (my waist was about 40 inches at that point).

I know my family noticed that I was getting fat, but for the most part they didn't say anything. My dad would ask me if I was getting exercise, or hint that I should watch my carbs.

I went away for the summer, expecting to gain 10-20 pounds, but instead I returned at 198 pounds. Disappointing. But my dad commented how good I looked when I returned.

I decided to keep gaining, so I quickly got back over 200 again. I try to eat a solid breakfast, eat out, take advantage of regular meal times, snack, and drink fruit smoothies with ice cream everyday to put on more weight. I've gone up to almost 220 currently.

I was originally thinking of stopping at 220, but I plan to keep going past that. 230? 240? If I put on too much too quick, I'll feel super self conscious.

When I started gaining, I planned on stopping just when it became noticeable. Now I'm passed that point, and still gaining. I do feel self conscious about my weight, but I like being fat at the same time.

One of the body features that men tend to feel most self conscious about is their belly. Getting a pot belly? Better slim down quick before relatives take notice and make comments!

I think it's sad our culture treats pot bellies this way. Men look better with a pot belly and some muscle over being lean and ripped, imo. It makes them look more mature and shows they're well taken care of. Besides, for the majority of men, this is where they're headed naturally. Why not loosen your belt a couple of notches, upgrade the wardrobe, and enjoy that apple pie?

I had a friend on Facebook who showed a starting photo of him with a pot belly at the gym and a picture of him a couple of months later, stomach flat. He said how ashamed he was that he let himself get so out of shape, and that it was time to work it off. Fast forward to present day, and the belly's back for him.

I am embarrassed to let my stomach stick out to its full extent when I'm around other people because of the social stigma that skinny=better. (if you're getting fat, you're getting uglier, basically). I'm slowly getting more comfortable at my weight though. If you stick there long enough, people will think that's a normal weight for you.

Right now, I don't think I would go swimming with friends. I would feel too self conscious to take off my shirt. But who knows, maybe that will change with time.

I understand the embarrassment completely. It is quite eye opening to consider just how we inadvertently fall into adjusting our appearances to please others. In relation to how you described your weight distribution, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I gain the majority of my weight in my stomach and face. If I became 250 pounds at 5'3, I could only imagine how that might appear. On this note, I would have a much harder time hiding what was overtly evident.
3 years

My experience of the psychological effects of fat phobia

I have recently come to understand that all of my life, I've held my stomach in. I was terrified of anyone seeing any roundness in my stomach area. I didn't realize it until I measured my waiste the other day and relaxed my stomach. I was flabbergasted to see how big my stomach was. Suddenly I decided to try to be more authentic and let my stomach fill the space that it would. I must admit that I was initially very embarrassed to let people see how large it is. In spite of this fact, I'm sticking to my guns realizing that I'm not a thin person, and letting people see me for who I'am. I'm still very self conscious of people viewing me in this light however, I don't feel that people have been seeing me for who I'am. Has anyone here had a similar experience? On a side note, I feel as though, I don't recieve as much O2 when I completely relax. Is there a reasonably quick way to work through this?
3 years