Confused about kink

In some variation or other, it is really common.

A couple of quick notes:
- fat is not always unhealthy (although possibly the way you'd like to be fat would be unhealthy)
- what aspects of your slim body do you like so much? the social approval? being able to fit small places? Just how you are used to it? Some factors can be more easily dealt with than others if you ever did gain.

As for me, I always liked be active and athletic, but also had gaining desires. That was an easier one that yours, because over the years I gradually let myself gain (gain ten pounds, lose it, gain 15 and only lose ten of it, etc, slowly going up overall), because I could still be active even while chubby and eventually somewhat fat and as I got older the athletics I was still interested in were more forgiving of me being heavier.
6 months

Is it the estrogen?

Seriously people? I'm a 50-something guy who doesn't listen to pop music stations and even I know that Lizzo is amazing, a great performer, a outspoken plus-size icon, and all around force of nature. She's even (going to be? I don't think it started yet) hosting a reality show to select plus-sized back-up dancers for her show.

Like, even The Guardian has done a story on her:
1 year

Fattening boyfriend

I'm loving these updates!

Things don't always go in a straight line. He can love the eating and the turning you on, and still have times when he feels uncomfortable about how much belly he is getting so quickly. When that happens I suggest saying something like "If you want to, then of course! I support it fully." but then don't say more, see if he follows through on it. (I think you already know that one, but just to be sure)
1 year

What age did you discover you were into this

I agree with the comment about keeping it pretty casual. But at the same time I think it is important to emphasize that she doesn't need to change to please you or to turn you on (well, assuming that is true). If you can honestly tell her that right now you find her hot and are turned on by her and think she is amazing and look forward to being with her in the future whether or not her weight changes, then tell her.

Because her actions kind of suggest that she feels insecure and will do whatever it takes to please you. And that isn't great. It may take time for her to trust that you will still want her if she is just herself, but that is certainly the goal.

And as you said, if she is a foodie then maybe the idea that she can eat whatever she wants while at the same time turning you on with the effects of it could be pretty appealing. Which is cool, but it is so much better if she is also confident that she is doing it for herself, not for you.

and for whatever it is worth, I knew that fat appealed to me from a young age, my first erotic fantasy after puberty was having a weight gain club with the chubbiest girls and guy I knew, but somehow I mostly blocked out thoughts of me deliberately gaining for years, and focused on my FA side. I sort of knew that it was there, but I thought I could ignore it I guess? Then not long after I got married that feeling hit me really strongly and I've known ever since that I want to be fat and that it turns me on (mostly I've resisted, because that was not the deal my wife signed up for, so I've fought to keep my gain within somewhat normal levels).

I actually think that a fair number of chubby kids have thoughts at some point that they want to be able to just eat what they want and get however fat and have that prized and admired, but most don't turn it into a kink, and most manage to eventually dismiss those ideas as childish fancy that doesn't happen in the real world. So if she has always been on the heavy side it would not be shocking if she'd had at least some dreams of letting go, even without really being a feedist.
1 year

Fattening boyfriend

Stomachs can also be quite sensitive, so a lot of people might enjoy attention there even if they are not specifically focused on their fat parts being given attention. (my wife is not in love with her fat bits, but she loves tummy kisses, for example). And youngish guys will not infrequently get erections in the morning, waking up with them or having it just after waking up. So no guarantee that your belly play was turning him on -- but it also didn't turn him off obviously, and even that is a good step.

I'd say keep giving attention to his softer parts, keep the food coming, and see how it goes. Hopefully he'll relax into it over time smiley
1 year

Something you wanted to know before you started gaining

Budget for clothes as well as for food, so that you don't hit the point of having nothing comfortable but not able to afford anything bigger.

Everyone has their own version of what is easy to eat. For some people a lot of variety helps, some people love stuffing on one thing, and that can be true within a meal as well as between meals. There is no one right way, just what works for you.

One nod to health that you can make is to look up "GI" (glycemic index) of foods, to understand how to keep your blood sugar from spiking. If you are only doing this occasionally or not for long overall, some sugar binges won't do much long term harm, but if it is an ongoing thing it can put you on the path to diabetes, if your genetics make you vulnerable to it. (which is about 50/50)

Take before pictures! In clothes, out of clothes, in different positions and poses!
1 year

Want to get your opinion on that

I would say it was one of those moments when two paths diverged. Had you followed up with more of a display of interest, you might have gone down another path. But at the time you didn't, and now those paths have moved far apart. It is a memory that you might always wonder about, but I'd say let the past be the past, and try to meet new people.
1 year

Fattening boyfriend


Next week he's coming to my place and will stay for a month, so I'm planning to talk to him and tell him about my preferences. Also, I'll make sure he will have enough snacks in the house and I'll try to cook his fav desserts. Maybe he will enjoy this 😋

Oh how fun! I'm sure that for a visit like this he was not going to be dieting anyway, and when you can physically express how much you are enjoying all of his eating I'm sure he'll really absorb what you are meaning. Sounds like it will be wonderful for both of you. smiley

1 year

Fattening boyfriend

Another angle you can use, if it is true for you, is how to you large size is masculine. Just some time when watching something on TV where the men are very skinny pout a bit and say "I don't see why they put so many skinny men on TV. I like men to have some size, some presence, not looking petite."

That might be easier for him to accept at first than that softness is desirable.

A similar approach is to talk about how you love seeing him eat, that a guy with an appetite feels to you like a man who embraces life and all the good things in it.
1 year

Slight underarm rub? when did it begin for you, if or when it did?

For me I really started noticing it around BMI 34-35 (about 230 pounds for me). Trimming the hair short maybe helped? But there was a slight bit of bother all through the hot weather.
1 year
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