Decline in fitness

I really stopped doing any sort of exercise about two years ago. I am trying to be a little more active. Today I had access to a treadmill so I decided to try a 15 minute walk/jog. I jogged for about 90 seconds. Just the brisk walk alone had me out of breath. By the end my heart was pounding so loud in my ears that's all I could hear. As if I didn't already know I am officially fat now. lol
3 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Yesterday when I was using my new laptop, I thought the trackpad wasn't working. Turns out my belly fat was pressing on it.
3 months

Favorite easy fattening snacks?

I like to take a box of cake mix and pour it in a bowl. Mix it with some milk and eat it like it’s pudding.
4 months

Smoking and extreme obesity

I mean if you are already dedicated to being extremely obese and not caring about the health effects, why not just smoke too? If you're in it for the unhealthy aspects that is. In that case it would be a turn on.
3 years

Decline in fitness

One of my first weight gain fantasies involved being fattened by someone who would also track the decline of my fitness level as my weight increased.
3 years

Death feedists

The idea of death doesn't turn me on, no, but the idea of being rolled into the ER...put on oxygen, EKG pads slapped on my body, possibly defibrillated, while the thin nurses sneer at my that's hot to me smiley

You can get ekg pads on Amazon. Just the sticky pads, not expensive. You know, just if you wanted to do a little ER role play with someone.
3 years

Any girls into clothes padding?

I bought a maternity outfit, a 3x dress, 3x panty hose and a maternity band. I use a travel pillow for a baby bump, and the panty hose I use to stuff with blankets and towels paired with the large dress when I just want to feel and look fat all around.

I’d love to see pics of this

I just uploaded some pics of my maternity padding today.
3 years

Make your fat feel heavier

zip loc baggies of rice work well. a 5lb bag was too much of one big lump, but I put it in smaller bags so I could disperse it throughout soft padding better.
4 years

Any girls into clothes padding?

I bought a maternity outfit, a 3x dress, 3x panty hose and a maternity band. I use a travel pillow for a baby bump, and the panty hose I use to stuff with blankets and towels paired with the large dress when I just want to feel and look fat all around.
4 years

When did you first start padding?

Anyone on here that still practices padding as an adult: what are some things you use? I haven’t done it in many years. This thread got me wanting to again. I may need some supplies! Ideas?
4 years
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