How to slow down my metabolism?

Go on a low fat calorie restriction diet and make sure you eat regularly at least three times a day. Sure you will lose weight, but your body gets accustomed to the lowered calorie intake.
1 year

What is best way to gain (soft) fat?

For me it way always exhousting and i was uncomfortable and sweaty :/

Try swimming. You will not get sweaty while swimming.
1 year

Your perfect partner

Kind, understanding, honest and loyal (monogamous). Loves cooking and baking and is really good at them. Is willing to play video games with me and loves to cuddle.

I don't want much.
1 year

Hard or soft

Soft jiggling fat all the way.
2 years

Opinion on moles / beauty spots ?

I'm very much indifferent.
2 years

Which fat is best?

Soft, bouncy and well spread with a hint of firmness.
2 years

Double belly/belly with rolls or huge beach ball belly?

Double belly/rolls is what I want if/when I start gaining. Reason is the same as yours.
2 years

Opinions on fit people?

I'm mostly indifferent. If my partner likes body contrast, good on her.
2 years

Which do you prefer - round belly or belly rolls?

As long as the belly is soft, I have no preference. If I had to pick one: Rolls, because belly rolls are soft more often than round bellies.
2 years


I would like to try squashing someone, when/if I'm of the appropriate weight.
2 years
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