Anyone else not into super fat guys in real life

Oh yes, I can somewhat relate and there are probably many reasons to the differing reactions. I personally chock it up to self control and social pressure. Most folks don't appreciate yah eyeing them up in public, but when it is just an image on a screening staring back, it is not like it will pass judgement of you.
4 years

Losing the desire to gain weight after orgasm

I have come to understand that I may be experiencing what is called Post Coital Tristesse. I too feel this urge to stop gaining as my mood drastically vears towards sadness, anxiety, and guilt. I typically rebound after 3-5 minutes or so, and thankfully it has become infrequent.
4 years

Is it easier to gain weight as you become fatter

It depends on how big you get and how many calories you cram in.

The larger you grow, the more energy your muscles require to facilitate tasks such as getting up, walking, and standing around. This is not exclusive to skeletal muscles either, it applies to other organs.

The more work you must do, the more energy is required.
4 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I'm in this situation as well, and there is one big thing you need to consider. Sure your appetite has increase, but are you maintaining a caloric surplus on top of regular meals? Consistency is key to gaining, and it is very easy to lose.

There are two ways I see you can go about this. One is to dial back your caloric intake and allow time for your metabolism to adapt to fewer input calories. But remember, your metabolism will eventually readjust when you start goin full hog again.

The second way, simply up your daily intake. It's a brutish way to go about it to be quite honest. Plus it will drain the pocket book quite fast.

Which ever way you decide to go about it, always consider your macronutriets. Aim for high carb or fat percentages; you're seeking the caloric surplus that promotes storage. But if you can't keep it consistent, you won't go far.
4 years

Limits bad?

I think setting inital limits is bad. Trouble may arise when someone decides to hold you accountable for your word. Perhaps it just lends people the idea that they are in control of their often ravenous desires. Set your limit when you reach it.
5 years


The active ingredient in cytocarb is maltodextrin, a favorite amongst gainer shake enthusiasts for high glycemic index. You can buy malodextrin in bulk far cheaper than this stuff.
5 years


Mass gainer is somewhat of a misnomer. The powders are designed to stimulate muscle tissue repair, not the sequestering of energy as a lipid. Now protein can be catabolised into ATP, but the process requires about as much energy as the reduction product produces.
5 years

Where is your happy place?

The highway, driving around in my project car brings me loads of relaxation. My workbench, tinkering with the latest gizmo. And the auto salvage yard drooling over all the old beautys waiting for a second breath.
5 years

The few men who have contacted me are interesting

Plenty folks simply throw caution to the wind when they see the path of least resistance. Especially when they think they're getting a free ride.
5 years

Is being out of shape a turn on?

It's not the out-of-shape factor that is the turn for me as is cultivating a hard but soft body. I was never much a fan of muscle guts, but keeping my strength up while packing on fat has been a huge joy.
5 years
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