Positive reviews needed

Tried posting a review, but it says it's under review. Lol. Sounds like a scam site that used bots to boost their google rating. It may be that the only reviews they let be published are the ones from incels. In fact, they're business model could very well be to extort money from site owners to get positive reviews allowed. TBF, sounds lucrative.
1 year

Shows and movies

Just finished both the boys and umbrella. Liked them both, but I think both kinda dropped the ball compared to their previous seasons.
1 year

Anyone here have a success story of finding a realtionship?

I'm finding it difficult as a straight male gainer to find a female that likes it. I'm not giving up hope though - it's what I like!

I say keep trying like I am. We'll find someone someday.

if u haven't already, you might check out DA, there's lots of artists that draw that, and I think most of them are women
1 year

Does anyone know of other positive pop culture mentions?

Just came across this, has anyone here seen it? Probably the first moderately positive feedism interview/article I've seen in social media / pop culture. I only watched about half so far, but it seems, well, non-hateful, lol.
1 year

Anyone here have a success story of finding a realtionship?

That's a long post true of many aspects of this site or 90% of it. But I am still hopeful that beyond all that this site has room for genuine people to share and meet to explore in person. If note here where. Just need to keep trying I think.

1 year

Anyone here have a success story of finding a realtionship?

4c. This brings me to the fourth way, which follows from the previous ones rather naturally: The only outlet for most people here is porn. Really, FF and most other such sites are not dating sites, they're porn-sharing sites with a side of social. Since most people don't find partners that are into this genre, and those that do face all of the other problems mentioned, the result is that most people only find satisfaction for this part of themselves in ways and sites like this one. This in turn creates a rather massive market for people to model and/or gain for money. The result of this is that people become used to an easy but unfulfilling substitute for what they really want and, in all honestly, will probably never have. This can (and often does) make even normal people anxious, aggressive, depressed, needy, resentful, and further out of touch with reality. Furthering the irony dramatically and depressingly is that in the internet age, by the time you're 25 porn is boring, you've seen everything you care to see more times than you care to count, and now you want to try to find a real relationship and realize that while the internet is great for finding porn when you're 12, it sucks for finding relationships, and the very fact that porn is so easy on it indirectly sees to that.

4d. The last way is the other side, which is that a tremendous amount of profiles, especially those with the most "content" and exposure, are for pay, either porn profiles, or scammer/begger profiles. (Capitalism, am I right?) Even a normal person, one interested in this genre, who is young and in college, may find it hard to resist the appeal of a little bit of modeling, even just through DMs, in exchange for praise and enough money to pay for college, esp if you are probably going to gain weight there anyway, and if college costs 50k/year. And half the stories in this genre reflect that, lol. But once you do that, you go one of two ways, either it's now a job and you lose interest in the genre, esp. due to the more ridiculous, demanding, creepy, insulting, and even dangerous customers, or you love it and gain two hundred pounds in a year and have to quit for health reasons. Either way, those people are going to find it difficult to date in a community they've been exposed to on that level - personally, I think I'd quit it within a week and never come back. (In the end, this whole genre is a really a nest of catch-22s, and this one in particular, since if you don't post a picture of yourself you don't get attention, but if do post a picture you get way too much attention, as well as DMs demanding you gain weight, do other poses, or move across the world to marry them.) Again, this goes back to the above points as well, as the people still in this genre, the long-haulers, are very often affected by the nature of never finding fulfillment. And combine all this with how many profiles, both real and fake, are asking for "food" money... and yah, few people that want to date, bbws/bhms, FAs/FFAs, feeders or feedees or foodees, are going to try dating here, and those that do don't stay. And there's really nowhere else. Feabie is worse, as far as I remember. Fetlife is a joke. Etc.

Well. That was depressing. Welcome to internet dating lol. It'll be better in 30 years, but I doubt anyone reading this gives a shit if the wild west someday gets tamed. I can offer solutions, though they're unlikely to go anywhere, such as separating the dating profile portion of sites like this entirely from rest of the site, allowing unlimited DMs on it but no pictures or video of any kind, relegating that to other services like gmail if the participants want. But then it's just a meeting site, and suffers from the same fiscal issues of all internet dating sites, namely that the better it works, the shorter the time customers pay for it. Again, I love capitalism, but it's crap for this kind of stuff, lol. Anywhere a buck can be made, it will be, and anyone that isn't willing to buy or to sell can get out of the way of industry.
1 year

Anyone here have a success story of finding a realtionship?

IMHO, the problem with this site is the problem with internet dating in general, and is exacerbated by a number of factors associated with this site and this genre and this group of people, many of which have already been mentioned in the comments above. Note the ethos before I go into this, I've been on this site for about 15 years (and dimensions and yahoo groups before that), since my early teens, I pay the premium sub just to support it, and I love and am committed to this site and this community. That said, there are many problems...

1. It's relatively anonymous, as is the internet in general, therefore people don't behave themselves as well as they might otherwise. Then again, this also creates a faster and more honest impression, at least of that type of person.

2. Due to the niche nature of this genre, the strong interests in it of many people here, and the consequent difficulties if not impossibilities of finding truly fulfilling sexual compatibility elsewhere, people here are often desperate on some level.

3. The genre itself is problematic. Being fat, much less gaining weight, isn't like wearing leather and ball gags in the bedroom, and it has societal implications only rivaled in magnitude by the desires of those truly turned on by it. This creates cognitive dissonance that cannot be understated. (Literally almost everything I've ever written in this genre reflects this in some way, lol.) The transgression is powerful, human beings in general are often aroused by the taboo, but one of the main reasons it's so powerful is because it is so very very difficult.

4. The genre itself is polluted in five (overlapping) ways.

4a. The first is by desperate and well-intentioned but over-aggressive guys, though this is pretty standard for internet dating and to some degree for life in general. Sorry ladies, I'd say it's the balls, but really we're just dicks. The genetic and social pressures blah blah blah, society vs the inner animal blah blah, etc. We have no excuse. Hopefully the world and humanity continues to improve on this level. I try to do my part by being an asshole to everyone equally.

4b. The second and third ways are by people that really don't live in reality, and by society in general portraying everyone in this community as such. (See the movie Feed, as well as many articles both in pop culture and in the literature.) You can see my feelings on this by my bio and a lot of the crap I write, but actual intentional weight gain in a partner is potentially really fucked up, like any other type of sexualized body modification. Now, humans in general are more fucked up, and weight gain is relatively inevitable for most people in industrialized societies, and the literature on obesity is debatable, etc. etc. excuse excuse but still. But still it's saying that, at least to society as a whole, if you're into heavy people, that you want a partner that's unhealthy, and if you're into people gaining weight, that you want a partner that's becoming unhealthy. Still, this could be excused by society, as much as anyone excuses anything, which isn't much, but then you have people that actually espouse gaining five hundred pounds, that hounds anyone that posts an image of themselves into gaining a massive amount of weight, or just doing custom work, etc. Bad apples in a community are what the community is judged for, unless there are no bad apples, in which case society makes stuff up to judge them for instead. (Insert "Thanks, Obama" joke, or maybe something even more ridiculously out of date like McGovern, lol.)
1 year

Profile search

FF Team:
Hi sorry for not getting back to you, I wasn't around yesterday.

Thanks for providing the details. If you have the screenshot, can you send this by email to: team@fantasyfeeder.com

Really appreciate your help and co-operation with this.

FF Team

sorry, just saw this, sending now, from plaidnok@gmail
2 years

Profile search

yah for sure, windows 10, google chrome, just tried it again, screenshot:

actually, I'm not sure how to post a screenshot in here lol
2 years

Profile search

I don't think it's working for search by name. Tried to find someone earlier and it came up with no results even though the name was already in the system, then tried to search my own name instead and my own profile didn't come up.
2 years
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