Chapter 1 38/Idea-lists (the spaces in the address are not s'posed to be there)- - -
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super hero feedee/feeder story, where using the superpowers requires tremendous energy, just being a superhero spends tremendous energy, and so she ends up a feedee and marries a feeder. he spends most of his time making her fat as fast as possible between fights, because she expends a lot of calories and loses a lot of weight with all superpower use, and just with being alive as a superhero
could be done as a weight gain comic, either starting or ending with a superbattle (or both), or with him cooking her up a feast after such a battle
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(Note: very dark)
a story similar in a way to A Clockwork Orange
in it, a young woman living in a very strict social structure has been becoming interested in feederism, and has begun gaining weight in a society with strict rules on both food and sexuality. They use a food version of water torture / water cure to cure her, stuffing her full and then beating her and giving her nausea inducing chemicals until she vomits and the torture begins again, probably while watching feederism clips or something. The government discovers this and in order to prevent a scandal [for some reason/connection that would have to be developed], they seek to undo the pavlovian disincentivizing 'damage' that has been done to her mind. Most of the story is concerned with this, may even be where it starts, as she is slowly readjusted psychologically and pavlovianly back into a feedee.
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story based on fable 2 and the shop on Knothole Island that has potions that change any aspect of yourself
[Anyone into body mod of any kind and who's never seen this, I encourage you to check it out. It is awesome]
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A man owns a small pastry shop and dessert bar. He illegally adds appetite stimulants and other chemicals to the dessert orders of the women that come there. Their boyfriends and husbands just get normal desserts, but the ladies always get something special, and slowly his female customer gain here and there, some a little, but others that become enamored or addicted of the food gain a lot. One who comes in on her own is so cute, he can't resist his normal rules or staying behind the bar, and ends up chatting with and befriending her. Eventually she gets fat, they get married, and she helps him fatten his clientele
reminiscent of "devil and the deep blue sea"
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sweet new girl at a school is instantly disliked by the popular girls who see her as a threat. They work together to make her fat. A budding romance happens in secret between her and the rich football captain and student body president. They marry just after graduation. At their ten year, she is 350 pounds, but so are all the popular girls, a couple of whom are nice, but the rest are miserable alcoholic divorcees
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(Note: very dark)
feedee on the dark web version of FF gives in and decides to do something crazy. She wants, needs to be made fat, to have no choice about it. In the last real choice she ever makes, drunk and high and horny and desperate, with a little self-loathing or self-destructive impulse tossed in, she writes a post begging the most aggressive dominant feeder to kidnap her. She describes herself, her needs, and displays her browser history. She passes out in minutes, but the damage is done. In an instant, half a dozen people have wrested from her data dump her name, Soc Sec #, birthdate, and address. Three aren't seen till the morning. a fourth has darker tastes. The fifth arrives, less than three hours after the dump, at her apartment. Police arrest him immediately for her disappearance, capturing his history and hers and certain he will spill the truth as his dark secrets are laid bare like any of his marks. But he can't. Because the sixth stands silently in the basement of his country home, staring down at the project he has dreamed of and stalked since she first posted 'feedee' to the net.
Inspired by many stories, but thought of while reading "Wishes Granted" by history00 on FF
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ghost falls in love with a wizard feeder. magic food makes her more and more corporeal as she gets fatter and fatter until at 400 pounds she's come back to life and they can copulate for real. maybe include ghostly oral and sex; as she becomes more real, they both feel it more and more. maybe end with a sentence on her becoming pregnant and thinking about how wonderful it feels to not only be alive again but to be able use it to create new life, feeling it move and grow inside her. having to nourish it with her living body. it makes her hungry/ makes her even more desperate to eat/ gives her a new and much more powerful reason to stuff herself
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the runner
about a guy who runs with his girlfriend every morning because she likes it, but then starts wining and dining her to excess on evenings and weekends, and she inevitably gains weight even while running. Probably sometime between them, perhaps he travels for business or whatever. Story focuses on the progressive running scenes, as she gains and becomes less in shape, slower, and he uncomfortably finds himself more and more turned on when she pants so easily or has to stop to rest (not to mention the jiggle jiggle)
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calories as currency. fat as currency. you go to a store, pay with a (distributed) fat loss. your paycheck is a weight gain. must be magic, or perhaps a species that doesn't eat, or just some extremely soft sci-fi. Maybe, your wife is your wallet. could do a series in this vein. someone broke wins at slots, or the lottery. thin wife becomes fat wallet. (don't like the full blown stepford wives thing here, better if it's a normal relationship otherwise)
or just go to the bank and make a withdrawl of 50 pounds. Or go to buy a boat with a wife at 208, get on the boat after purchase and she's 119
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When I was a little girl, I was told I was beautiful. Not by one or two people, but by almost everyone we passed. We were an attractive family, my mother had been a model before, during, and even for a while after, she had us. My older sisters got compliments too, but, I understand, not nearly as many after I was born.
When I was 7 years old, I discovered chocolate. Within a month, I had gone from rail thin like my older sisters, except Ally who'd begun growing breasts and hips, to just a tiny bit chubby. Just a little softness in my tummy, a teensy bit on my bottom, just enough that no one noticed but Mom. When she discovered my tendency to horde parmesan at 4 and raisins at 5, she knew to keep an eye out for me around small tasty treats, and sure as can be, she glanced into the corner of my closet behind the dresser and found the seven partially eaten candy bars and two entire jars of m&ms and chocolate chips. Well, she tossed some of them out but then, thinking better of it, made me eat the remainder until I was almost too full and high to think, and then paddled my bottom good hoping the lesson of associating punishment with chocolate and hording would take...
...Unfortunately for her, but predictable with respect to human nature, instead I associated the spanking with how much I loved how stuffed I was, and the words she spoke as she scolded and admonished me: of how chubby I was getting; of how the chocolate that I'd gluttonously stuffed myself with (that she'd forced into my tummy) would make me even fatter; of how no normal boy would be attracted to my fat tummy and lack of self-control. And, seemingly inevitably, I also associated the spanking with the pleasure of eating or being forced to eat, so that now had been planted the seeds of loving being spanked or physically tormented (? in non-harmful, non-creepy ways), and, eventually, how aroused it would make me. [/ These things were not somehow suddenly cemented or full fleshed in my mind, but, I think, this is when some of the first seeds, or my first inkling of them, occurred.]
When I was nine, my sisters discovered a few such associations. One day Sarah noticed that once again I was no longer rail thin, even though I was spending an inordinate amount of time outside that summer. Following me into the woods, she discovered my second major attempt to horde food, in my new chocolate stash in a plastic bag in the hollow of a tree in the woods. They too forced me to devour my stash, this time tickling and pinching me into it. Though Alicia was 11 and just mischievous, Jade was 14 and was honestly worried about me. As soon as they got me home, in tears and covered in chocolate, they told mom, and, as it had seemingly worked so well and for so long before, again I got force-fed and spanked. Looking back, if the internet or pop-psyche had been big things then, maybe my mom would have realized how dangerous or complicated or foolish this was. As it was, however, and as we know now, the result opposite to that which she intended occurred, and, by the time I was 12, I was masturbating to thoughts of such experiences, and many others along the way, albeit with one of the cute boys in the grade above me doing the paddling and tickling and feeding.
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Comments appreciated!!!
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Weight gain
6 chapters, created 7 years
, updated 3 years