Dream dungeon

Chapter 31 - mistress

Jess thought she was special. And of course she was. I find all my pets to be special, in their own little way. It's always a special challenge to find what they like, what makes them moan, what makes the writhe, what makes them give themselves over to me completely...

It's an art, what I do.

Once I finished making the connection, once my body stopped changing, I leaned up, tipping my head from side to side and rolling my shoulders in my new form.

"Ma'am? How do you feel?"

"Fine, Quibly. Now, let me adjust before you ask more stupid questions," I hissed through Jess' lips. I stretched my limbs, finding my clothes to be a little loose; Jess had been shorter than Rebecca. I'd have to change into a new size before the night's activities began as my old simply wouldn't do.

I turned to where I knew I would find a mirror, finding Jess' face staring back at me. Well, her face from the day I first brought her to the dungeon. I turned my head, watching myself move. I had forgotten what a nice, defined jawline she had had... before I fattened her up like the pig I taught her to be.

I looked back at her where she lay on my chair limply, her small mounds of girth pouring around her. Her eyes were open, her lips slightly parted from where I left her. I snorted, reaching up to place my fingers on her eyelids to close them, then I snapped her jaw shut; I could afford her some dignity while I borrowed her mind.

Then I grabbed the mask and placed it over her mouth once more. She could certainly still use plenty of plumping up.

"So... you are Jess now?"

I let out an annoyed puff of air. "Do I have to explain this to you EVERY time? I'm not Jess, I have absorbed some of her soul which gives me her appearance and makes us share a mind until I absorb the soul of another. Honestly, Quibly, you've seen me connect with my pets before."

"But... but why do you share a mind when you take over their body?"

"I DON'T take over their body, mine simply adjusts to the soul's appearance while I'm using it. We share a mind because we are sharing a soul."

"Ok... and why do you need to share a soul again?"

"Because I don't have one," I said with an exasperated sigh. "Really, Quibly, you don't need to understand. And I don't have time to explain. Our next guest will be arriving soon."

With that I snapped around and headed out the door swiftly, Quibly quickly jumping to my heels.

"Is the dungeon ready?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"The doll is set in the position I want her in?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Dressed as I like?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And the connection is ready to be made?"

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Good. I suppose I keep you around for a reason." We approached my private quarters and I waved Quibly off. "Go ready the fudge as I change. I'll be out shortly."


I looked at my form in the mirror, admiring my new curves and features. Seeing my steady gaze from Jess' ever emotion-filled eyes was interesting. I always enjoyed seeing how my pets' bodies changed when I took over; how they because poised and graceful when they were always so clumsy and plain when I took them it. It was amazing what a little confidence could do. Honestly, she was much more attractive when I was controlling her.

Then, what could you expect from humans.

I spun slowly, enjoying the perky breasts, round ass, and thin waist the real Jess would never hope to see again. Yes, her body would do wonderfully.

Jess had been an interesting choice. Rebecca had been such a fun challenge; to take down the smart, tactful, strong CEO of a corporation had been a delight. Plus I had gained so much by taking over her life. Wealth, power, connections around town, a new fudge recipe. Jess had none of that. It's possible I just fancied her. Or perhaps I simply wanted an easier get than Rebecca had been.

Maybe it had been ironic that Jess had fought so much harder to escape in the end.

Then again, powerful people are the easiest to corrupt. After spending endless days telling people want to do, thinking of every detail, strategizing constantly, they yearn for someone to take their burden from them in the bedroom... or wherever they are being taken. They become addicted to knowing that someone else can take care of one part of their life, and such a very important part. Once you show them you can tame them, care for them, think of every one of their needs, they are putty.

There simply must not have been that much pressure when one is an insurance salesman...

Consultant, I corrected myself as I pulled the answer from Jess' mind. "Yes, a step above salesman, what an ambitious girl," I chuckled to myself in the mirror as I looked once more over my outfit.

I had chosen to dress it differently than I had with Rebecca. I figured my next pet would be a much more interesting challenge than Jess. Leather would do wonders to incite the power and control I would be calling on to conquer this one.

Heeled boots up to my thighs. A skin-tight, sleeveless romper that didn't touch my legs and left an eyeful of cleavage. And a thick, black choker.

They'd be powerless.

I smirked at myself in the mirror as I gently ran my fingers through Jess' wavy brown hair. It came down nearly to my waist, a perfect frame for the look.

Finally breaking away from my reflection, I looked around my large, private closet to see if there was anything I wanted to grab. The first day was always such fun.

My eye trailed over my personal favorite crops and toys. I pulled down a black, woven whip. Not to be used on my new pet the first day, but it would certainly be a striking first impression. I also grabbed a short, red riding crop to slip into my boot. Much better for making the small corrections that always came with the first day, after all.

I did a quick touch-up of my make-up. Then, with whip in hand, I was out the door and ready to begin.


I choose to sit on my throne this evening. It was a plain high-backed, wood piece. Not overly ostentatious, with simple carvings on top and a comfy but not overly so cushion on the seat, but it inevitably betrayed power and control over whoever gazed at me in it. I had tossed one leg over an armrest, leaning my back and elbow against the other side casually.

Long live the queen.

As I rested, I stared eagerly at the green doll from where it hung; its plush wrists in chains above its head, its soft calves in cuffs, its featureless midsection in a corset. The corset looked a little funny over that purple bra, but the bra would be gone soon, as would the doll, as my newest toy arrived.

And soon enough, it began to leave. It always seemed like a shimmer to me. As my pets fell slowly into sleep, their bodies came just as slowly to me, blurring like their consciousness into my dungeon. The doll's green tone gave way to tan, its plain head revealed a thick mane of hair, it's chest filled out as breasts filled their place on the corset.

And she was before me.

I smirked but otherwise stayed still as she lifted her head.

As they always do, she noticed first that her hands were above her head. She tried to move one, and then the other, before looking up to see she was trapped. Her face betrayed only slight concern at this; ah yes, she would be a fighter for sure.

Then she looked down, attempting to move her shapely legs, legs I would soon have thickening and over flowing as I filled her nightly with calories, and finding that just as futile.

She took a moment, looking toward the floor. She must have noticed her corset. I wondered how long it would take her to burst through it.

Then her head came up.

Sharp, intelligent, blue eyes looked out around my dungeon, taking it in for the first time. What a strong girl - she didn't flinch, just locked her jaw and took it in.

Then her gaze settled on me.

Her face melted.

Those strong features crumbled into hurt, joy, anger, and confusion all at once. It was simply delightful as her eyes wafted over me as if she couldn't believe them.

Her mouth stammered, struggling over words she couldn't seem to find.

Finally, she swallowed, composed herself and looked me in the eyes.

"Jess...? Is it really you?" Heather asked, her entire being begging it to be true.
34 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Wizard101 6 months
dreams is so good. It’s such a shame this was never finished, and likely never will be due to the last update being 4 years ago. For all I know the author is dead. But yeah just great shit here.
Wizard101 6 months
So this one’s weird, because I’m no longer rooting for feedism here. Like I’m reading this as an actual story rather than a work of erotica. Also the supernatural stuff with whoever is controlling the
Spectral Loc... 3 years
Is this the feederism version of Sunstone that I didn't know I needed until now? Excellent story.
Adipose_lover 4 years
published this i would buy it in a heart beat. you are an incredible author and whatever you decide to do -- erotica or no -- i am 100% behind you. even if it means a pay wall.
Adipose_lover 4 years
this story is amazing. I adore every bit of it! The fantasy elements, the idea of shifting control and taking being a dominatrix to an entirely new level! You are an incredible writer. Sorry people keep complaining about paywalls and such. honestly if you
BBWcreator82 5 years
Not too bad.
LitMistress 5 years
Hey deepfriedgrits - Yes! I will be continuing this story! I still play to see it through to the end! I've been distracted by the other story I've been posting but plan to get a new chapter of this out in the near future smiley
Deepfriedgrits 5 years
Love this story! Do you plan on continuing it?
LitMistress 5 years
I understand your frustration. TBTH is always available to you if you would like to support it, but I understand not everyone is able to. I hope you continue to enjoy DD if you can't, as it will stay happily free through it's ending.
Justenjoy 5 years
I just wish you would have been more straightforward about it instead of teasing that the story would be free and then asking for money as soon as you release the update that everyone had been looking forward to. Like I said, I checked nearly every day.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 1/6: justenjoy - I'm so sorry that putting it on premium has made you feel alienated, that was not the intention. The reality is that I put a lot of time and energy into what I write and...
LitMistress 5 years
Post 2/6: ...I actually do want to be a writer as a career. Finding a way to be paid for a craft is a goal of any creative and I'm trying to make that transition.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 3/6: I'm sure you wish that all your favorite artists and authors of any kind could keep a roof over their head and have more time to create by making a career off what they do.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 4/6: I am endlessly grateful for my audience and promise to keep posting Dream Dungeon for free until it finds it's end.
LitMistress 5 years
Post 5/6: If you wish to receive TBTH in a way other than on FF, please message and I am working on a system to help my audience get it in a more agreeable way (though it will stay behind a paywall).
LitMistress 5 years
Post 6/6: Thank you endlessly for your support of my work and I hope that I can keep creating stories that you will enjoy.
Justenjoy 5 years
Why is Too Big To Handle on premium? Seriously? I’ve been checking every day for two weeks excited for an update and the second you do, you slap a paywall on it? Lowball move man
LitMistress 5 years
Theswordsman - We shall see if it does!

justenjoy - So glad you are enjoying! Let's find out if she can...
Justenjoy 5 years
I’m loving this! Hoping that Heather can still get fat despite this setback.
Theswordsman 5 years
Love conquers all
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