The Shift

Chapter 1 - the shift

I didn’t think anything of it at first. I just kind of relaxed into it.

Emily and I had been playing together for two years when it started. She proudly walked around sporting a hundred more pounds than when we met. Her belly had rounded beautifully, breasts plumping from their place resting on top of it, thighs expanding under its mass, ass widening behind her… It had been a pleasure to watch her grow.

At the start, she had reached out to me. Naturally. I had quite a presence in the online feeding community, had a reputation for a flattering tongue and a devilish mind. She was cute, kind-hearted, and – importantly – lived in my town. She messaged me, I thought I’d see if we clicked, and soon her small 140 physique started ballooning.

She had been nervous at first, unsure if she really wanted to go through with it. I understood, of course. The stigma is real. But I know how to make a woman feel beautiful, I know how to make her feel cherished, I know how to make her love every single fresh pillow of fat I piled on her just as much as I did. And so, though she started out slow and hesitant, she soon became greedy and happy – just the way I liked them.

I took her out to great feasts at endless restaurants, baked her more treats than some people have in a lifetime, showered her with praise as she lay on the couch and grew soft, round, and doughy.

She became enamored with me, I could tell; Ate anything I ordered for her, asked her too, or commanded she did.

Those beautiful two years passed like a dream.

The whole time she grew large and heavy and soft, and I stayed slim and muscular and, well, hot (I never claimed to be humble).

That is, until a few weeks ago.

It started out like it always does in these cases. Emily was doing a wonderful job of making her three hamburgers and a healthy side of fries look incredible, as she always did. Her face was the picture of happiness as her lips pulled back into her thick cheeks, showing off the dimple that always appeared when she smiled. I had finished my salad, but looking at her enjoying herself, I just felt the urge to reach over and grab a few of her yet to be touched fries. So I did.

“Christi, what are you doing?” Her words were muffled by the large wad of hamburger she was working on.

“Just trying a few. Worried you won’t get enough?” I teased, patting her round belly. She lifted an eyebrow but didn’t say anything more, instead continuing to work on what was left on her plate.

What started as a few fries that day led to me ordering my own burger the next.

Then it all snowballed.

It was just so easy when Emily constantly had massive meals (what’s four slices of pizza when she had a whole one to herself?) and was constantly snacking (a handful of chips here and a few brownies there won’t really matter, would they?).

I actually thought I was getting away with it. My clothes still fit you see, and I suppose I didn’t look too closely in a mirror.

Then one evening, Emily and I were stripped down to our underwear in bed, her holding herself over me as I lay on the mattress, our lips pressed deeply against each other. My hands were dipping into her thick roles, hers wandering over my own skin sending lightning up and down my nerves.

Her fingers traveled over my hips, trailing them along my pant line.

Then they splayed across my stomach and squeezed.

I gasped.

“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s been a little greedy lately,” Emily hissed, shaking the flab that sat between her finger tips a little. There wasn’t much, and it looked like even less when you compared it to the copious belly she sported, but to my horror it was there.

I felt my cheeks redden, feeling like the rug had been ripped from under me. My mind seemed to go blank, not sure how I was supposed to react. I felt like I had no idea where that chub had come from, even though if I had thought maybe a moment longer I might admit with a wince that I hadn’t been exactly sticking to my normal diet and portion sizes. But I would never have guessed I’d added enough that Emily would have a soft, doughy underbelly to toy with as she was now.

“Uh…” was all I could sputter out at first. “It’s just… it’s just a little extra weight. It’ll fall off soon.”

“Do you want it too?” Emily whispered.

I shook my head to clear it, starting to feel like my mind was numb.

This never happened to me. I was always the one in control. Emily crumbled under my smart tongue and wicked thoughts, not the other way around.

“Yes,” I muttered. “Of course.”

“It didn’t look like you wanted it off. Not last night when you were ordering that massive burrito with extra queso,” Emily hissed. Where had she learned to hiss like that? Normally I had her wrapped around my finger.

She toyed with my small belly, pressing it between her fingers. All I could do was moan.

“You know what I think? I think you’ve gotten jealous. I think you’ve spent years teasing and playing with fat girls because you secretly wanted to be one. I think you’ve watched me get to eat whatever I wanted for the past year, watched me learn to enjoy each new pound added to me, watched me grow happier and happier with every new size of clothes I fit into and you now want it for yourself.”

“N… no,” I said breathlessly, sounding like Emily when I touched her just where she liked. “It’s just a little pudge. It’ll go away soon.”

“Hmmmm,” Emily hummed low. “Let’s see if we can prevent that, why don’t we?”

She let go of my belly and reached over to her night stand where I knew I always kept all sorts of treats for her to snack on.

She pulled out a package of hostess twinkies.

I couldn’t tell you what was happening to me. I was always in control, always strong. I had spent years teasing fat women about how they had completely let themselves go because their will power was just that weak to their desire… but that wasn’t me.

And yet, as she held those twinkies high and looked down at me with eyes that twinkled with malice, it was like something in me that I didn’t even know existed awakened.

That part of me roared into existence, ripping through me with a desire to let her do what she wanted to me. A sudden want to let go, to lose the burden of control I had constantly shouldered through all these years, through every interaction I had ever had with those submissive fat women.

These feelings swirled around me, shaking my foundation, making me whimper lightly as the person I thought I was attempted to fight back whatever Emily had released within me.

I shook my head again, trying to fight it, trying to remind myself who I was, how much I loved being ‘the thin one,’ how much work I had done to keep myself thin and shapely.

I couldn’t let that all go because of one moment of weakness… could I?
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
I hadn’t read this one before.
I always loved this kind of story. I even wrote a few myself.
But I think yours may win the prize! Excellent!!!
Angelhoney 3 years
LitMistress 4 years
Thank you for the kind words, GrowHerBelly! I'm so glad you enjoyed this one and have been so supportive of my other work!
Hiccupx 3 years
Just to let you know, you can now reply to comments on your stories
GrowHerBelly 4 years
Adding this to my list of favorite stories, along with many of your other works! Fantastic as always!
LitMistress 4 years
Thanks occamslaser, so glad you enjoyed!
LitMistress 4 years
Lord-Pumpkin - I'm so glad you liked it, thank you! This is all there is for now, but if someone wins my giveaway and wants me to write more I can!
Occamslaser 4 years
So lovely!