Paul's dilemma

chapter 11- reckoning (p5.4)

Time flied while Paul and Claire were having fun. The cruise eventually fell into a familiar routine that both man and wife seemed to enjoy. Whether it was filling their bodies with thick foods and savory alcohols, or relaxing by the pool, they made the most of their stay. Frequent visits to the ship’s spa, were contrasted by the less regular excursions to ports and beaches that provided the newlyweds opportunities to experience the fine dining of various other cultures. The ship was like a mini city on the seas, it had its own barber shop, many restaurants, theaters, jacuzzies, you name it, the ship had it.

It even had its own nail salon, which Claire would sometimes frequent. While she was getting pampered, Paul took those rare occasions sneak off to the gym for the first time in years. He never really enjoyed working out, but he had some motivation this time. He wanted Claire to be fatter than him again and being so overweight certainly wasn’t doing him any favors in that regard. Claire wasn’t the only one who’d started putting on pounds since the wedding, but he was determined to begin flipping the script once they arrived back in the states. All he wanted to do with his exercise during the honeymoon was lay the foundation to begin losing weight when he got home.

As the first few weeks on the honeymoon turned into the better part of two months, Paul had to admit that things had changed for the better between him and Claire. It seemed his wife had, for the time being, shed her bodily insecurities and was reveling in indulging to her hearts content. If the change wasn’t just noticeable in her mood, it was painfully obvious on her figure.

What had once been a trim little waist, with just the softest bit of excess flesh around her ribs and sides, had turned into a full-on belly. Even without Paul’s prodding and encouragement, Claire regularly ate until she was stuffed helpless. She tended to eat the most late at night when they got drunk, but she filled herself plenty at every meal. Paul didn’t know which was better, the sex with his frequently stuffed wife, or cuddling up with her at night and cradling her swollen gut.

He loved that he could now sink his fingers into her fleshy midsection. He loved the look in her eyes when she got too bloated from eating. Her eyes would stare at him, as if pleading for his help in soothing her stomach with a sensual massage that would lead into something far more pleasurable for her. Claire was getting a little tubby, and he was loving it. She’d opened up and let him take care of her in every way.. well.. nearly every way.

Sex was still something Claire was still a little stubborn about, although at least their communication had improved. He now knew Claire’s preference for being on top was mainly because she found it much easier to climax from the position, although she liked to joke that Paul had gotten to big to be on top anymore. It was a small point of contention between the two, Paul didn’t mind letting Claire be on top most of the time, but sometimes he would prefer that they mix things up. If only Claire wasn’t so stubborn about how they did things. The sex certainly wasn’t bad, in fact, since Claire had gained weight again, it had been better than ever, but doing the same thing every night got stale. Paul wanted to mix things up, he just needed a good excuse to take over in the bedroom.

102 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Polarisdreamer 4 years
I wish I could respond to every amazing comment without the word limit cutting me off. Thanks everyone for the interest! It has been a wild ride. Chapter 11 will be the final chapter of this story, expect it in a week or two
Fatchance 4 years
This is an awesome story, that just keeps on being awesome! I find myself rooting for Claire to finally dump Paul, Emma to claim him, and Claire to start gaining while missing Paul!

Can't wait to read what REALLY happens!
Fatforfun 4 years
Polarisdreamer, I almost didn't start reading this back when it was 40-something pages. I didn't think it would hold my attention that long. Now it's 70 pages and I'm still with it and eagerly awaiting every new page. Well done, sir, well done.
James Marlow 4 years
Absolutely loving that paul is putting on weight too.
James Marlow 4 years
I'm absolutely loving this story so far.
Polarisdreamer 4 years
Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback so far! It really motivates me to keep going! For those wondering, yes Alana from the Fence also appears in this story as a minor character
Fatchance 4 years
One of the best stories ever posted here .... absolutely fantastic!
Arch329 4 years
Is Alana in Paul's Dilemma the same Alana from the Fence? I have been thinking of doing some cross over stories to expand beyond Eric and Colette. I have always enjoyed Vonnegut's writing and he often introduced a character in one book, who then became th
Karenjenk 4 years
I like this because of the development of the people. they are realiztic and likable
Aquarius64 4 years
I don’t usually go for female feedees, but I have enjoyed this one. It would be interesting to see Emma fully embrace a fattening lifestyle!
I like the contrast between the sisters and your characterisation too.
Jazzman 4 years
This is Amazing. This story is Art!
Polarisdreamer 4 years
I hope people are enjoying the story, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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