Chapter 1
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Seeming at her wits end, Bridget feistily grunted, “You can’t just bring some random guy you met last night into our home without asking permission.”
“You wouldn’t give me permission, so I didn’t ask.” Janet countered, crossing her arms under her perky chest.
Shaking her head spiritedly, Bridget retaliated, “That’s not what I said! I said you should find a job before you find a boyfriend!”
“I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend last night, I was looking for a good time and you know what mom? Mission accomplished! Go me!” The little diva cheered in an animated fashion, “If you want me to find a job so bad, I’ll apply to hooters! Would that make you proud??”
“Ugh!” Bridget balked in disgust. She couldn’t even begin to imagine the gasket her own mother would have blown if she’d ever acted like this after she’d returned home from college.
“I told you I wanted to take an off year! Just leave me alone.” Janet snobbishly pouted.
“And who do you expect to foot the bill while you loaf around all year? Huh? You’re an adult now and it’s time you stopped acting so spoiled.” Bridget demanded, while it appeared Janet had finally had enough.
Standing up in a huff, Janet barked, “Whatever. I’m going out again tonight and nothing you say is going to stop me.”
Bridget didn’t even have a moment to respond, because by the time the right words came to her, Janet was already out the door.
She’d need to have a long conversation with her husband tonight about what to do about Janet’s behavior. However, before he got home from work Bridget grabbed the kitchen phone to call her mother. Ever since her father had passed away, Bridget made an effort to call her lonely mom once a day. Sometimes it was a bit tiring, but she knew it was the right thing to do since she lived so far away.
Bridget contemplated asking her mother for advice on what to do about Janet, but the truth was that her mother was a problem in her own right. She was aging, she was lonely, and she was having trouble maintaining her independence. Right now, most of her issues revolved around driving at night but Bridget knew that it wasn’t going to be long before the family would need to have a serious conversation with her.
Wait a minute…
Bridget was suddenly struck with a great idea. A solution to both her problems. She only needed to convince her mother and Janet…
“Mom, please settle down…” Bridget pleaded into the phone, “Now, I know this is touchy subject for you, but ever since Dad passed away last summer, we’ve been thinking it might be time for you to…”
Just like she’d done when Bridget was just a child, Eleanor silenced her adult daughter by loudly clearing her throat and proudly speaking over her, “You’re not sending me to a nursing home. I was born here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“Mom, that was your old house. You and Dad moved to your new house 5 years ago. This is exactly why we think…”
“I know what you think, but I’m not ready.” Eleanor voiced her protest with the spirit of a younger woman.
“Mom, you’re not even letting me talk. We don’t want to send you to a nursing home tomorrow, but we also don’t want you living alone. Janet’s just graduated college and she wants to move in with you for a while. You know, to help make the transition easier for you.”
“What’s the catch?”
“There is no catch! It will be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Janet’s up to her neck in student loan debt and living somewhere rent free is going to do wonders for her once she gets a job. And think about it, you’ll have your granddaughter for company. She can help you with the garden, with driving at night, anything you need to keep actively enjoying your routine.” Bridget explained hopeful that she could sell her aging mother on this idea, “I know how much you love cooking, maybe you could even teach Janet how to cook? Lord knows I’ve never been able to.”
“How long will she be staying with me?” Eleanor’s dignified voice questioned.
Being sure to sound cheerful, Bridget replied, “As long as she wants. It will probably take her a while to save up enough money for her first apartment. And whenever she’s ready to move out, we can start looking at nice nursing homes together.”
Only hearing silence on the other end of the line, Bridget held her breath.
Mulling over the offer, Eleanor shrewdly sought to clarify, “We won’t start looking at nursing homes until after Janet moves out?”
“Exactly. No rush.”
This was music to Eleanor’s tired ears.
“Alright. It would be nice to have some company around here. And you know how much I love to cook for my granddaughter… So… when will my dear little sweetie be moving in?”
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
22 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years
@billedmeup I've probably read that one a few years ago, it rings a bell. Thank you!
@Laurastasia thank you!