Chapter 1
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It was never a good sign when Mel called Liz by her full name.
“I never specified when I would start going to the gym with you. I fully intend to keep my promise… but… not today. You just need to be more patient, Melanie.” Liz replied with her typical snarky attitude, as she spread her cushion of a rear end upon their apartment’s fluffy loveseat and tenderly cradled her bag of fast food from McDonalds.
Crossing her toned arms and letting out a big sigh, Mel grunted, “It’s always semantics with you!”
“What’s the point of boxing anyway?” Liz complained thinking lowly of her lover’s favorite sport, “All you do is sweat, gag, and get punched in the face.”
“Here we go again.” Mel shrugged wishing that for once her overweight girlfriend would get off her lazy butt and join her in an active activity that she loved, “The next time I want you to do something, I should draft a freaking contract and make you sign it.”
Taking her short lover’s words as a threat, Liz fired back, “Make me? I’d like to see you try small fry.”
‘Is that a challenge?’ Mel thought to herself in excitement. The athlete in her loved a challenge.
Stepping forward and forcefully poking her girlfriend’s big squishy belly, Mel scoffed, “Oh please, this isn’t a pie-eating contest. Stay in your lane ya deep-fried couch potato!”
The look on Liz’s face was one of stunned irritation. Past her rebellious exterior, she was quite sensitive about her excessive weight and her girlfriend just loved to tease her about it. Luckily in the five years since they had started dating, they’d developed a sophisticated method for settling their petty disputes.
“That’s it!” Liz roared, while she threw her dinner to the side and tackled the sexy beast antagonizing her. The two lovers then engaged in a spontaneous wrestling match on the floor of their apartment’s living room.
When Mel had first met Liz, they’d been freshman in college. Back then, Liz was packing a lean 125lbs onto her 5’7 hourglass frame. Her short dark black hair, long legs, geeky fashion sense and alluring facial features ensured that she’d caught Mel’s eye. At the time, Mel was sporting closer to 140lbs on her 5’4 pear-shaped frame thanks to gaining the freshman 15. The dirty blonde blamed her weight gain on too many midnight cafeteria runs mixed with a newfound lack of exercise structure from not playing a sport like she had in high school.
When they’d started dating, during their sophomore year, Mel had been the ‘fat’ one in the relationship, but then Liz’s mom passed away…
The untimely event proved quite traumatic for Liz. Her grieving process lasted for nearly the next two and a half years. During which time, Liz overindulged with food to fill the painful void in her heart, while Mel had joined a local boxing gym for stress relief and for the athletic structure she craved. By the time they had graduated college, Liz was pushing the borders of obesity at 191 pounds and Mel had slimmed down to a fit and firm 124 pounds.
Now, two years after they’d graduated and entered the workforce in their respective fields, Liz’s weight had inflated to 220lbs and Mel’s had shrunken to a lean and muscular 116lbs.
“Ow-ow!! *Pant!* I give! I give!” Liz huffed and puffed and begged for mercy, as Mel predicably emerged victorious from their brief wrestling contest.
“Hmhmm,” Mel giggled, while keeping Liz pinned. Despite how annoying Liz’s perpetual stubbornness could get sometimes, she loved that spark of defiance. It made forcing her submission all the more satisfying. Though Mel was growing more aroused from her forceful victory, and was interested in moving things into the bedroom, she was intent on not surrendering her position straddled atop her mushy girlfriend until her lover agreed to take her health more seriously. So, Mel asked, “So, you’ll start going to the gym with me?”
“Eventually.” Liz mumbled trying to catch her breath with a rebellious look in her eye.
Knowing Liz, Mel knew that ‘eventually’ meant ‘never’ and that she’d always find some sort of loophole to get out of diet and exercise unless… “Liz, what’s it going to take to get you to commit to a diet and exercise regimen? Can we come to some sort of arrangement? I really want you to lose some weight, ya know?”
“Oh, I know.” Liz purred grinning slightly, as she began to scheme, “I thought of something.”
“Do tell.” Mel said, smiling with a slight insidious grin. It seemed like Liz was actually taking this seriously. Mel loved Liz unconditionally, faults included, but having the opportunity to take the sexy beast Liz had been freshman year to bed was still a fantasy that kept Mel up at night. Mel could hardly remember having sex with Liz when she’d still been so sexily skinny.
With a small smile, Liz teased her fitter girlfriend, “You’re not going to like it.”
Liz’s slight smile didn’t appear to Mel to be a pleasant one. It was more of an evil grin. The same kind of grin Mel had just displayed when imagining Liz getting back to her old college glory days freshman year.
“Just tell me.” Mel demanded. She was out of patience.
“Well,” Liz nearly giggled, “For every pound of weight I lose, you have to gain it.”
“Excuse me?” Mel coughed. She couldn’t have heard properly. Liz had to be joking with her.
“For every pound of weight I lose, you have to gain it.” Liz repeated with more gusto, “You’ll be in charge of my diet and exercise, and I’ll be in charge of yours until we both exchange places in the weight department, then I’ll help you lose it all.”
“W-why?” Mel stuttered in disbelief.
Blurting out the first thing that popped into her head, Liz uttered, “I just want you to see how good it feels to be plump.”
“Bullsh*t.” Mel shook her head, sensing her girlfriend was fibbing.
“What’s the big deal about putting on some extra weight?” Liz countered deciding to appeal to her girlfriend’s competitive nature, “You scared you won’t be able to lose it once you gain it?”
“You’re at least 100 pounds heavier than me fatso! That’s a lot of weight!” Mel exclaimed, as she shook her lover’s doughy belly and watched it jiggle with a growing apprehension.
On the one hand, the thought of having an obese body like her girlfriend horrified her, but on the other, getting Liz back to her sexy former glory was almost too tempting to resist. Could she sacrifice her own beauty for restoring Liz’s? Then again, she wouldn’t be sacrificing her trim body forever, she’d only be overweight for a short time, then she and Liz could be sexy and skinny together forever.
“Alright! I give up! You could always just let me remain an inflated blimp…” Liz said, as a crooked smirk of victory appeared on her face. Hopefully now Mel would get off her case and stop annoying her about exercising.
“Oh no you don’t!” Mel snarled unable to concede. She wouldn’t lose this opportunity to make Liz lose weight for good, “You’re on!”
“You’re serious?” Liz muttered in disbelief. She never in her deepest imagination thought Mel would go for this.
“Yeah! You and me! Pound for pound!” Mel declared with two forceful pokes to her girlfriend’s fat gut. Mel knew how to lose weight quickly. She’d done it before when she’d conquered the freshman 15. She would be in and out of this situation the same way.
“You’re actually accepting the deal?” Liz asked for clarification, while she tried to imagine her super fit lover with an extra hundred pounds of fat on her.
The excitement was causing Liz to breath harder; Mel could feel her girlfriend’s big stomach heaving up and down. Grinning, Mel teased, “Yeah, it’s gonna be weird for me not being the sexy one in the relationship anymore, but it will be worth it to have my hot girlfriend back.”
“Hey! I’m still sexy! I’m still hot!” Liz frowned so deeply that her dimples and double chin were exaggerated a little more than normal.
“Mmm, I know, I’m just teasing you. Now, how about we hop in bed for a little exercise?” Mel seductively proposed, as she released Liz from her hold and began massaging her blubbery breasts.
“Now you’re speaking my language.”
Contemporary Fiction
Fit to Fat
11 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 2 years
Amazing, poor Mel 🤣
@Lord-Pumkin This story is finished, but who knows, maybe I'll do a sequel one day