Short story 1

Chapter 1 - us

I think I should start this story by talking about us, by us I mean Nick and I. We started dating pretty soon, we were both juniors in High School, young and I guess, in love too. We dated for almost 5 years... and then he broke up with me. He said that he didnt feel the kind of conection we had when we first started dating anymore, that he didnt find me that attractive anymore, that I was taking too much of his time and that it was time for us to grow apart. I was devastated. To be fair, I had always knew that he was not in love with me, not even close, he liked me, and he wanted sex, like all me do I guess. Me on the other side, I was deeply in love with him, from the moment I met him I fell, his deep blue eyes catch me and I could never leave, even knowing that he didnt love me. It took me months to understand that he was not the one for me, but was still not over him. Things got easier when I saw him for the first time after the break up, but I will not talk about that just yet.
Over the 5 years we dated, and specially when we started college, my weight changed, I was always on some kind of diet to try to loose weight, the egg diet, paleo, vegan, raw.... everything. I gotta say that I have always liked myself better when I was thin, but sometimes I was just to tired of dieting and just wanted to feel free for a while, but I never could. He was always pushing me into trying to stay thin. He would by me clothes smaller than my size just to challenge me to make them fit by the end of the month. When we broke up I gained some weight, not to much, just 10 pounds or so, but enough to feel my clothes a little tight.
It took me a month to start stalking him on social media to check how his life was now without me. As I have mentioned, he was never in love with me, so it didnt take him long to find someone else. I saw pics of him with this beautiful cute girl. She had blue eyes, dark black hair, cute freckles on her cheeks... They had pictures everywhere and it had just been a month! At the mountain hiking, eating some ice cream... even at the beach! She had a beautiful body. She was not too tall, but her stomach was perfectly flat, her legs were firm and her boobs pretty round.... I thought to myself "oh well, at least he got someone better than me..."
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Xavier311 4 years
I rarely post comments but I disagree about the spelling. There are minimal errors, but the grammar and sentence structure is atrocious.

You succeed well with the character development and your use of imagery is most excellent. Just stop using ellipses
Jazzman 4 years
It's a great story with some truly sloppy spelling. Great plot. I hope you will take your time in the next chapter.