Marriage made her fat

chapter 1

Black long hair, bright blue eyes, full lips, perfect body... It seems unreal that someone could look that good, but Susan had it all. When she was in her last year of college she met Damon, a new rich young businessman, he had made his way into the Real State business for his good looks and he needed a partner that would complement his image, and Susan was the perfect one for that purpose.
They met at a friend's party and Damon always said that as soon as he saw her, he knew she was the one, she looked like a Russian model, just not as tall. As soon as he could he started talking to her and as the night went on, they started to fall for each other. He got lost in her blue eyes and she would dream about hearing his deep voice in the morning when waking up next to him. As time went by, they had more and more dates and they ended up falling in love. Just a year into the relationship Damon proposed, she said yes, and oh well... they got married. Their life seemed perfect; they had a beautiful modern home in the mountain, he was getting more money than ever, they looked amazing together... But things don't last forever. Right after they got married Damon got some houses to sell in Aspen, he knew Aspen was a wealthy place and he needed to go with the opportunity, so he started having to leave home every now and then to fly to Aspen. As time kept going, he started to spend 5 out of 7 days of the week in Aspen, and Susan started to get bored with it. Being alone all they in a house without your loved one and pretty much nothing to do gave her a lot of time for herself. First, she took it as some time to do skincare, more exercise, read... but as months went by she got tired of it and she started to fill that time with food. She started to have longer and bigger breakfasts, more food for lunch, making several trips to the pantry for snacks, and less exercise. For the first two weeks, Damon didn't notice much change in his stunning wife, but after a month of her pigging out, he started to notice her dresses looked tighter and her flat belly was starting to curve out. He didn't say much at first, he thought it was just occasional and he didn't think it was going to go further than that, but it did. A month later she had put on 35 pounds and her body looked inflated. Most of her new added weight had gone to her belly and it really made her figure look odd. As soon as he arrived home, he was shocked by her appearance. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top that used to fit a couple of months ago but that was now too small for her growing body. Her shorts didn't look too bad, they just rolled down from the pressure her belly made, on the other hand, the tank top made sure every inch of her body was way too visible, exposing the bottom part of her belly and being skin tight to it.
- Hey honey... what's wrong? you look like you have seen a gosht - Susan said as she hugged him tightly. He could feel her soft belly pushing against his body.
- You.... you look really different Susan... - He said as he stared at her body analyzing every inch of it, realizing the red stretch marks on her belly and how it pushed against the tank top. - Have you gained any weight?
- Oh, I knew you were going to say something about it... I did put on a couple of pounds...- She said placing her hand on her belly and rubbing it.
- A couple... yeah... sorry I had to mention it, I just noticed really quick and I don't want you to ruin your body... - He said ad he left his things on the entrance.
They had dinner together that night, then they sat on the sofa and had some wine as he talked about how his days in Aspen had been and the last house he had sold. After a couple of hours, she was feeling horny and she just decided to take her top off and lean in for a kiss. She then sat on top as she unbuttoned his shirt.
- Sorry babe... I'm really tired.... maybe tomorrow... I need some rest - He said as he puller her away, seeing her belly hanging between her spread legs and touching his torso.
- Oh... Okay, that okay babe.
The weekend went by and he left again to Aspen. She was home alone, again, sexually frustrated, bored, and somehow feeling bad with herself. She decided to go on a water fast, which didn't work, as she broke it by 12 am on Monday as she ate half of a peanut butter yard just sitting on the sofa by herself. The rest of the yard didn't last much as it was her breakfast for Tuesday. Binging 24 / 7 trying to take the frustration away, making her clothes tighter, her belly bigger and her stomach happy.
Damon was going to be away for 40 days this time as he had a lot of work and almost no time to go back home, not even for a couple of weekends. She started to look swollen after the first week, as she didn't leave the house and all she did was eat and watch tv. Just in that first week, she managed to put on almost 10 pounds and week after week her binging just got worst, ordering fast food, eating all day, doing nothing... After a month she had put on another 30 pounds without any problem and none of her clothes fit anymore. She would just walk around the house wearing an old big T-shirt that now was tight around her belly and no pants. In just another month her belly had doubled its sized and it now covered the waistband of her panties and most of her crotch. When she sat on the couch to eat, she would open her legs to leave room for her belly since if she didn't, it would take her breath away.
Monday morning, just 10 days away from her husband coming back she decided to order some shapewear online and lost of clothes to cover her body. It took 2 days to arrive. She first tried the shapewear, which worked pretty well, managing to squish her belly and making it looked like she had only gained 10 more pounds instead of 30. She found that to be an easy solution to the problem and she kept doing the same as before for the 10 days left; pizza, Chinese take out, peanut butter... Her expanding bally showed it all. She still put on 7 more pounds over those days and she had reached 210 pounds. It was impossible not to notice her meaty body.
Before he was about to get home, she put on the shapewear, which was so tight it made it hard for her to breathe. The shape of her belly still showed through it and she still looked fat, but it was better than nothing. She then put on one of her new dresses and some makeup.
- Honey, I'm back! - Said Damon as he walked in
- Oh hi babe, I've missed you so much... - She said walking towards him
- You look... beautiful... - He decided not to say anything, at least not yet, and just be nice.
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