Chapter 1
My name is Chris and back when I was eighteen there was a new girl that had moved into the neighbourhood at the beginning of spring and her name was Betsy. As time went on there always a different guy picking her up on a date but what I never could figure out was how was this girl so popular when she was so fat, it was so against the norm.I might have been eighteen but I was tall and easily could pass for older and I looked a lot older than the guys who came calling for Betsy who I thought were around 18 or 19. It was one Saturday in May and it was really warm and humid and I was working on my car in my parents driveway when Betsy came by and introduced herself. Hi I'm Betsy as she walked up the driveway and you are.....Chris I said, it sure is hot and humid today, sure is she responded. She really was beautiful and she seemed to like flaunting her size. She was about 5'6" and around 160 pounds with large breasts and thick legs with a fair belly and ass and her blouse and short skirt only accentuated her size even more.
We made a lot of small talk and when I finished working on my car I asked her if she wanted a drink I have soda and beer in the cooler and she replied I'll have a beer and join you. She asked where my parents were and I said they will be back the end of May that they winter in Florida. She then asked what I did and I told her I work at a bar as one of their bouncers...oh that's why you look so fit she said. So what else do you do she asked...well not much other than the bar but I do get every second weekend off to do whatever I feel like and without missing a beat Betsy asked If I would like to take her to a movie or something.
This I thought was pretty forward of her but I thought what the hell why not and asked her, how about a movie tonight after all it was my weekend off and then we can get something to eat after. Betsy said...great I'm looking forward to it and finished her beer as I pulled out the hose to wash my want help she asked and I said sure if you want.
Betsy I'm sure was getting wet on purpose her blouse looked transparent and she had no bra underneath so her large breasts were almost in plain view and the sight was getting me hard. I said Betsy your all wet why not give the inside a wipe while I give the rag top a good scrubbing it was the only way I could think of so she wouldn't she how hard she made me.
When I got around to the front of the car there was Betsy in the drivers seat with her hand under her skirt playing with herself hoping I would notice I thought, and I did my cock was down the leg of my jeans straining to get out. Then out Betsy popped from the car and came right to me and said....What's this here and placed her hand between my legs.
Before you think I'm a slut or anything else I saw you last week at the bar when you threw that guy out for slapping the girlfriend and it turned me on. Sure the guys I've gone with only want sex and some get it and others don't, but you and it's only been a couple of hours I want to go to bed with.
As strange as this all seemed and she did sound kind of slutish inside we went to my room and had sex. Betsy sat on the edge of the bed her clothes were all ready off and she said just stand there and let me see what you have and undid my belt and unzipped my pants......Oh my god your huge which was true rock hard I was at least 12" and thick and Betsy immediately put me in her warm mouth.
As she sucked away I thought...hmm not a slut and she took me deeper than any one girl had before, Betsy didn't fool me and then she snapped me back and said now fuck me hard. All the while I was doing Betsy she was screaming fuck me with that big cock over and over again until finally I exploded all over her because I had no idea if she was on birth control or not. After we both had a shower together and when finished Betsy said forget tonight I've had you now and that she liked to move around without getting attached, and she left.
As the years went by from that time I had sex with Betsy, though I bedded slim women it never turned me on and though I tried I just never could meet a big woman until I was 28.
I moved outside of the city and bought this little local bar in town with a regular clientele but when the old owner told the staff he was retiring they left to find other jobs which threw my plans back two weeks to interview and hire new staff.
It was coming near the end of the second week and the pickings were slim until in walked Connie to apply for a job. Connie was 5' 7" with dark hair and best of all she was a BBW and beautiful. The two of us hit it off right away and I liked her bubbly country personality. I told Connie hiring hadn't gone well so for the time being it was just her and I but to make up for it I would pay her $22 an hour which was way more than most people in town would make an hour. Right away Connie was a natural and all of the regulars were back but Connie was from the next town over and it was 40 minutes away.
One night after closing Connie was joining me for a beer and I said to save you the drive would you like to move into the apartment above the bar, it's real nice unless you have something keeping you where you live. Connie was excited really...and no I am living with the parents, then I said it's yours when ever you want to move in and she leaned over to kiss me and her large breasts knocked the bottles off the table.
It's been months now and business has been great, both Connie and I are outsiders but every Friday I run a meat roll for the customers and if no one wins it carries over to the next Friday and the customers really love Connie. In all this time I've noticed Connie has put on a fair bit of weight yet she still moves around like a slender woman.
This one night after closing the two of us were having a few drinks when Connie asked me if I was seeing anyone...No I said what about you and she said no. I thought back to Connie's application and remember she put down 29 as her age which meant she was a year older than me. She was really beautiful so I said how about I make us a steak dinner and she said she would help so into the kitchen we went.
Connie always ate large portions when she got the chance while working so I decided two thick t-bones and mounds of fries and while she was making the fries I was grilling the steaks then we sat down with a few more beers. Connie really got into her dinner and was apologizing for eating so fast but it was so good and she was really hungry.
I was just finishing and asked Connie would she like anything else...and with a sly grin said I could do another round of what we just had so I went to make her another steak. This time instead of 2" I would grill a 3" t-bone that would fill a platter and a separate platter with fries and gravy to see if she could put it a way.
When I placed it all if front of Connie she must think I'm a pig and started eating again. Oh no I said, I like a woman with a good appetite and really my preference is a woman of her size, and then the biggest smile was on her face and then she kept eating.
As Connie was devouring this second meal I was getting a hard on and it was a good thing the table was there, and in a few minutes she was finished. I completely forgot about my raging hard on when I got up to get the plates and it would be hard for Connie not to notice, and notice she did when she said, is that for me too.
Let's go up to the apartment Connie said and we went up the stairs at which time I noticed she was labouring with her weight. Once we got to the top Connie said make yourself comfortable I'll be right back and she went into her bedroom. When she returned she had a loose sweat top and sweat pants on and said no wonder I was huffing and puffing my jeans were cutting into me and I just weighed myself and I'm 270.
Without hesitation she said if your into fat pigs then you should be into all of this and pulled down her sweat pants exposing this huge hanging belly.... In to it I said, you really could be a lot more heavier I mean you look great and you turn me on but bigger would be better.
Right then we were on the floor Connie on all fours and I'm trying to be careful not to rip her apart she still hasn't seen my cock other than to briefly touch it and I was slowly entering her wet pussy. Remarkably she was taking it in easy and screaming for me to *** hard. Over and over again she would say fuck this fat pig and the harder I pushed the more she screamed until we both had a great explosion of cum.
Connie and I eventually became a couple and she moved into my house as she no longer could handle the stairs to the apartment. In the last two years she has put on a lot of weight now weighing 430 pounds and stays in bed eating non-stop and growing larger for me. She uses a wheelchair around the house and tells me how much larger she wants to get for me.
It all started back when I was 18 and I have to give Betsy credit for showing me the way to happiness.
1 chapter, created 4 years
, updated 4 years