
Chapter 1 - what a girl wants

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It was always hard to know what people wanted, here in Hollywood. Zayla Ricks had been talking to Sid for the last hour; not that he was complaining. The girl was incredibly beautiful and entertaining. She’d played a superhero on a TV show for the last six years and had that superb physique that was outstanding, even for Hollywood’s standards. Sid had to remember to keep looking at her straight in the eyes and not let his eyes slip towards that perfect chest and tiny waist. He wondered how many newspapers and magazines would be running pictures of her in that amazing dress tomorrow morning.

As a writer and producer, award ceremonies like these were great for networking. Maybe that was why Zayla was being so nice to him? Had she caught a rumour that they were casting for the new crime drama soon?

“You should check my new place out,” Zayla offered, sounding more than a little tipsy now. “It has the most amazing view with an infinity pool. I can lend you some swim shorts!”

“Yeah, I’d love to,” Sid nodded. The thought of getting in a pool with Zayla Ricks was starting to make him more than a little excited. Not that it would ever happen. Zayla was just being nice.

“Great!” Zayla smiled, standing up. “Come on then!”

“Wait. Now?” Sid asked in shock. “But it’s two in the morning!” he called, finding himself following the gorgeous girl’s sexy butt in front of him. This lady had dated some of the hottest men in the world, and here was Sid, getting into the back of a car with her. Not that there was anything romantic between them, he told himself; but Sid still couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach.

Zayla didn’t fit the usual criteria for the girls Sid dated. But she was certainly outstandingly hot enough for him to make that exception – not that it would ever happen, he kept saying over and over in his head. Maybe he’d had too much to drink as well. His mind wasn’t as sharp.

Zayla’s place was nice; very nice! It certainly showed what six years as a lead on your own primetime TV show could buy you. Another drink was put in Sid’s hand and the pair of them sat on the couch, still chatting as much as they had back at the after-party; Zayla’s incredible music system making up for the fact that they were no longer surrounded by other people.

“So, I read about you,” Zayla began. “Weren’t you dating that retired tennis player?”

Sid felt almost flattered that Zayla knew about that. The love life of a simple Hollywood producer was hardly the most riveting of news for gossip columns. “Yeah, I did,” he nodded.

“Danielle Marsh; she’s the one who got really fat after she finished playing,” Zayla remarked.

Sid nodded awkwardly; Zayla was nothing if not blunt. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” he smiled fondly. At her biggest, Danielle had almost hit 300lbs while Sid was dating her. But since they’d broken up, she had trimmed down quite considerably; such a shame, in Sid’s humble opinion.

“Poor Danielle was absolutely slaughtered by the press when she started putting on weight after retiring. I remember reading it all a couple of years ago!” Zayla went on.

“Well, I certainly wasn’t complaining!” Sid muttered. He sighed. Why had he said that?

“Oh, yeah?” Zayla laughed. “You like a bit of extra meat on your girls? You do know that, here in Hollywood, that’s pretty much a capital punishment?”

Still embarrassed and trying to recover himself, Sid decided not to answer Zayla’s question. “You’ve got to remember that, during Danielle’s whole career, she was pumped full of supplements and calories to train better; all those girls were! Of course she was going to struggle with her weight once she retired. It happens to many sportswomen. I mean, you probably understand,” Sid went on, looking at Zayla’s perfect, toned-up physique. “You’ve clearly been given plenty of things over the years to ensure that you look like this!”

“What are you saying?” Zayla asked, almost flirting, edging a little closer to Sid on the sofa. “You’re saying that one day this is all going to catch up to me and I’ll start looking like Danielle did?”

Sid could no longer tell what was going on. It almost felt like role play. “I’d imagine so,” he nodded. “You can’t keep that toned stomach forever, can you?”

Zayla’s face lit up. She started unzipping her dress from behind and revealing her incredible chest. “But surely I’ll always look like this, won’t I?” she asked flirtatiously. “What happened to Danielle Marsh will never happen to me. I’m no fat-girl!”

Feeling Zayla’s hand land on his thigh, Sid was now in no doubt at all that Zayla was coming on to him. How amazing would it be to spend a night with this girl? But she clearly had some sort of fantasy going on in her head that she wanted indulging. “Well, if you ask me, I think you’re going to make a real nice fat-gril!” he teased back. It seemed to be the right thing to say as Zayla’s hand slipped higher up his thigh and started rubbing his crotch.

“Oh, yeah?” Zayla breathed lustfully back, wanting Sid to elaborate.

“Yeah,” Sid nodded. “You’d have such a big, sexy butt on you in no time!”

Zayla leaned in and kissed him as if she could no longer control herself. “Is that what you do to girls? You fatten them up, like you did to Danielle Marsh?”

Having Zayla rubbing his crotch was sending Sid into pure ecstasy. His brain was no longer in charge. “You bet I fattened her up!” he shot back, letting down all of his guards. “I fattened her like the greedy piggy she really is!”

“Oh, wow! That’s so fucking hot!” Zayla moaned back, standing up and undressing as fast as she could; pulling Sid up to do the same. Before either of them knew it, they were in the master suite, making love on top of the covers; like it was their true purpose in life.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Feeder862 3 years
Thank you to everyone who is reading and following this. 'Super-chub' will have sixteen chapters once it is complete.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I don’t know how you do it, but you can always build suspense and leave me wanting more.
BlissfullyAware 3 years
hell YES
BlissfullyAware 3 years
HELL yes
Jazzman 3 years
One of the Best from One of the Best