The Model's Waddle

  By ConJohn  

Chapter 1

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"You're crazy, Sarah! Even if it works, why would you want my body?!" Freia said skeptically. Freia turned her attention back to the half-eaten hamburger she was enjoying. Having only met Sarah a week prior at the gym, Freia hadn't expected lunch with this particularly beautiful stranger to go in this direction.

Freia hadn't always been heavy. The Brunette 27-year-old had made it through college, avoiding the freshman 15 due to highly active involvement in collegiate sports. Yet as soon as college ended, so did the organized active life she had gotten accustomed to. What remained was an appetite that a rigorous fitness routine had traditionally countered. Unchecked, the appetite had helped Freia go from a svelte yet fit 5ft 7in 120-pound athlete to an obese slothful 340-pounder over the course of five years. Freia was deeply ashamed of what she had let happen to herself but couldn't find the willpower to keep to a diet. Though she tried to go to the gym now and then, it had been getting more demanding as she'd gotten fatter. Plus, her day job as an accountant wore her out to the point where all she wanted to do after work was go home and eat on her couch.

"Relax, it only for a day, and then I'll give you every pound back. I know it sounds crazy, but what's the harm? You told me you wanted to feel what it was like to be skinny again." Sarah said, smiling. She finished off the last of her garden salad, enviously looking at the higher calorie choice of her larger lunch companion.

Sarah was quite the opposite of her enormous new friend. A bit younger and much slimmer, Sarah was a Blue-eyed blonde 24-year-old working full time as a bikini runway and magazine model. At a lithe 118 pounds and the same height as Freia, Sarah's body was her primary source of income. She'd never gone to college, being fortunate enough to land a high-paying modeling contract with a good agency shortly after high school. She'd been lucky enough to have an easy life since then, always having things go her way and being treated like a princess by at least half a dozen boyfriends she'd had over the past six years.

"Yea, but what you're telling me is nuts. So we both say a magic spell and wake up with each other's weights the next day?" Freia asked sarcastically, increasingly believing this beautiful stranger she had met was a nutjob. Given that she lived in California, Freia had encountered her fair share of new-age hipster spiritual fad girls, but this Sarah girl seemed a little more on the wonky side of that spectrum.

"mhm, and then, when we're done, we get back together, repeat the spell, and switch back. Then everything is back to normal. Doesn't that sound cool?" Sarah said excitedly, not picking up on Freia's sarcasm. Sarah had a bit more belief in the spiritual side of life, so when she found a book of spells while thrift shopping with her friends, her curiosity got the better of her. While the purchase of the book had been for fun, a particular spell in it had caught her attention, and she found herself thinking about it daily since discovering it.

"I stand by what I said. You're crazy. And you didn't answer my question. Why would you even want my body for a day?" Freia asked as she finished her burger. Why Sarah would want to spend a day as a 340-pound porker was so odd to Freia. Even though Freia knew the spell was a load of nonsense, it was puzzling why Sarah even wanted to entertain the idea of executing such a bizarre spell. The only thing keeping Freia from walking away from this loony girl was the free lunch she was getting.

"I have my reasons. Just want to walk a day in your shoes is all." Indeed, Sarah did have her reasons. Sarah had had a fat fetish for as long as she could remember. Early days of stuffing her clothes with pillows and bedsheets imagining herself bigger were just the start of it for Sarah. It was a fetish Sarah had always kept secret from everyone, far too embarrassed to let her freak flag fly. Seeing that her line of work required her to stay in fantastic shape, Sarah's secret fetish was purposely repressed, doing everything she could to find the pleasures in other avenues in life. But, as much as Sarah tried to avoid those urges, she couldn't. The fantasies that ran in her head were too strong and pleasurable to brush aside. Yet this spell seemed like a perfect way to temporarily experience what she'd always secretly pinned for. The desire to be an obese tub of lard, at least for just a day.

"Whatever, weirdo." Freia reacted, not genuinely believing that a girl like Sarah would want to walk a mile in her shoes. But still, Freia decided to indulge the bizarre blonde. "Okay, fine, I'll say the words if it'll make you happy." Freia scoffed.

Smiling, Sarah pulled a book out of her purse and put it on the table, opening it to a page. Both girls leaned into the book on the cafe table they were sharing and read aloud the highlighted sentence together. "My burden is yours, and yours mine, for tomorrow you will carry the weight I bear until it is undone."

"And that's it?" Freia asked.

"That's it." Sarah confirmed.

"Okay, great... Happy?" Freia said, rolling her eyes.

"Very." Sarah smiled.

"Well, weirdo, I'm going home. Thanks for the free lunch." Freia said, struggling a bit to get up to her feet, nodding, and then walking out of the cafe.

"No.. thank you." Sarah smiled, watching her massive ass waddle away. Sarah had picked out Freia's enormous pear-shaped body for a reason and was excited at the prospect of wearing that much weight on her.

Sarah paid the check for lunch and headed home, feeling very excited. Before going to bed, Sarah put on an extra-large bedshirt and panties, full of hope for what the morning would bring.
28 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow! 🔥🔥🔥 What a phenomenal job taking us along for Sarah's downfall to a pivotal moment of weakness. You delivered! I kinda hope Owen is a hot sweet guy outside of his fetish, so it's not all bad.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Yeah, that'll be touched on in the next chapter
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Another great chapter, it is pleasant to see Sarah at last able to make some progress. I'll be curious if she is able to stick with it. I can't help hoping Owen will make a reappearance.
ConJohn 2 years
All of those thoughts are answered in the latest chapter smiley
Growingsofter 2 years
Love rhis story. Hioe you feel inspired to write more.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! Inspiration comes in waves, but appreciate it
Kexickus 2 years
I hope it'll soon be continued!
ConJohn 2 years
That hope paid off
Chubbysub03 2 years
who is the model used in the thumbnail?
ConJohn 2 years
Left (not sure) Right (bigcutie Chloe)
Alexander111 2 years
I hope the "happy ending" will mean that she will no longer struggle with her fat fetish, maybe she will learn to enjoy the humiliation and happily gain weight.
Alexander111 2 years
Maybe "O" could take her to humiliate, fat fetish events.
Kexickus 2 years
Oh, that'd be awesome.
ConJohn 2 years
I like your thinking. We shall see!
Minifan 2 years
Take your time, you spoiled us all with daily updates 🤣 (but also, hurry up 🤪)
ConJohn 2 years
I know right lol! I couldn't keep up that pace. Though I had already written out most of the plot, I kept adding more story in the editing process. We're nearly there!
Hereiam 2 years
I'd love Sarah to track Freia down through marriage declarations, drag her ass to Milan only to find it a ruse concocted by Freia and her partner to lock her away and keep her as the fat(tening) one.�
ConJohn 2 years
That's a great idea! We'll have to wait and see smiley
Monadic 2 years
There seems to be no redemption for Sarah. Every time there is an event that could serve as a catalyst of change, it is thwarted by Sarahs desire ir inability to resist. I found that quite depressing.
ConJohn 2 years
Fair point. I think Sarah's inherently in a difficult position filled with inner conflict. If you're still interested in the story, I can promise you that the story will not have a sad ending.
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