Control lost

Chapter 14D - Carl

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After a very rocky night, Carl found himself in one of the favorite places he'd grown accustomed to. Right behind his girlfriend as she was bent over. As Carl pounded Nicole from behind, he roughly gripped her hips, the buzz from the night swimming in his head as Nicole's frequent rhythmic moans filled the room. In seizing his girlfriend from behind, Carl couldn't help but notice softness. Aside from her waistline, It wasn't an unappealing softness. Morso something that felt altogether different than the body he had first tumbled with at the start of the semester. There was a lot more give to her body, which felt good whenever Nicole pressed into him. Overall, Carl was slightly intrigued by how his girlfriend was developing. In the back of his mind, there was concern about how under control Nicole was. Specifically the small bit of pudge forming around her middle. For now, Carl pushed that thought away and enjoyed the view from behind.

Earlier that night, the moment Carl had seen Nicole in that playboy bunny costume, he had wanted to rip it off her and go to town on her. Urges aside, Carl excerpted the upmost restraint the entire night. On the way to the party, there had been a bizarre incident that made him uncomfortable. An out of shape couple dressed as characters from Shrek had crossed their path, and Nicole very loudly fat-shamed them. Carl found this behavior from his girlfriend the slightest bit unappealing. He had picked up on his girlfriend's fat-phobic natures in the past but had shrugged it off. It was one thing to disparage fat people privately.. but openly being mean was something Carl was not a fan of. Live and let live was his motto.

That minor bump aside, the party was a ton of fun. Carl got to show his girlfriend off to his friends while they drooled jealousy. Aside from having a playboy bunny on his arm, one of the highlights was Nicole's roommate, Kate. Carl had never had much of a chance to talk to her before. Now, the more he chatted with her, the more he found her incredibly easy to get along with. Even though she had dressed up as a cow for some reason, Carl couldn't help but give the girl props for finding a way to pull it off. By all means, Kate was secretly a total package. Short, cute, and smart. It made it an easy sell to convince one of his friends to dance with her. By the end of the party, Nicole & Carl got a little too drunk. Yet, Carl could put aside his girlfriend's slurred ramblings since the way she danced on him was borderline foreplay. He practically carried Nicole out of that party back to her dorm so the fun could continue.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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FTMfatty 5 months
This story is fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ!

Take your time writing more. Just know there are fans who love it.

You're really gifted with dialogue and descriptions. 10/10 amazing writing talent.
ConJohn 3 months
Cheers! I've already got the outline ready to go for the rest of the story, and fully intend on getting back into it.
Limeicecream27 7 months
Nicole is going to be so mad when/ if she figures out what Kate is doing! This story is fire!!
ConJohn 6 months
Oh, definitely a question of when.
4funnow 7 months
Donโ€™t rush Her Humiliation
ConJohn 6 months
Yeah, it'll be the next project I wrap before returning to this.
Wafflel554 8 months
It's a great read, seeing if it's still going?
ConJohn 8 months
I'm going to pick this up as soon as I finish my current project. I already have more written, just need to edit.
Booty450 11 months
Is this still going
ConJohn 11 months
Taking a break from writing to recharge, then will be back with more of this.
Tttfeeder 1 year
Awesome job my favourite story in a long time! Is the story finished here?
ConJohn 1 year
Nope! Far from finished. Gonna wrap up Haley's gain and then get back to this.
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Honestly blown away with this story! I tried making a story of my own but I don't think I have it in me. I love the progression and multiple perspectives. They make the experience more immersive. ๐Ÿ˜Š
ConJohn 1 year
Multiple perspectives are hard to do, so I don't blame you. Checked out your latest story and it's pretty interesting.
Scootergirl 1 year
How much do we reckon she weighs at this point?
ConJohn 1 year
Though Nicole avoiding stepping on a scale (for now).. if she did, she'd be somewhere between 155-160 pounds at this point in the story.
Clock 1 year
two chapters on the same night? nice.
ConJohn 1 year
Totally! I think from this point, If I have a multi-pov point of the story, I may end up posting all those POVs at the same time.
Ao01 1 year
really good story. But is Nicole still not aware of her weight gain? If so, that doesn't make much sense. Also, more descriptions of the changes in Nicole's body would make the story better.
ConJohn 1 year
Yeah, I'm leaning pretty hard on Nicole's lack of awareness/inelegance/introspection with this story. Agreed, but since a lot of the story is told from the POV of someone in denial, it's a choice.
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