Max and nica

chapter 1

Max stood in the shower and groaned as the hot water fell on his aching belly. He rubbed it to try and ease the discomfort while he thought about the day that had just passed. The morning had started off fine, he had gotten off the plane, called his wife, checked into the hotel, checked into the training course and gone to the introduction seminar. From there things had gotten a bit out of control. Max liked to eat, he loved food, but had always done so in moderation - mostly. In the last five years, after marrying Nica he had put on at least 30 kg, but his wife was a great cook, he was comfortably married and she liked his chubby belly. It was nice and round and stuck out just enough to cover his belt buckle when he sat but didn't sag over when he stood up. He eyed his gut, his wife would poke it and stroke it and point out how bloated it was if she saw it now. He sighed, his hosts had shown him around and taken him to see the sights on his first day, unfortunately for his stomach, most of those sights were edible and deep fried. He groaned, unsure of how he was going to manage 2 months of training in this place.

The next morning he made his way to his first seminar that had been combined with a sit down breakfast. He was deeply involved in the seminar and just ate what they put in front of him. He didn't really notice how much he had eaten or what, only that it was tasty and it had been a lot. If he had paid attention, he might have noticed that most of the other seminar guests as well as the presenter where quite a bit larger than he was and he also might have noticed that he had eaten his way through a 6 course breakfast. But he didn't notice. When he finally got up 3 hours later for their first break, the feeling of being over full had already dissipated. Max gave Nica a call and went to the bathroom, trying to ignore the guilty pleasure of his swollen belly. It was time for the next seminar so he hurried off, putting his mind on his training.

Max's boss had promoted him to this new position so that he could head up their new department from home. It came with a major pay rise and 2 months of training. He had to ace the training if he wanted to keep the job, and he really wanted to keep the job, working from home while sitting on his butt all day for a huge sum of money. Who would say no to that.

Max was deeply engrossed in the second seminar and as such failed to pay any attention to the fact that his jaws didn't stop moving for the entire 2 hour presentation that conveniently coincided with lunch. When they were done he lurched to his feet. This time he was unable to ignore how much he had eaten. He waddled back to his room and stared at his stomach in the mirror. He had never been so bloated or so full before. He felt himself blush, it felt almost as good as having his wife on top of him. He lay down with a groan and stroked his overfull gut until he fell asleep.

Max took a quick shower before heading off to the last seminar of the day that included dinner. He couldn't really believe that he had an appetite after everything he had eaten, but he was hungry. He told himself it had nothing to do with the fantastic feeling of being over full.

Dinner was an endless flow of training and food. Max ate so quickly that the waiters actually gave him seconds of some courses. When the training finished Max had to sit for a while after everyone else had left. He was so full that he could barely move. He eventually dragged himself up and very slowly waddled to his room. He stood in the shower, propping himself up against the wall and stared in awe at his swollen gut. It looked twice its normal size, he couldn't see his feet. He felt so full. He groaned at the smallest movement and held his gut to try and relieve some of the pressure. He had a sudden shocking thought, if this was day one, what was going to happen after the 2 weeks seminar training? Being full like this for 2 weeks solid. Max felt himself harden at the thought. How fat would he be when he got home? What would Nica say? He felt himself climax at the thought. Shocked and a bit embarrassed, he washed and got out of the shower. Max rolled into bed and promised that he would control himself for the rest of his stay. If he didn't he would be huge by the time he got home. He felt himself harden again at the thought and groaned, determined to ignore it, he rolled over and fell asleep.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Built4com4t 1 year
Most excellent. Very arousing.