Doubled Debbie

  By Moocao

Chapter 1 Introduction to enormity

Note to the reader: This story has some breast expansion elements to it, it is still mainly about weight gain though. This IS a feeder/feedee website after all.

I was the very image of an attractive woman, and I knew it, I was skinny, I had a huge butt, curly blonde hair, a skinny waist with nice hips, I had everything. Every thing except one. I was an AA cup, when I was younger my mom just said I was a late bloomer, she was wrong. Now I’m 24, and I am still flat as a pancake, I wouldn’t even bother buying bras if having none wasn’t embarrassing on cold days. I had spent three years saving up to get breast implants. It couldn’t have gone worse without landing me on an episode of Botched. I nearly died when I was put under according to the medical staff. I found out I was allergic to some of the drugs that an anesthesiologist needs to knock you out. So, I found out surgery was out. I still had five thousand dollars set aside for making my breasts bigger, somehow.

I spent nearly a year looking into alternate ways to do what I needed done. All I had found was a few herbs that did nothing, and that gaining weight may help, though there must be something better than that, but then I saw something unexpected in my search online. There was a promising FDA study starting, people had developed a drug program that promised to alter the way the body stores fat. They had made a few versions, but only one spoke to me. Bust-Ex, it was a stupid name, but if it worked then who cares? Hell, Pharmatech would even pay me to test it out for them. Granted, not enough to justify the risk of making yourself a guinea pig, but I would do this for free for even the smallest chance it would work. I filled out the papers to apply to be a test subject online and was accepted and given an address, with a date, and time to be there.

When the day came I went to a plain building across the street from a hospital near my home. Inside I sat in a waiting room for less than 5 minutes before being called into a back room with four other women. A tall, thin woman with long, straight black hair and a large chest spoke to us saying, “Welcome, and thank you all for volunteering for our testing of Bust-ex pills. I will now begin my explanation of the testing process, unless there are any objections?” no hands went up and she said “Perfect, now I will explain exactly what we are testing and what the tests entail. My name is Doctor Delilah Jones, you may raise your hand to ask me any questions you think of. Bust-ex is a simple, yet powerful drug that works by altering the way the human body, or any mammal for that matter, processes and uses calories. Rather than storing excess calories in the form of adipose tissue all over the body your body will use the excess calories to grow your breast tissue. You may have noted that all of the test subjects are thinner women, the reason for this is that the process will require that you consume far more calories than is normally required by your bodily functions, the pills only effect the way in which the body stores new fat deposits, as such its effect will be most obvious on individuals with as little body fat as possible.” Hands went up, questions were asked, mainly about how safe the test was and any possible side effects. To be honest I didn’t pay much attention to it, I didn’t want anything that would scare me out of this, especially not with horrifying side effects that have a miniscule chances of actually happening. After the questions were completed we were given documents on clipboards with a pen. The papers listed the rules and requirements of the test and blah, blah, blah. I took the paper and signed the paper without reading it, Dr. Jones informed us “It is a simple instruction, take one pill each morning with breakfast, and try to eat at least three thousand calories a day, the effect will be stronger the higher your caloric intake is, remember, the pill only alters the way your body stores fat.” With no more questions asked the Doctor showed us to the front, with instructions to simply return here to get a refill when the pills are exhausted.” One of the other test subjects raised their hand and asked “Are the rumors true that Pharmatech is secretly giving out refills early to encourage people to take a higher dose than approved of by the FDA?” The doctor gave a coy smile and said “I can neither confirm nor deny any rumors that Pharmatech would illicitly approve of taking up to,” and she spoke in a much louder voice to say the words “THREE TIMES,” Then returned to her normal voice to finish “the normal dose, doling out refills at an increased rate to allow a sustained rate of such a dosage. I mean, how would doing such a thing even benefit us? Though if someone were to do so we would certainly be interested in the details of the effects it causes.” She then bid us a good day and left.

I went home and sat at my table, looking at the bottle “Up to three times the dose, so I could try one or two extra now even. No, I’ll play it straight at first at least.” Then I got an apple to eat for dinner, my last small meal.
I woke up the next day and quickly swallowed my first Bust-Ex pill, still snickering at how dumb the name was. Then I went to have breakfast, two bowls of cocoa pebbles cereal. I had always loved this cereal, it reminded me of my childhood. But it had far too many calories for regular consumption, I normally tried to have less than 1,600 Calories a day. So I would usually go with fruit for breakfast. But today was different. Dr. Jones had told the test subjects to shoot for three thousand calories a day, “Oh! That reminds me.” And I grabbed the paper that had been given to me along with the pills, it had a list of side effects to expect. The paper read as follows.

Expect increased hunger and weight gain while taking these pills. May cause dizziness. . .
And a very long list of side effects, only one of which gave Debbie pause. Under the section that warned people to stop taking the pills under certain circumstances was the expected list of horrible sounding side effects that never actually happened it seemed, and a warning that the effects caused may be permanent. When I read that I said out loud “I may be permanently allowed to eat whatever I want and have a bigger chest for it. How is that bad?” I said as I happily poured a bowl of cereal.

In hindsight the reason was fairly obvious.
18 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Pd500 1 year
I liked it! Kinda jealous of Juinor!
CountryFeeder 1 year
Great story so far; you've developed the characters (especially Debbie) very well and realistically (at least as far as the "magic science pills" go). Good pacing and plot too. Thank you for posting
Andixxx1 1 year
Great Story. WHO“s the Girl on the Cover Foto?
Moocao 1 year
I don't know to be honest. I just found a photo that fit the general vibe of the story via Google search.