Chapter 1
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“Only twice,” the woman groans as she checks off Saturday, ending another week on her calendar. Even Ann didn’t know exactly why, but she’d always felt oddly driven to keep track of how many times she and Bill went at it each week. Then, when they married she only felt it was more important. When she started Ann loved doing this. It was a reminder of the fun and enjoyment that she shared with Bill. But Ann felt like she enjoyed her little recording ritual less and less the lower the number of marks went each week. Each week it became less of a reminder of good memories, and more of a reminder that her husband didn’t want her in bed anymore.
Ann sighed in frustration, she felt like she was a freak as well as being unattractive. Every woman that Ann had been able to ask wanted a man in bed once or twice a week. Ann wasn’t satisfied till she got that much in a day. Hell, even then she wanted more if she was being honest with herself. Ann feared she may have nymphomania or something weird like that, but after seeing a therapist she concluded that no, she just has an unusually high sex drive.
Ann fantasized about sex, in her fantasy every sensation was like an electric fire. Every thrust and motion was an immeasurable wave of joy and pleasure. The few times that Ann had brought this up to a friend she got the same reaction, “Bill is a lucky man.” But no, no he wasn’t. Not for that reason anyway. Ann thought that maybe it was some kind of curse that every couple had one person who wanted the other FAR MORE than the other way around. Eventually she figured that it wasn’t a curse. It was just that any couple where they both were like her would never be seen outside since they’d be in bed 24/7.
Ann looked back over her calendar. Weeks of records going back for years all told a story as they passed. The sex calendar had started out when the couple were still tentative and finding things out at eighteen. There it had one or two checks or Xs a week. Then they became more comfortable with themselves and each other, and the number jumped up to around five marks week around when they first went to college. There the two discovered that they had all the time in the world to have fun. Hell, even when Ann got the, normally crushing, news that she couldn’t have children she only saw it as an excuse to bone more often. They both knew there were no STD’s between them, and without the threat of unwanted pregnancy there was little reason to ever say no. Not for Ann anyway, she’d always liked it more without a condom anyway. She thought it was dirty and
Emberassing so she told nobody, but she always loved how it felt when Bill finished inside of her.
So, when the two first moved in together in sophomore year Anne saw it as an excuse to go on her favorite ride more than ever. It was so exciting that Ann didn’t mind at all when she and Bill both got into fights with their parents over it. Ann and Bill both insisted that living together wasn’t just the couple looking for an excuse to bone more often. Ann had kind of hoped it really was though, and every moment alone with Bill she would all but jump on top of him. Sadly it seemed he was honest to his parents though, he really did want to live together because he thought it would make them happier emotionally, and not to take the extra opportunities to explore each other’s bodies. He didn’t say no a lot back then, but Ann asked far less than she wanted to, she couldn’t stand feeling like she was pushing him to do what he didn’t want to. It was nearly rape in her mind.
But, then they graduated, and as twenty two years old turned to twenty three things changed. Ann was hoping that her sex drive would fall with age, and that the gap in desire between her and Bill would shrink as her libido did the same. But no, it only got worse as Ann’s desires remained unchanged and Bill’s fell even lower.
Ann knew that their sex drives were beyond asymmetrical. It was nearly always Ann who initiated things in bed. At first she thought that maybe Bill just wasn’t that into her physically. Maybe he loved her on an emotional level, but not one that made him want her in that way. So she began to analyze herself in the mirror constantly. She was a few inches shorter than Bill at 5’7”. So Ann tried wearing high heels to see if he’d like her more a bit taller. There was no effect. Maybe he wished she had a bigger chest or butt? After she used “subtle” methods of padding he didn’t even seem to notice. Hell, Bill didn’t even notice when Ann stopped being subtle at all. Ann felt like she had pillows in her bra and a diaper on before she gave up on increasing the size and stopped. The woman felt like she would cry. Bill didn’t even seem to care if his girlfriend was on the itty bitty titty committee or not at a small B cup. Next Ann thought that Bill may like blondes or red heads more. Black hair is pretty plain, but no. He didn’t care at all when she tried dyes or wigs. Not for blond, or red, or even unnatural colors like blue or pink.
Eventually Ann had a thought that terrified her. Maybe the real reason that Bill is so blasé about sex is that he is looking elsewhere to get off. Then Ann learned that was not the case at all when she started spying on Bill in secret. As she spied on her man Ann found that Bill didn’t even masturbate, forgive affairs. Most women would be happy to find that their boyfriend wasn’t even looking at pictures of other women online, forget cheating, and Ann was glad that Bill wasn’t cheating. But the lack of porn only made Ann more depressed. She’d hoped that she could find some secret fetish or fantasy of his and be able to use it to incite him to go to bed more often. But no, he legitimately seemed to be happy as their sex life continued to dwindle down to nothing.
After years of displeasure in their asymmetrical sex drives moving farther apart instead of closer Ann’s boyfriend proposed to her, it was a very standard proposal, he took her out to a fancy dinner and ended the evening by getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring. Despite her discontent in bed Ann truly did love this man and said “I do.” Without a second thought. That night they made love. Ann felt a little bit bloated. Shed eaten way too much at the fancy restaurant. But for once Bill had a passionate fire in him, even feeling over full Anne wouldn’t look that gift horse in the mouth
Ann hoped that maybe Bill’s increasing reluctance was due to guilt in opposing the teachings of his faith or parents, and that he’d be more willing to go to bed with her after marriage. No dice there either. So, after the honeymoon phase ended and Bill stopped wanting sex again, the new bride had to keep trying. So she asked him to try various libido boosting herbal supplements, and Bill agreed without resistance, and without effect. Anne figured that maybe she was too fat? So, her 120 pounds Was whittled down to 100 in a series of grueling diets. But he only seemed less interested by the day.
So, after three consecutive weeks of one mark on her calendar Ann decided to try something different. She’d ran out of rational ideas, so maybe it was time for something irrational. But voodoo and ancient charms had no effect either. After exhausting every option she saw Ann stopped trying. Depression started to take hold of Ann, she needed something. Some physical sensation. But she was already masturbating nearly constantly and was a regular customer purchasing odd sex toys at the adult store downtown (he didn’t like these either sadly). So Ann started to eat more. Ann knew eating her emotions was unhealthy, but she just had to feel something inside of her, and Bill didn’t want to be that “Something.” So, Ann’s weight steadily began to climb right back up as a naturel result of emotional eating.
As a hundred pounds went up to one ten Ann started to feel better for once. She was still painfully horny, and she still was afraid that something was wrong with her, but with every bite she took Ann felt a bit better. She knew that this sort of emotional eating would lead her down a path to the sort of obesity that meant no man would ever want her. But did that even matter? Ann loved her husband, and she would never leave Orr cheat on Bill, and he was disinterested already anyway. So what was there to lose? Maybe the answer really was at the bottom of a tub of ice cream.
Then it happened. On the day that Anne’s weight returned to its old resting place at 120 Bill actually initiated something in bed, surprising Ann by kissing her more than once as they went to sleep. Then more by grabbing and feeling her body as he continued to hungrily kiss his beloved. Every little touch felt wonderful to Ann, it was like she was on ecstasy or something. Bill’s fingers on the side of her neck left Ann gasping for air. Every touch felt amazing, best of all, it wasn’t happening because Ann forced it to happen, but because Bill actually wanted her. They went not one, but two rounds that night, leaving Ann deliriously happy. Everything felt amazing, every touch was desire, every thrust was satisfaction. For the first time since college Ann truly felt loved.
But sadly this seemed to be a one and done type deal, and after another week with one mark of the calendar, forced by Ann this time, she found herself eating her feelings again. Maybe it was a fluke? Then it happened, after an evening at a buffet to cheer Ann up Bill jumped on top of her again the moment they were home. This time was even better than the last somehow. Ann returned every hungry touch and squeeze that her husband gave her, every kiss, everything. Ann had to find out why. She couldn’t just let this die here. But no matter what she did there was no further sighting of that version of Bill, until she had a slight breakdown and went to Carl’s Jr. Maybe it really wouldn’t happen again, maybe that kind of passion was simply dead and gone. But Ann could get sugar easily enough.
Ann wasn’t an especially weepy person, and she didn’t cry much. But this time she did cry, and boy did she. As she drank her shake Ann’s mind was spinning, her best days were behind her and things could only get worse. Ann couldn’t hope to have kids to focus on, she didn’t even have work keep busy with. Bill was a traditional breadwinner and was damned proud of it. So, what was left but food? Ann wallowed in her tears and stuffed herself with French fries and a milkshake. As she ate Ann felt regret, she should have gotten more sweets. But she had gotten more, just before this. So, Ann ran to the freezer and got the tub of Ben and Jerry’s in it, shed let that thaw as she had her fries and shake. Ann figured that she’d never stop eating again. Not for long anyway. The sugar made the sorrow stop. Between gulps Ann shouted an incomprehensible cry of emotions before she practically chugged a vanilla shake. Even when the plastic cup and sleeve of fries were empty Ann just couldn’t stop eating. No, she could stop quite easily if she wanted to. Stopping was easier than continuing with how full Ann was, but the ice cream made the emotions stop, so she forced herself to take another bite.
Bill came home from work one day to find Ann sitting at the kitchen table, weeping over an empty tub of Ben and Jerry’s, and an empty milkshake in front of her, next to an empty sleeve of fries.
Ann had given up on getting any physical sensation that day beyond the cold, sweetness of the ice cream and the hot, greasy, salty sensation of the fries going un her mouth and stomach. But, the moment he got in Bill practically sprinted toward Ann. Then he grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her deeply. At first Ann thought that this “love” was just Bill trying to make her feel better since she was obviously upset. But no, as things continued Ann felt more excitement and passion from Bill than she had since they were in school. This was authentic, and the kisses were sloppy and passionate and horny and filled with a desperate want that buried Ann in pleasure. All of her fears, all of her regrets and desires, everything was gone. Everything but the sensations, the feeling and the passion; and these are all things that Ann loved. She felt low about it, but she wanted Bill’s dick even more than that feeling. Thankfully she got them both. As Ann reached orgasm she screamed and wrapped her legs around Bill, “More.” Was all she could say.
The couple went a second round before Bill fell asleep. Even as he snored Ann wanted more, she couldn’t let this stop now. Not now, not ever. Ann had never felt better than she did right now. She felt physically fulfilled. Fulfilled, but not satisfied. No, if anything she felt more desire than ever, and so she planned to jump on Bill the second he woke up. Ann didn’t even care about strong arming him anymore, she just wanted to fuck. Ann had never felt this horny in her life, and that’s saying something. Ann was the living embodiment of desire and she knew it. Then a thought hit her. A guy’s plumbing doesn’t really cooperate if he isn’t excited. But what got him going, what had turned Bill on so much lately?
Ann only had one theory of why, one theory that she still needed to test. So, for the first time since graduating she took out her phone and dialed, after a few rings came the answer. “Domino’s Pizza, how may I help you?” Said the voice on the line.
Some time later Bill awoke to see his wife sitting at the table, with a box of pizza in front of her. She slowly took a bite, clearly forcing herself to eat despite a painful fullness. When Bill sat up Ann said “Hey there tiger, you want to go another round?” Bill laughed and answered “Don’t think I can yet to be honest.” As he looked down at his placid member. “Well” Ann said with a mischievous smile, “I’m pretty full but,” and took a giant bite of her slice before finishing, “I gotta tesht dish.” Then smiled broadly as she swallowed before asking “Want some? Just come sit with me as I pig out.”
When Bill got up he reached to grab his slacks off of the chair he’d left them on. Which made Ann shout “No! I need you naked for a bit.” Bill asked “Still that horny?” “No!” she answered before clarifying “Well, yes, but there’s more to it than that. Just trust me.” Then took another bite, her eyes trained on Bill’s member, which twitched slightly, making her think that her theory was right. She’d finally found out how to get Bill going. But, she needed to be absolutely positive, today couldn’t be the last day with three checks on the calendar. Ann pat the chair to her side and said “Come here sexy. I want to see something.” Bill went to sit by his wife without question.
Bill still seemed confused, but he decided to wait and watch, rather than speak. So Bill didn’t ask any more questions. Once he’d sat down Ann put one hand on his member and ate with the other. She began to stroke Bill lightly out of habit, then stopped. Thinking ‘No, I’ve got to find out if it’s eating that turns him on. It means nothing if he gets hard from my stroking him.’ Only halfway through the slice Ann began to hiccup. Each little hic made her stomach jiggle. For once Ann was glad that she was so flat chested. Because, even after the fun they’d had before his nap, Bill was already starting to get hard. Which made Ann eat faster from excitement Stomach pain be damned. Shed get more of that dick today, come hell or high water.
Ann finished two slices before the pain stopped her but that was fine. Bill was already rock hard, and Ann’s theory was proven to her satisfaction. She gave her husband’s shaft one last stroke before saying “Good thing these chairs are sturdy,” and climbing on top of Bill. Ann exhaled, shuddering and saying “Y-e-s-s-s-s” as she slid down his shaft. “Yeah,” Bill said as she slid up and down his member, “That’s good.” If she wasn’t so focused on the moment Ann would have shouted in surprise and delight, Bill was never vocal during the act. Even when they were in school he was mostly silent. This was the first time he’d ever said anything while inside her. Which excited Ann to no end as she moaned, bouncing up and down.
The two ended up going harder and harder until the chair stopped squeaking and began to crack. The loud sound of wood splitting made Ann hop off of Bill on reflex, while she didn’t regret moving, a feeling of cold emptiness made her hate that she’d stopped so suddenly. Ann needed things to start up again and now, so she didn’t want the delay of going to bed and shouted “Cum with me.” While waving Bill toward the couch and hoping he spelled that the same way as she had in her head.
They ended up having a marathon of sex, changing positions and locations again and again to drag things out longer. They ran down the hall for Bill to slam a hand onto the wall in front of Ann before taking her against the wall, then they went to bed and went at it in missionary briefly, before Ann kicked Bill off and went on all fours for him to take her from behind. Ann was never a big fan of missionary. But doggy style worked just fine for them both and they both finished after a short time, with another shout from Ann. They then laid down side by side and Bill said “That was fantastic, we need to do this so much more.” “Yeah,” Ann said with a giant grin. She continued “I want to do this every fucking day.” As she felt consciousness slipping g away she had one last thought, ‘I’m going to get so fat doing this.’
She was not wrong.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
No Transformation
11 chapters, created 4 months
, updated 2 weeks