Wendy's Weight

  By Moocao  Premium

Chapter 1

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Wendy knew that she was pretty chubby. No, not chubby, just fat. She was average once, skinny even! But Wendy had done nothing but gain weight in her three years as a franchise owner of a fast-food joint, one that I bet you can guess the name of. Wendy had discovered that business seems to get better when the public can see her eating at her franchise. People got a kick out of a red headed woman with pigtails and freckles eating at the local Wendy’s it seemed, and they’d get even more excited when they found out that her name was Wendy. It didn’t hurt that Wendy looked far younger than she really was, making her look a bit more like the mascot. The thirty year old could be mistaken for a Senior in high school or a freshman in college. It frustrated her when she was trying to get respect from anybody, but here it was a good thing. So Wendy made sure that was what the people saw, a red headed girl with pigtails and freckles joyfully stuffing her face at the local Wendy's. Having fast food all day, every day was doing a number on Wendy’s waistline, but it was nearly free, and did more for bringing customers to her business than an add in the local paper. Wendy knew that from experience, she’d tried it before.

Wendy thought on all of this as she looked into her mirror in the morning. Wendy often wore a blue and white striped number to further promote the image of “Wendy,” that the customers seemed to like so much. She’d eat something at the Wendy’s she ran for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Wendy would make it obvious that she loved the food and enjoyed herself greatly during each meal.

But this was not without it’s complications, Wendy could easily tell you that much. Her arms grew curtains of fat that drooped down when she held them out as her scale went from 150 to 160. Wendy’s butt grew sideways far more notably than out, with thick layers of fat extending her hips making them sway when she walked. The number on the scale went from 160 to 170. Wendy’s chest grew enough that she got a D cup without feeling like anyone would say she was the least bit sexier for it, and making the scale rise from 170 to 190 as she did. But Wendy’s stomach was what changed the most, changing from a slight outward curve to a bulging ball of flesh that went out nearly as far as her newly enlarged bosom. The largest change in Wendy’s body would have brought her weight up a decent amount all on its own, but along with the rest of her it brought Wendy up to 223 lbs. Wendy knew these things happened simultaneously, but she felt oddly compelled to itemize the effects of her “Business investment” eating fast food for nearly every meal.

But Wendy couldn’t deny that this had saved her business. Wendy was an emotional eater to begin with, and her business was struggling on the edge of bankruptcy, until she started eating her nerves at her own Wendy’s. As dinners turned into Wendy constantly eating her fear, she rapidly gained weight. Then one day she heard a surprised teenager exclaim “It’s Wendy, she’s really Wendy!” A friend of the girl said she was being stupid, but the first teenager kept going on, “There must be a million of these places. What are the odds ours has the real Wendy in it? I’m eating here more often.” The other teenage girl groaned and mumbled something that ended that the restaurateur couldn’t hear. Wendy would have ignored this whole event, if the girl didn’t come in the next day with five more friends that she wanted to see “The real Wendy.” Even that wouldn’t have made Wendy’s meals into a regular occurrence, if several of those teenagers hadn’t done the same with their parents, who then brought their friends as well. So Wendy began to eat at her restaurant more often, and her business drew more customers by the day. Even as she hated the weight that she put on, Wendy loved the business that her eating brought, so much that she considering taking out a loan to buy or start more franchises.

Wendy sighed as she pulled her, now tight, top on to go with her, even tighter, pants. Yet another set of clothes that she’d outgrown. Worst of all, Wendy’s body seemed to be getting used to her new eating habits. She found herself seeing what she once considered a huge meal as an average sized one, and what was once a normal meal became just a snack. Worst of all, Wendy began feeling hungrier as her stomach grew used to regular fatty foods. Wendy constantly felt the urge to eat even more. When she’d started this Wendy had to do her best to look happy when she felt full to bursting near the end of each meal. But now she was beginning to catch herself wishing she had just a bit more to eat whenever a meal ended. The woman began getting milkshakes and desserts with her meals, which only accelerated the shrinking of her clothes. Wendy’s top tore slightly, “Aahh f***. That was my last one.” Wendy said as she realized that she’d destroyed yet another blue and white striped top, she’d have to wear the generic manager's uniform today.

Being fat was hard for Wendy, but getting there sure as hell wasn’t. Wendy really did love the food from the place she shared a name with. So it was damned easy for her to start having meals here more and more often. This continued for years, and now Wendy was starting to fear that the charm of being Wendy may die if she gets too heavy to look like she was the girl on the logo. As Wendy considered the events that had brought her here she noticed the time. If she was going to keep porking up to make a dollar then Wendy would do it at a time where it was most effective as an advertisement, and it was almost breakfast time. So, she quickly tied her shoes and made for the door to go and get breakfast. At Wendy’s, again.

As she drove Wendy thought about her situation and freely spoke to herself since nobody could hear. “Well, back to another day of getting even fatter. Selling my body like a crazy cross between a prostitute and a pig farmer.” Wendy sighed deeply. “Hell, what do I care? I only wanted to stay skinny so a guy would like me. But I’m still alone anyway.” After nearly a decade of looking for a guy Wendy had largely given up on searching. She continued “I’m pretty sure I’ll always be honey regardless of my weight. Wendy thought on the subject more. She actually liked the way the weight looked on her, or she didn’t hate it anyway. But Wendy knew that absolutely was not normal, and that most potential suitors would think fat was disgusting. “Maybe it's for the best. I’m going to be alone anyway the way things are going, and I’ll be a tub of lard to save my company, I might as well like it myself.” Wendy tried to convince herself as she drove.

Meanwhile a man named Tim walked into the local Wendy’s and ordered a breakfast. He honestly didn’t care for fast food much. But a meal wasn’t what brought Tim to Wendy’s this morning. No, Tim had only come when he’d overheard some kids shopping at the convenience store he worked at talking about how “The real Wendy” always ate at the Wendy’s down the street. So, when Tim got off work he had to see. Tim had a bit of an obsession with watching women eat. He knew most women found it off putting to know that a guy was enjoying their meal the way he was. But Tim figured that, as far as dark secrets go, his was pretty innocent. So, after watching Wendy eating dinner Tim decided he had to come back. Then he came back again and again. three dinners turned to five and then to ten and fifteen, before Tim realized that he could see this at breakfast before work as well. Eventually Tim noticed his clothes getting tighter as well as Wendy’s, but he wanted to watch “Wendy” eat more than he wanted to be healthy or comfortable. So Tim started skipping lunch entirely, only eating before and after work, when he could watch the redhead eating her own meal. He stopped buying groceries too, every meal he ate became an excuse to watch Wendy eating too. The woman would occasionally moan with pleasure when she ate, which made Tim imagine how noisy she might be in other situations. He wanted to find out for real, and repeatedly tried to ask the red head out. But day after day he would chicken out when he tried to speak to Wendy. Tim couldn’t stand the thought of this woman turning him down, then thinking he was a creeper for watching her eat. Worse still, Tim knew that the woman may get him banned or arrested if she notices a strange man watching her eat every day.

Until it happened. One day, as Wendy finished her breakfast she realized that she was still hungry. Well, if I’m going to be a whale, at least I won’t be a hungry one. Was what Wendy told herself as she got up to get seconds, and with a milkshake too this time. “F*** it.” She muttered under her breath as she went to order. The woman felt weirdly free about her place in life. Giving up on meeting a guy meant it didn’t matter how she looked, and that meant she’d never have to be hungry again. Wendy couldn’t stop smiling as she reveled in the freedom of her meal. Even better, Wendy figured that her authentic happiness would only help her business. So she grinned all the more as she ordered.

Meanwhile Tim was overjoyed to see Wendy was actually getting more food this time. He had taken a seat halfway between Wendy and the counter, and he gasped as he saw Wendy walking back to her seat with, not only a bag of food, but a milkshake as well. He could feel his mouth watering as if he were the one about to eat, rather than slowly nurse his coke to look inconspicuous, his meal already eaten. The woman walked, no, she strutted, away from the counter with a broadening smile on her face. The smile grew into a grin as Wendy walked. She playfully shook her hips and wiggled her butt as she walked. Tim imagined her doing the exact same thing, but with far less clothing obscuring his view. He realized the woman had gotten chubby lately, or maybe she always was? Maybe Tim just didn’t notice it till now because he wouldn’t let himself get too close to the woman. But it seemed that fate had decided it was time for Tim and Wendy to get a bit closer to one another today, literally. At this time Tim thought that nothing could pull his mind away from Wendy, and he was right. Tim was entirely focused on Wendy as the side of her pants leg tore, and he paid even more attention when she tripped and fell on him.

Wendy felt like the world was moving in slow motion as it happened. Her mind was on just how much she was looking forward to her milkshake. Then she thought about how she enjoyed food more the more she ate. Wendy quietly mumbled “Well that’s not a good si-“ It was then that Wendy heard a tearing sound coming from somewhere on her lower body. Before she could even look down to see the source of the sound Wendy felt the seam of her pants unraveling on the side of her leg. She turned on her heels to try and sprint to privacy in the back of the building, Wendy’s mind went to how the restroom was closer and she tried to change course. Wendy successfully changed the direction she was moving in. It changed from heading toward the back of the Wendy’s to heading straight towards the floor. Wendy desperately flailed her arms in a blind attempt to grab something and hold herself up. She first caught a random table, then slid down it. Wendy continued to slide down, as her friction was killed by some condiment that was on a tray she hit. Before Wendy could think of any details she fell further and hit her second stop. It was softer and warmer than the table. Wendy slowly looked up as she felt denim rubbing on her face. She shot a guilty smile to the man she’d fallen onto and continued to smile a grin that screamed “Please don’t be mad.” As she laughed nervously.

Tim sat in his seat as the woman he’d been lusting after and fantasizing about reached out to slow her fall. She caught the table, then slid down, literally falling into Tim’s lap. Tim was already excited from fantasizing about this woman. In his daydream she was eating so much that she grew on the spot, eventually plumping up so much that he’d have to go talk to the growing girl, lest he explode like an overfilled balloon from sheer excitement.

But when Wendy fell down onto Tim’s lap he was fully in reality. Tim didn’t care even slightly that Wendy’s bag of food and milkshake had hit his table, with the shake exploding and the food scattered everywhere. At first Tim was too surprised to have this woman touching him to think well, but he had to say something. So Tim said “Hey there.” Before realizing he had no clue what to say next, he gently put a hand under each side of the woman’s rib cage and lifted her up gently as he asked “are you okay miss?” Tim then searched his mind for a name, thankfully Wendy must have interpreted his silence correctly. She said “Wendy, and I am so sorry for this,” gesturing to the mess she’d made before repeating “Sssooooo sorry.” With the word “so” stretched out enough to practically be a sentence on its own. Wendy said “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I run this place.” Gesturing around the Wendy’s before continuing, “So how about free burgers for a month,” getting up as she spoke.

But Tim hardly noticed what Wendy was saying. His mind was focused on a different Wendy than the restaurant. Wendy was a good deal heavier than she looked. From appearances he would have guessed that woman weighed around one-eighty. But when he'd felt her it was clear that Wendy was a good deal heavier than she looked. A fact that excited Tim enough that he was starting to worry about what Wendy would feel if she'd stayed on his lap for long. Thankfully for Tim, Wendy stood up before he said “Sorry, but I didn’t catch that. Come again?” as the alternate meaning of the phrase “Come again.” Went through Tim’s mind, eliciting a slight smile from the man. Wendy replied “I asked if there was anything I could do to make it up to you that I fell onto you like that. I run this place, so I offered you free food as an apology for landing on you.”

Tim knew that a chance like this doesn’t fall into his lap often. At least not literally. So he decided to take a pretty big risk and went with what he really wanted. Tim answered, “Only if you eat with me when I get it, and it doesn’t have to be here either.” Wendy felt her cheeks burning with embarrassment and surprise as she asked “Are you asking me on a date? I don’t even know your name yet!” Tim looked into Wendy’s face. She was adorable, chubby but not yet fat, she was soft and weirdly warm to the touch. Tim briefly considered aborting this plan out of sheer nervousness then pushed passed his doubt and said “I’m sorry if this is too forward. But you may be the single most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I don’t know you at all, and I want to change that. So, if you want to do something nice for me then yeah, I want to use that favor to go out on a date with you. Also, my name is Tim.” It suddenly hit Tim that he was dead broke at the time, so he finished “Oh, and I don’t really have any money, so I think this may be my only chance since you’re offering to pay already anyway. So, how about Saturday at six or so?” Wendy replied, “Yeah, sounds like a date. I’m not exactly Scrooge McDuck levels of rich right now myself. So how about here at Wendy’s?” Tim managed to bite back the urge to shout for joy, and calmly agreed.

Wendy was overjoyed that evening as she left her store early, which she did the moment things calmed down enough to allow her to sneak out with minimal risk of people seeing the tear that ran down the seam of her pant leg. As Wendy drove home, she talked to herself, “Okay. Guess I’m not hopeless when it comes to guys after all.” With a laugh, “But he’s broke, dude said it himself.” Then a song popped into Wendy’s head and she sang “I ain’t saying I’m a gold digger, but I ain’t messin’ with no broke. . .” she let the line trail off there with a chuckle. Wendy sighed, “Not saying that out loud, not even alone.” Then she sighed and continued. “Still, he’s the first guy to ask me out seriously in years. I’ll give em a shot.”

Meanwhile Tim sat in his home, thinking over his next plan for the weekend. “Maybe I can get her to eat even more than she would alone.” He said, before shaking his head and continuing, “No. I’m gonna be good. Not ruin things with another potential girlfriend.” Tim had ruined his last few chances with women by being a perv, this time would be different. Then again he'd also had women leave him because he couldn’t pay for much, and Tim had no way to change that. “Maybe I can at least take her to bed.” He mumbled before deciding against making that his goal, shaking his head and saying, “Hell, I can’t even buy her a meal, I should just take whatever I can get. Like a dog eating table scraps. Just be happy with what falls down, since I can get it for free. That’s all I can do, since I can’t actually do much of anything important.” He sighed to himself. “Yeah, this line of thought ain’t healthy on so many levels. Whatever.” But he couldn’t think of anything healthier to focus on, so Tim decided to just fantasize about when he actually could fuck Wendy. Imagining the woman giving him a strip tease. Tim’s fantasy continued ro fill his mind until he went to sleep.

Tim’s fantasy followed him to his dream, wherein Wendy did exactly what Tim had spent his evening thinking of. Tim stood in his room, with his back to his bed, as Wendy stood mere inches from him, wearing a tight top that looked like her stomach and chest were about to break out out of. Wendy looked at Tim with a facial expression that screamed of lust and bit her lower lip before giving off a breathy gasp. She gently pushed Tim back. He played along and fell onto the bed, landing so he was sitting on the edge. Wendy then began to practically peel off her top that was obviously far too tight for her. Even in his dream Tim couldn’t help but imagine how that top would be even tighter as Wendy put on some more weight. As she lifted her top up Wendy’s belly would flop out of it first, in a tidal wave of jiggling flesh that would shake and vibrate with each fall as it bobbed up and down. The show revealed to Tim just why Wendy had felt so much heavier than she looked, as her giant stomach had been squished in by her top far more than seemed possible. Wendy continued to lift her top higher and higher, showing breasts that behaved similarly to her stomach. First surging forward the moment that the cloth was pulled off of them, then bouncing up and down in a way that reminded Tim of a porno more than anything. He briefly wondered why Wendy wasn’t wearing a bra, but quickly discarded the thought as unimportant.

Then Wendy undid the button of her slacks, sending forth another surging wave of flesh as the bit of her stomach that was still held back was released. Tim stared briefly, then removed his own pants and underwear along with Wendy. She must have done so faster than him. The second that Tim finished removing his lower items of clothing he felt Wendy’s foot against his stomach, pushing him onto his back on his bed. As he fell back Tim saw Wendy’s womanhood between her legs only briefly before Wendy jumped on top of Tim. He saw Wendy in a full frontal before he snapped awake, as the alarm on Tim’s cell phone rang out across his room.

Tim felt frustrated and even angry that he was pulled out of his dream just when he was getting to the good part. He went to his bathroom to release a bit of tension before rushing out the door for the Wendy’s. Tim had to see the woman again after that dream, in the meantime he would fantasize about what he’d dreamt and what would come next.
4 chapters, created 2 days , updated 6 hours
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