Samantha and the Gentleman

  By Moocao  Premium

Chapter 1 a dance for two

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Samantha crawled along the floor toward a pedestal that was illuminated by a golden spotlight and had a gargantuan cake sitting atop it. Icing covered the cake so completely that Sam didn’t even know what kind of cake it was beneath it all. She would find out of course, not with her eyes, but with her tongue. So Sam struggled toward the cake. The woman was entirely nude. Sam knew why, she was a cow, fit only to eat and grow fatter, clothing was merely a distant memory for Sam now. So, she crawled naked across the floor, too heavy to stand for long, she would use all of her energy to bring down the cake, then eat it on the floor. But for now Sam crawled, her swollen breasts and stomach hung down and dragging across the ground, even as she held herself up as high as she could. Sammy was a good cow, she knew that being a cow meant eating as much as she could, soon she would be too fat to even crawl, the thought excited her to no end. It was so hot that Samantha nearly stopped to masturbate, but no. Sam was a good cow, she would eat first. Besides, the cake was right there in front of her! She couldn’t stop now. No, the cow couldn’t ever stop eating, ever again. Sam would have to eat even as she touched herself. She knew that she couldn’t stop, not for one moment. As long as their was food to eat Samantha knew it had to go into her belly. She would slow down when she was too full to fit more food into her stomach, but Samantha couldn’t stop eating for long anymore, and she honestly didn’t care to try. The hungry girl had never enjoyed herself this much in her life.

When Samantha reached the pedestal she did exactly as she had planned and used all of her strength to achieve the herculean feat of standing up. For almost two seconds the cow stood on her hind legs, like she was a human being again. Then Sam didn’t so much as tackle the pedestal as fall onto it, sending the cake crashing to the floor. Once it had toppled and fallen apart Samantha began the frenzied journey of moving beside the cake and allowing herself to fall onto it, burying her face and arms into what turned out to be a chocolate cake. But Samantha didn’t really care what the flavor was, she just had to eat. Sam had to be a good cow, and good cows eat all they can. As Samantha wildly shoved cake into her mouth her stomach swelled even larger by the moment. Eventually, when she could eat no longer, Samantha was forced to take a brief break from eating. During this break she put a hand on her clit and starred rubbing as she allowed her mind to wander back to what had brought her here.

Years ago, before becoming a full time cow, Sam was a tone and fit woman dancing under the name "Sammy Starlight." She had taken up a role as an exotic dancer out of desperation, working at a local gentleman’s club to make ends meet. Samantha truly was beautiful, she was shapely and thin, with a wiry, toned musculature that made her far stronger than she looked. Samantha’s body was sleek, yet soft to the touch, with skin that was just tan enough to let people call her exotic in more ways than her career. Samantha had breasts on the border between being a B or C cup. But Samantha’s best asset was her butt. It was round and soft to the touch, but toned and tight enough that it held its shape perfectly as she danced. Samantha knew some of the dancers at the club would give men private shows in the back of the building if the price was right, but given the implied activities going on back there she’d never given it serious thought.

One day Sammy’s life as a sleek dancer began it’s fall. A fall that would eventually lead to Samantha devouring cake beneath a spotlight. It all started when the cow to be met a man with very particular tastes. William Hresvault was the living definition of “sharp” used figuratively. He wore a sleek, black suit, with navy blue pinstripes. The moment the man entered the building William caught Samantha’s eye.

Samantha normally didn’t allow herself to become attached to her customers. But this felt different, Samantha found her eyes drawn to this man time and time again. It was like he was the dancer and she was in the audience, not the other way around. Normally Samantha would spread her attention across the crowd, but there was something about this man that she simply could t tear her eyes from. There was a fire intensity in his eyes that was more than just lust.

Only when she’d finished dancing did Samantha realize it. She hadn’t made a single dollar all night! She’d been looking at the man in the suit with tunnel vision to the point that that she had ignored the other patrons. And even that man hadn’t given Sam a penny. As she prepared to leave for the day Samantha felt a wave of worry overcome her, regret and fear left a knot in her stomach. One that only grew as she stepped out of the club and into the cold night air. Samantha was already living day by day as far as money was concerned. This loss was more than she could take. Samantha’s head was spinning as she walked to her car in the dark of the parking lot before dawn.

Then, as Samantha unlocked her car door the man with the fiery eyes approached her from the side. Samantha reflexively reached into her purse and grasped the handle of the switchblade she kept secretly within. Maybe what she had taken as passion was actually murderous intent. Maybe the man in the suit was some modern day Jack the Ripper wannabe, going around and offing sex workers. Well, Samantha was a lot of things, but a victim wasn’t one of them, she mentally went through the motions she’d need if a fight broke out. She would remove the knife and open it before making a quick slash across the man’s throat. Then she would. . .

Samantha’s thoughts were interrupted by the man speaking, he said “Hello miss. Am I correct in thinking you were the dancer from before?” As he gestured back to the club. Sam decided that she’d stay ready to strike if need be, while hearing the man out. So, she said “Yes.” In her best imitation of a calm, peaceful voice. Apparently her best imitation worked just fine, as the man calmly reached into his pocket, removing a wad of bills as she said “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed myself quite so much as I did back there. I was so consumed in your dancing that I had entirely forgotten to tip you.” He then held out the roll of bills, saying “Here, you earned this and then some.” God did that look like a lot of money. Even if only the outermost bill was a hundred and everything under it was a one that was still a decent take for the night. A hell of a lot better than nothing. Still, this may be a trap. So Samantha kept one hand in her purse on her knife and took the money with the other, saying “Thank you so much sir.” While thinking to herself , besides friendly, be grateful, sound nice. Samantha had never been especially religious, but a verse her mom had told her as a child sprung to mind. Be gentle as a dove, but clever as a serpent. This snake would ready her fangs.

But all of that readiness was for nothing. The man calmly asked, “So, if I return tomorrow will I be able to see you again?” Samantha said “Yep. I’m here every night.” The man turned away and spoke as he left, “Great, I can’t wait. I’ll be back, same time, same place.” And Sammy went into her car, thankful that her little meeting went smoothly. Now, to see the haul for the night. Samantha began to inspection the roll of cash she’d just gotten. “Holy fucking shit.” Sammy exclaimed as she went through the bills. It wasn’t a hundred dollar bill wrapped over a ton of ones as she had expected. No, this roll was hundred dollar bills all the way through. “Well, I guess I’m having a damned fine meal tonight.” She exclaimed. That guy would definitely be seeing her again for a repeat performance tomorrow, and if the payatched up, then Samantha couldn't wait.

Sam did exactly as she’d planned and went straight to a small steakhouse that had opened up next door to the strip club. It kept weird hours to cater to the men who wanted to eat after drinking and watching girls nearby, or wanted to eat before doing so. At least that was what Sammy figured they were doing, since the lights were always on when she entered or left the club.

Everything about the meal went normally. The food was delicious the service was good. Five stars, easy. Until the waiter came with the bill. Sammy took out her wad of bills to pay and the waiter said “Oh, you’re one of William’s girls. No charge then. He’s handled everything for you.” One of William’s girls? Samantha thought to herself, so she asked “What do you mean exactly?” the waiter answered “You must be new here. Mr. Hresvault always pays his girls in those rolls, so it’s a dead giveaway. He’s got a system worked out. Whenever one of his girl’s comes in we comp their meal and send him a bill. I’ve been here for three years and he hasn’t missed paying for one yet. So feel free to stop by whenever you want.” Samantha bit back the urge to say she absolutely was not new to the area. She'd been working at that strip club for months since her hopes of being a normal dancer died. But whatever, this was here first time inside the steak house, and there’s no point in making enemies now regardless. So she thanked the man and headed home.

Meanwhile William Hresvault sits in his mansion, lamenting his losses. “I was proud,” he mumbled to himself, “I thought I could live out my wildest fantasies.” Will had tried to juggle things in such a way that he could keep three women on his arm. At once, even going out or his way to find three women who would be okay with the arrangement. It had gone we at first, William was finally able to keep his, ahem, appetites, sated. But things quickly fell apart when it became clear that one of the three was cheating on William, the second was blatantly using him for his wealth, and once William had left those two the third quickly left because of William’s overactive sex drive and his fetish.

William had always had a bit of an obsession with the idea of women eating, and of fattening them up, especially when they were fit and healthy to begin with. It was a fantasy that he had indulged in almost constantly for nearly a year when he had three live in girlfriends. In hindsight Will regretted letting this desire get so out of control, and now he was alone because of his inability to even let Pauline stop eating for a few hours.

So, he frequented the strip clubs in the area excessively. Constantly imagining what he would do to the dancers if allowed. But, even with his obscene wealth, William ended up scaring off each and every woman he tried to introduce to his honest desires. So, when William saw Samantha he initially decided that she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Will knew that he couldn’t stand the idea of being away from her for long, and so he decided he’d wait for her in the parking lot to “coincidentally encounter” the dancer as she left. Now he couldn’t stop fantasizing about fattening her up. “No,” William said to himself, “I’m not chasing off yet another paramour over this again. No. I will be an ordinary man to the best of my ability. “Yes, ordinary.” Will said to himself, “Completely ordinary. I’ll just ignore the fact that the last thing I wanted to do before leaving Pauline was, to blow her like a tire till,” and Will shook his head wildly before saying, “No, bad thoughts. Forget the fantasies. Just win the heart of a beautiful woman. Maybe it isn’t easy, but that’s a normal problem to have. “And who knows?” he said with a yawn, “Maybe I’ll be able to tell her my dreams one day, and give her the choice to follow them with me or not.” So, with that William went to sleep. But as he tried to sleep, William couldn’t shake the thoughts he had let circle his mind. His old girlfriends, Samantha, fattening women up, and a dozen other things spun around inside William’s mind as he laid down, leading to fitful sleep and vivid dreams.

William found himself in the middle of a large, circular, room, with four chairs in the cardinal directions around him. On each chair was a woman held onto the chair by clamps binding her arms to the arm rests and her legs to the legs of the chair. Each chair had a hose hanging down near it, with the top leading up to a small hole in the ceiling. “Oh fuck, it’s you.” Came a familiar voice. William looked toward it to see Pauline strapped to a chair. “Let me guess, you’re just gonna live out your crazy fantasies of turning me into a whale now, can’t you at least pick a new target? You’ve already tried this on me. You freak! You. . .” her words continued for some time, only growing louder and angrier as Will tried to speak repeatedly and was shouted down each time. Pauline always was quick to anger and shout, though nothing ever came of it but noise. Even the noise was becoming too much for Will, who grabbed the nearby hose and jammed it down Pauline’s throat. Not just into her mouth, but actually going down the woman’s esophagus. As if sensing where the hose was a mechanical whirring started somewhere and Will saw a small bulge in the hose move down toward Pauline’s mouth. She gave out a muffled attempt at a scream and struggled impotent against her bonds.

William left Pauline to be filled, feeling excitement overcome him as his heart raced. He then looked to the other girls to see more faces he recognized. “Will, hon, why are you doing this?” came the voice of Jennifer, the first to leave Will. She was always more rational and calm than Pauline, though that was a low bar. Part of Will tried to think back to why she’d left him, but that portion of William’s mind was smothered under a growing desire to fill another stomach. So, without even trying to insert her question, Will put a tube down Jennifer’s throat as well.

Next was Sue, who never even said a word, only staring with a look of horror on her face as Will ran up to her to put a tube into her mouth as well. He’d run far more in the past, but this breathlessness wasn’t from running around the little room. “God this is great.” William said to himself absentmindedly as Pauline continued to thrash and flail helplessly. William walked up to his ex and said “Don’t worry darling. I won’t hurt you. I’ll just finish what I’d started before you left.” He looked down to see her stomach already growing round from fullness, pushing up her top ever so slightly. “You’re going to be so big before we’re done.” William said before doing a little 360 with his arms outstretched to the whole room, finishing “you all are!” before he noticed her. In the final chair sat the dancer he’d met just recently, Samantha if he remembered correctly. He walked up to Sam as she stared, wide eyes darting between the other girls. “Are you jealous of them?” he asked. Samantha then gave him an answer that nearly gave him a heart attack from surprise. “Yes actually. But it’s not bad. I’m your new girlfriend. So I’m sure you’ll make me even bigger than them. I can’t wait. Please fill me up now.” She said before opening her mouth and saying “aahhh.”

William looked down at Samantha and thought. I couldn’t do this to her. The others betrayed me, they earned their punishment. But Samantha? Samantha I had only just met. She is innocent. Apparently William thought abut it for too long for Samantha as the dancer opened up her eyes and asked “Is something wrong?” then, much to Will’s surprise, stood up and wrapped me in an embrace. After a moment just hugging Samantba must have felt William press up against her, as the dancer put a hand between his legs and said “Oh I see. You’re too hard to even think straight,” stroking him through his pants, “Here, let me help you with that.” And she dropped down to her knees as she went to unzip Will's pants. It took only a moment, but Samantha moving toward him felt like it took centuries. Slowly she took Will into her mouth, then began to Bob her head forward and back.

It felt amazing, yet, William felt like he needed something else. Just then, the sound of Penelope’s muffled cries made Will look in her direction. The pump whirred along merrily, clearly unaffected by her struggling. But the hose bulged out to the sides, seeming like it expanded to take on a larger load of whatever went through it. But the real show only came to William’s attention when he let his sight drop to her stomach. Penelope was huge, Will felt reminded of a water balloon with a hose attached, filling it to near bursting. She seemed like she’d swallowed the contents of a fridge in one sitting.

William somehow found this more exciting than the stripper currently sucking him off, he wanted to look at the other two tied in here but couldn’t tear his eyes from Penelope’s growing body, no matter how he tried. Whatever part of William had told him to care for the wellbeing of others had fallen silent, and all he wanted was to fatten up the girls until their weight destroyed the chairs they sat on. Speaking of destruction, Penelope’s chair didn’t break, but her top did. As William stared he heard Penelope’s clothing finally give up the ghost and nearly explode from the sheer pressure of trying to contain the swelling girl.

William then heard similar sounds emanating from the other chairs. This excitement of even imagining the rest of the girls exploding out of their clothes was too much to bear, and
took Will over the edge. Will finished harder than he ever had before. Samantha swallowed like it was nothing and said “Okay, now can you fill me, I have some catching up to do. I mean,” and she waved in Penelope’s general direction, “That should be me right now, no, I should be bigger, fill me up until my pants burst too, I want to be at least twice the size of the other girls,” then she paused and looked contemplative for a second, adding “Combined. Twice their combined size, ASAP.” And she sat down, saying “Make it so,” like this was freaking Star Trek or something. But William wasn’t going to say anything to her. Nothing but “Open wide” anyway. He put the hose into Samantha’s mouth when she obeyed that order, then stepped back to watch his handiwork.

William looked around the room to see Pauline’s jeans were tearing, if more slowly than her top had. White and blue frayed fabric was tearing open more by the second, revealing a sight that William had seen before. Though he did remember her legs being thinner. Will laughed maniacally as his old girlfriends grew fatter and fatter. He did a quick 360, checking on how all of the girls were coming along. William was already getting hard again when he saw Samantha. Will’s jaw dropped. Whatever mechanism was pumping the girls full of something had apparently fulfilled Samantha’s wishes by filling her up at a pace far greater than the others. Samantha’s clothing was already torn in the short time that William had spent looking at the others, the dancer sat in her bra and nothing else, as William looked the thing tore off of her chest and flew across the room.

William stared, completely absorbed by the sight of Sam growing at such an incredible pace that he could see her stomach jiggle and shake wildly, eventually joined by her chest, bouncing and jiggling by the sheer pace of her stomach swelling beneath it.

Then, sudden the dream ended. William sat upright in bed and gasped, taking a few heavy breaths. Will wanted that dream back. He wanted it so badly that the whole world felt like it wasn’t enough to satisfy him anymore. “No,” he said, feeling sweat drip down his neck, “Not another dream. I have to make it happen.”
11 chapters, created 3 months , updated 3 months
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