The boss's prized piggy

Chapter 1: A new beginning

Danielle stood outside her boss's door, out of breath, with small droplets of sweat rolling down her forehead. "Why does Mr Davis need to see me?" Danielle thought to herself. "Right in the middle of my lunch as well..."

Danielle wasn't always like this, 15 years ago she was known as the cheer captain, the quarterbacks girlfriend, prom queen. Danielle had pale skin, blonde hair, and beautiful green eyes, everyone was either in love with her or scared of her. Back in high school Danielle made it her goal to make Nick Davis's life a living hell. That's right Nick Davis, Danielle's current boss. Danielle did everything to Nick from cliche stuff like shoving him into lockers, all the way to cat fishing him and spreading his nudes all over the internet, And to think Danielle is currently working under him and acting as if nothing had ever happened. This has just opened up a new opportunity for Nick.

during these 15 years, karma had finally taken it's toll on Danielle. She currently weighs a whopping 450lbs, and her body was just pure lard. Her neck was completely buried under her large double chin, her arms looked like giant meaty sausages, and her fingers were just smaller sausages. She had a large apron belly that was on the verge of exploding out of her small pencil skirt, she had rolls of flab on the side of her belly which she has lately found useful for hiding food. Danielle's ass was large and ample, you could probably stack up to 10 soda cans on top of her ass shelf. Her thighs were like large tree trunks, and her calves were just as meaty. Like her neck, Danielle's knees were completely covered in fat, and instead she just had a dimple on either leg.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Danielle asked timidly, as she walked in and sat her fat ass down.

"You look exhausted, must of been a long walk from your cubicle to my office, huh?" Nick smiled warmly, handing her a glass of water.

"I guess..." Danielle quickly gulped down the glass of water, which left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth. Danielle thought nothing of it. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"A special promotional offer... one that I made up just for you." Nick replied, walking behind her and placing his hands on her pudgy shoulders.

Danielle immediately perked up hearing this response. "Well what is it?"

Nick grabbed onto Danielle's large pot belly firmly, getting a small squeak out of Danielle. "You're going to be my own personal prized piggy." a sinister grin appeared on Nick's face as he began jiggling her belly. "I'm going to fatten you up until I, and only I think it's enough."

Danielle couldn't mutter a single word, a million things were going through her mind at this moment. Then suddenly everything went black.

Danielle woke up in a candle lit bedroom, she didn't know where she was or how long she was out for, all she knew was that she was starving.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 months , updated 8 months
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Theswordsman 5 months
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