Her humiliation

Chapter 36

"What the fuck was that back there, Cam?" I said abruptly, not matching her friendly energy. I frowned and then gestured towards her body. "Look at what you're fucking wearing?! Are you crazy?!" It was hard for me not to default to saying what everyone in that classroom had been thinking, even if I had confusing feelings about it.

"I'm taking it you enjoyed the presentation?" Cam smirked, enjoying my outburst and giving her top a knowing tug, which still left a considerable amount of pale naked belly fat hanging out the bottom.

"Fuck the presentation, Cam! Look at yourself! Did you get dressed in the dark!? That outfit barely fits you." I snidely commented, taking a few steps closer to Cam, my pulse elevating.

Cam blushed and bit her bottom lip. "I know... It's kind of tight, isn't it? I thought I could maybe pull it off... Does it make me look fat?" Unable to keep her eyes off my reaction to her, Cam turned her bloated body from side to side in some sort of self-disparaging way for me to see her at her most obese angle.

"Fat?" I scoffed. "You look like a fucking pig. Did that outfit fit you 100 pounds ago? I thought you said you wanted to lose at least some fucking weight." Honestly, I knew Cam had become a weirdo, but she'd expressed to me multiple times the previous week that she wasn't entirely thrilled by her weight and had hoped to eventually lose some of it. Still, I knew she struggled with getting that going.

"I've got a confession to make..." Cam started shyly. "I talk about dieting all the time...But even when I start a diet... I cheat on it... And it's not until I get caught that I admit I'm not dieting."

"Gee, why is that not a surprise?"I taunted before taking a good look at Cam's belly. It looked larger than I remember last week, as if it was packed full. "Cam, you look stuffed. What did you eat?"

"I couldn't help myself." Cam said, looking down as if she was getting scolded. "Really, I tried, but the dining hall was on the way to class, and I just couldn't stop after one plate, or two, or three, or four. I was trying to stop, but I just kept eating."

"And look at you now." I said, taking a step closer and sneering, breaking my brutish character for a second as the enjoyment on my face was hard to conceal. "You look ridiculous."

"Oops." Cam responded playfully, looking into my eyes with a wanton desire she'd flashed at me a week ago as if this was a game we'd played many times before.

There were several ways this could go. What I wanted most of all was to turn Cam around, bend her over the desk and f*ck her. However, I pushed back hard against that instinct, unwilling to let Cam have what I knew she wanted. At the very least, she wasn't going to get it without begging. Despite that throbbing desire, there was still something on my mind. Something Cam had said a week ago that surfaced in my thoughts, brought to light by that presentation she'd just given about humiliation fetishes. Curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to know more about what had led Cam down this path.

"Cam, last week, you mentioned your ex, Drake, did a number on you."

"Oh..." Cam said, sounding a bit taken off guard, probably expecting me to say something else. She struck a more serious tone. "Yeah, I mean... he did."

"Did it have to do with that presentation you just gave?" I asked, probingly.

"It did... yeah." Cam spoke cautiously, having trouble keeping eye contact with me.

I pushed on further. "After last week... I had a hunch you liked being teased, but... you have a humiliation fetish, don't you?"

"Kinda... yeah." She sheepishly said, her cheeks burning red.

"Kinda?" I asked back with an arched eyebrow.

"Okay, fineee.." Cam said, breaking, knowing I wasn't going to relent. "I have a really, really embarrassingly big humiliation fetish. Like, I feel like I've always had one. And it got worse after my ex... uh..." Cam faltered, looking a bit vulnerable, looking towards me to consider if she should keep going.

"It's okay, go ahead." I said, trying to sound encouraging.

For a moment, Cam was silent for a while but found something within her to carry on. With a nervous, prolonged sigh, she was talking again.

"I mentioned how my ex, Drake, wasn't happy about my weight back in freshman year when I put on fifteen pounds... but like, he said things to me. Mean things. And for some reason... I don't know... I liked it. I hated it for sure. But, like, it was hot." Cam gushed, flushing nervously.

She kept going. "Like, I kinda had exs in the past that would say mean things, and I always felt more attracted to them when they did, and I just found myself drawn to a guy that... I don't know... could say that kinda stuff to me. Like, I know it's terrible, but the more shitty they were to me or objectified I felt by them, the more I wanted to be treated like... I don't know... like I was their trophy or a piece of meat. I fucking know it's wrong, and I know it shouldn't feel right to want that, but that's just what I like. And... my last ex... Drake... said nasty things about my weight... and that really hit me. Like harder than anything that anyone's ever said to me."

I stood in silence as Cam continued admitting her deepest, darkest sexual secret to me. Part of me was surprised by the depth of her desires, but somehow, I'd known part of this truth about her forever, given the types of guys I knew she used to be drawn toward.

Cam spoke more. "Towards the end of my relationship with Drake, it got terrible. Drake kept calling me a fat pig of a girlfriend, which, in retrospect, given I was barely over 140 pounds, was ridiculous. But I don't know... that first freshman 15 was an accident, but part of me really wanted to get a rise out of him and get him to say things to me about my weight. I don't know why I wanted him to treat me like that, but... fuck, it was hot, and so I just let myself put on a bit more weight. By the time I'd put on 10 more pounds, he was furious with me. I remember wearing a super tight outfit just to try to get him to comment on my weight, and I got what I wanted. He marched me over to a mirror and pointed out all my flaws, and then put me down on all fours and forced me to oink like a pig. It was the most humiliating thing I'd ever done. But he didn't care, and fuck, I was into it. Then he fucked me in front of the mirror before breaking up with me. And that moment in front of the mirror kinda rotted my brain."

Part of me wanted to comfort Cam, but she seemed engrossed in her own story, so I let her keep going.

"Looking back, I was never the same after that. I tried to lose weight. I really did, but I kept failing and putting on more instead, and that just fed into the humiliating feelings I had about myself. Everything spiraled really severely after a certain point because the bigger I got, the more people treated me differently, looked at me differently, and even said things no one would have said to me before. I hated it, but I fucking loved it."

Cam swallowed, looking flustered. "It's just surreal. Getting fatter and not realizing how fast I was gaining weight. I feel completely disconnected from the reflection in my mirror, and every day is like living in this dark, twisted fantasy. Seriously, I don't even know how to buy clothes for myself for this bigger body, so I don't even bother. Living as a fat person is like living out a completely different existence. And I keep feeding into it so badly 'cause I want to be put in my place for what I'd done to myself. I want to be judged. Like, one of the hottest things for me is being rejected by guys that I used to be able to get. I love being looked down on by everyone just because I'm fat. It's like, every waking moment of my life now, my humiliation fetish is being engaged."

She shook her head as if she was trying to clear the thoughts away. "And goddd, I really don't want to be fat. Especially not this fat. Seriously, this is super fucking embarrassing. But I would be lying if I said I don't get off to this situation I've put myself in. And the fact that no matter how hard I try, I can't even get myself back... god, it makes it really fucking hot that I'm probably stuck like this. It's like a prison that makes me cum really fucking hard, so I just stay and let the shackles tighten on my wrists. And, like, I'm terrified about not being able to stop. Like, I have no idea when this gain will stop. But also, knowing I'm out of control really excites me. It's really fucking confusing." Cam finally stopped, her face still red and her chest flushed.

"I... I don't know what to say." That was all I managed in response to Cam's long-winded explanation. It was a lot for me to process, given the strange journey she'd been on over the past three to four years. The way she'd articulated herself about it made sense, but it was absolutely insane to me.

"You don't have to say anything. That was a whole lot." Cam relented, realizing she'd given me much more of an explanation about her fetish than I'd asked for.

"Yeah, it's... I get the confusion you're feeling... it's just.. yeah."

I appreciated Cam for being brave enough to explain things to me. Truly, given my own recent confusing feeling about fat girls, I felt myself refrain from judging her and instead empathized. Cam was a girl who had had a bizarre turn in her life. She was caught between two feelings, yet she was trapped altogether. Still, it seemed like she found being entangled in this web of obesity was insanely hot to her. And if I was being honest with myself, I found it insanely hot, too.

The seriousness drained from Cam as she gave her belly a gentle squeeze. "Everyone was staring at me in class, weren't they?"
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RFBurton 4 months
WOW! Crescendo!!
ConJohn 3 months
Lpark435 4 months
This is getting very good, are we down to the final chapter or are we waiting for the epilogue?
ConJohn 4 months
Cheers. One more chapter. Then an epilogue later.
Beatlemaster... 4 months
Well chapter 35 was the hottest presentation ever. Another top notch chapter.
ConJohn 4 months
Thanks. I'm sure we'd all be okay being in that lecture room
Jazzman 4 months
Alison/Alana. Otherwise loved the chapter. Camryn is his Love and he is hot for her at any weight.
ConJohn 4 months
Oh snap, fixed. That's what I get for having to AL characters in a story lol
Fatpeter 4 months
Best chapter yet! It’s taken a while, but he finally came round to wanting Camryn’s fat ass
ConJohn 4 months
Thanks! TBF, most of this story happened over the course of night, and change takes time.
LLP 4 months
Top job! You really are a great storyteller!
ConJohn 4 months
Appreciate it. Love doing it.
BS Writer 4 months
God I hope Alison gets fat. She absolutely deserves it.
ConJohn 4 months
Cheers. If it's any hint on what will/won't happen. Alison is a Sophomore at this point in this story, but shows up after graduating in another one of my stories.
Lpark435 4 months
Can’t wait for the final chapters, I hope he goes back to Cam.
ConJohn 4 months
The wait is over. The final 3 chapters are dropping this week (then will get to the epilogue later).
Wk23 4 months
We NEED a sequel. Do these two ever talk again?? I feel like they would and I’m seriously dying to know
ConJohn 4 months
Coming up next. There are 3 more chapters... and then an epilogue
SquishMinstrel 4 months
ConJohn 4 months
Ayy, you picked up on the super subtle hints! Didn't want to say anything when you called it out, but yeah, it was a ruse.
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