Her humiliation

Chapter 38 - Epilogue A

4 Years later...

"Hey babe, I'm going to run off to my Pilates class. Do you want anything while I'm out?" My fiance asked me from the living room while I was busy cleaning up in the kitchen. 

"Na, baby, I'm good. Have fun." I shouted back in response.

"Remember, we have dinner with your brother and Cassidy tonight," she said, sounding as if she was about to open the door to leave.

I was well aware of the plans and had been anticipating them all week. My younger brother, Scott, had moved to the area a few months ago, and I couldn't be more thrilled. We only had enough time to see each other whenever we played soccer in our casual Sunday league, so I was looking forward to the upcoming date with him and his girlfriend. Secretly, I'd been hoping that Cassidy and my girl would become friends soon enough so I could have a better excuse to do double dates like this more often. Still, I could sense my fiance had some reservations about becoming closer to Cassidy that I wasn't quite in tune with.

"I'm Looking forward to it..." I said before letting my horny thoughts take over. "And.. looking forward to seeing you in that new red dress," I playfully shouted back, remembering our shopping trip a few days earlier when I'd treated her. She had been a bit down, and I knew shopping usually cheered her up, given she'd been neglecting to do that for herself recently.

"You want me to wear that?! Out in public? Tonight?" she questioned, sounding as if she was pausing at the door before leaving. "You know I only agreed to let you buy that for me as a goal dress." She scoffed, her footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. My playful little ploy was successfully getting under her skin.

"So? It fits, and I love the way you look in it. Especially that Pilates butt." I smirked to myself knowingly, already understanding how she was about to react. To me, it was cute. 

Psh, Pilates butt?! As if!?" she said, storming around the corner of our kitchen in her workout gear and getting close to me as I did the dishes, her face a mixture of concern and frustration. "I don't know why you wanted to buy me that stupid dress. My butt looks too big in it."

I put the dish I'd been cleaning down into the sink and turned to my fiance. In the two years since we'd started seeing each other again, and especially the last year when we'd moved in together, Alison had been gradually putting on weight. By no means was she that fat, but the Alison I was engaged to now was much softer looking than the Alison I used to hook up with in college four years ago. Mainly around the hips, thighs, butt, and middle. Especially (and to Alison's biggest complaint) around her waist. This past month, she'd returned to the gym after a rather long hiatus, driven there by what sounded like a harsh conversation she'd had with an old high school friend of hers named Erin. It was a touchy subject, but I did what I could to show her I still loved her.

"This butt?" I slyly said while reaching around Alison and grabbing a handful of her softer butt, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Hands to yourself." Alison sternly said, pushing my hand away. The little smile in the corner of her mouth told me that she'd enjoyed it, but she quickly turned sober. "I need to get this butt back into pilates shape if I'm going to go on that beach trip with my old soccer friends later this summer." She said, turning her recently grabbed butt towards me to emphasize her point. 

"Hmmm, I think your butt looks great. I wouldn't change a thing." I said genuinely, appreciating the way her butt filled out the yellow pair of yoga pants that weren't quite her size. Alison's stubborn refusal to update her wardrobe was met with no complaints. Her ass looked good with all the extra padding.

"Thanks, but great isn't perfect," Alison said with a disgruntled sigh, turning her butt away from me before continuing on. "Enjoy the junk in the trunk while you can because I'm not stopping until I lose every single pound I gained since graduating. I hate how fat this city is making me." Alison lamented.

"You're not fat, babe," I said, trying to reassure her as I often had to this past month. In the grand scheme of things, my words were genuine.

"WRONG!" Alison angrily grunted. "180 pounds IS fat! None of my clothes fit, and I have a pot belly and disgusting love handles." Alison whined, giving me a moment to check out said love handles. Due to her refusal to go shopping, the way they strained against the fabric of her top, jutting to either side of her, was pretty starkly apparent. "So, no, I'm not going to squeeze myself into a dress that doesn't fit me and makes me look like a puffy marshmallow so that your brother and that blonde big-titty bimbo of a girlfriend he has can judge me."

There it was. Insecurity. I sensed that I may have pushed things a bit too far, given how much Alison had been worried about her weight lately, but I tried to reassure her that no one cared. "Scott and Cassidy don't care, baby. They're not going to judge you."

"Well, if your brother is dating a girl like that, I'm sure he'll take one look at me and think he's winning." Alison said, equally annoyed and sad.

It was then that I understood why Alison had been so averse to spending time with Cassidy. She didn't want to be compared to her. Even though I thought Cassidy was a sweet girl who wouldn't judge Alison, I could understand why Alison would feel insecure, especially given Cassidy often dressed in a way that flaunted her figure. 

"Hey, hey, hey, enough of that," I said soothingly, softly placing my hand on Alison's arm and rubbing it up and down. "Between me and my brother, I'm the one who is winning here, aright?" I assured her with all of the sincerity in my heart. 

"Do you promise?" She asked, looking up at me with semi-dewy eyes

"I promise." I assured her, understanding that she needed more reassurance these days. "And you don't have to wear the dress, baby. I was just having fun." I said, lightening things up.

"I just got comfortable since moving in with you, and your proposal was the wake-up call I needed to get my fat ass back in shape. I just... don't want to disappoint you." Alison sighed vulnerably. 

"Baby, you never disappoint me. Honest. Look, I still don't think you're fat, babe..." I said in rebuttal, but I caught myself before starting an argument with her, knowing where it would always end. "...But I understand. Keep at it. But just know you're the most beautiful woman in the world to me," I said, pulling her towards me and kissing her on the head.

"Thanks, babe. I love you," Alison said, warming up and pecking me on the cheek.

"I love you too. Don't forget your shake is in the fridge, baby." I said, taking a moment to watch my fiancé's thicker butt and jutting love handles turn and then lean into the fridge to grab the workout shake I'd carefully made for her.

After blowing me a kiss, she disappeared around the corner, and I heard the door close.

*Authors Note:*
Sorry for the hiatus around getting back to this story. I met someone in this community and started a serious relationship with a feedee. Life is good and so is she. Should be finding time to write again though. Especially focusing on ending this story and continuing control lost. Cheers everyone.
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LADT2004 2 hours
Hopefully in the future you will do a story about Erin becoming obese again, with Haley bothering her in a similar way as she did with Melissa at that McDonald's
Noback 1 week
I hope we can hear more about Melissa in another story.
ConJohn 4 hours
We will. Count on it
Qincintas 2 weeks
pleased to see you releasing the epilogues! although i must say i really miss Cam
ConJohn 4 hours
Thanks! I've always viewed epilogues as fan service. I'm not going to say too much, but Cam will be much more heavily featured in Epilogue B.
Arch329 1 month
You commented that Alison is a character in one of your other stories. Which one?

Great job with this, by the way. I was a little worried that the negative attitude towards Cam was going to stick.
ConJohn 1 month
Alison is mentioned and then shows up in a sequence towards the end of Haley’s gain. She’s one of Haley’s high school friends.

Glad that this one ultimately went where you hoped it would go. Cheers.
Curiousicey 1 month
Ohh, Haley and Velvet mentioned.
Kinda odd to jump 4 years but I'm starting To see where this story is going..
Also good luck with ur relationship ❤️
ConJohn 1 month
Thanks! Felt fun tossing in that cameo. For sure on the four year jump, but intentionally wanted a long passage of time. The real ending of the story was 37 and this epilogue is some dessert.
Mikeboi1994 1 month
Brilliant as always, you always wait for the right moment to write, I respect that 🥰
ConJohn 1 month
Always appreciated. Never force anything 👍
PrimusFeeder 1 month
Where is the rest of it? You can't just put out a half empty epilogue like this
ConJohn 1 month
I can and I did. (New chapter out) Needed a chance to proofread once before posting. Probably 3 more chapters anyway releasing a dayish at a time so buckle up for a half baked pie till then.
Wadiyatalkin... 1 month
Well congrats on the new gf mate… now write our smut for us hahaha nah take your time, the real thing is better.
ConJohn 1 month
Cheers! lol, I'm sure this smut writing part of me will never die, but appreciate it anyway
AndiFive 1 month
ConJohn 1 month
Pwongloising 2 months
ConJohn 1 month
been busy with good things in life, but finally got a chance to get back to this smiley
PrimusFeeder 3 months
Where update, I NEEEEEED IT
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