Psilocybin Queen

  By LilBellyBoop

Chapter 1 - Mushroom Queen of Abundance

Where were you? The ground seemed sloshy, soggy, and your legs wobbly. Weren’t you at Coachella? You wade through tall and colorful grasses. Are you walking or swimming? Then you see her. This beautiful Psilocybin, Mushroom, Kaleidoscope Queen!

Is she a queen or a goddess? You are uncertain. She leans back unashamed of her glorious, gluttonous figure. Luxurious, lush, fabrics curve around her; exposing and accentuating her well-fed belly. Her scent is hypnotic: floral, vanilla, and baked goods. Colors ripple. She blurs in and out of vision. You realize she is just for you. This is a gift from the universe. This is where you are meant to be at this very moment. Your mushroom queen is the manifestation of abundance itself!

Is she real? You reach out to touch her bulging belly. Your hand sinks in and springs back. You hear soft giggles and moans ring and echo throughout your mind. Just touching her feels like pure ecstasy. This feels very real and you are too high to contemplate otherwise.

Your wildest fantasy has manifested before you; a soft, sweet, powerful, alluring goddess for you and only you to indulge. She does not say anything. Yet, her eyes beg you. She wants you to indulge her, and oh how you want to indulge her! She beckons you. Effortlessly delicious delicacies seem to manifest from thin air. These are monumental proportions of fine foods and desserts unknown to the mortal world. You feed her until she moans and lets out soft, satisfied burps. You caress her curves. You’ve never felt this kind of plumpness and pleasure in the mortal realm. Simply touching her gloriously gluttonous body is an overwhelming and orgasmic experience. You sink into the grasses next to her and begin to lose your sense of self as you vibrate with this new world.

You’ve simply forgotten about the mortal realm. There’s nothing to compare this new world with and you wish it was forever. Just as you have this thought, the world around you wavers; weaving in and out with shifting color and visions! Your goddess, your queen whispers something to you “abundance is within you.”
1 chapter, created 6 months , updated 6 months
5   1   861


Biglunch 6 months
Wow! I want to take this trip!