Broken by Pleasure

  By Morbido

Chapter 1

As the user stepped into their cozy home, they were greeted by the warm embrace of familiarity. Cona, their beloved feedee, awaited them with a mix of excitement and hunger evident in her eyes.

"Hey babe, I missed you," Cona cooed affectionately as the user entered.

With a smile, the user responded, "Hi Cona." They could sense her eagerness as they carried a large tub of ice cream into the room.

Cona's face lit up like a child on Christmas morning at the sight of her favorite treat. "You got ice cream!? How did you know my favorite food!? You really do care about me, don't you?" she exclaimed with genuine delight.

The user grinned, knowing they had hit the mark with their surprise. "Of course, my dear. I always aim to please."

Cona wasted no time in approaching the ice cream, her hunger palpable. "I want you to drink it all, I'll warm a little before. After, you go to the scale and see the results," the user instructed with a mischievous glint in their eye.

Cona's reaction was immediate, her eyes widening with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. "You want me to eat... it all... alone?" she gasped, her stomach rumbling in anticipation.

But the promise of indulgence was too tempting for Cona to resist. "And then... I'll go... on the... scale!?" she exclaimed eagerly, her eyes shining with greed.

"Yes, my cow, you gotcha," the user replied playfully, reveling in Cona's excitement.

Cona's goofy smile spread across her face as she licked her lips in anticipation. "I can't wait to eat it... it's gonna be so delicious... just... give me a couple of minutes to get comfy and I'll get to work," she declared eagerly.

However, the user had other plans. "No, Cona, come here now," they commanded gently.

Cona pouted playfully but complied, waddling over to where the user stood.

Cona's lips wrap around the container, sucking down the creamy treat with an eagerness that's almost animalistic. Her cheeks puff out as she swallows mouthful after mouthful, the sound of her gulps echoing in the room. You watch, feeling a sense of pride swell within you as she consumes the ice cream with such fervor.

As Cona drinks, her body seems to swell before your eyes. Her once trim figure now looks soft and plump, every gulp adding to her already considerable size. Her breathing becomes heavier, punctuated by the occasional satisfied sigh as she indulges in the sweetness of the treat.

The ice cream seems to disappear in no time under Cona's relentless assault, until finally, she sets down the empty container with a contented sigh. Her belly protrudes prominently now, round and full from her feast. Cona looks up at you with a mix of adoration and anticipation, clearly awaiting your next command.

"Now, my lovely cow, it's time for the moment of truth," you declare, gesturing towards the scale.

Cona nods eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement as she waddles over to the scale once more. With a deep breath, she steps onto it, her entire body trembling with anticipation. The numbers flash on the screen, and Cona's eyes widen as she sees the result.

"I-I'm... 158kg," she gasps, her voice filled with awe. "I-I've gained another 20kg... all for you..."

A surge of pride washes over you as you gaze upon her expanded form. Cona's dedication to pleasing you knows no bounds, and seeing her grow more voluptuous with each passing day fills you with a sense of satisfaction unlike anything else.

Cona's eyes sparkle with anticipation as she eagerly awaits your response. The thought of indulging in more delicious treats while under the influence of alcohol seems to ignite a fire within her.

"Of course, my dear," you reply with a playful grin. "I want to see you experience maximum pleasure, and what better way to do that than with a little liquid courage?"

Cona's cheeks flush with excitement at your words, her anticipation growing with each passing moment. She nods eagerly, her mind already wandering to the possibilities of what awaits her.

"But first," you continue, "we need to prepare you properly for this indulgence."

With a mischievous glint in your eye, you retrieve a bottle of wine from the nearby counter and present it to Cona. The sight of the rich, ruby liquid seems to fill her with excitement, and she practically bounces on the balls of her feet in anticipation.

"Drink up, my lovely cow," you encourage her, handing her the bottle. "Let's see just how much you can handle."

Cona's eyes light up with determination as she eagerly accepts the bottle, her hands trembling slightly with excitement. With a deep breath, she brings the bottle to her lips and takes a long, indulgent sip.

The taste of the wine washes over her palate, warming her from the inside out. Despite the discomfort of her full belly, she finds herself unable to resist the allure of the alcohol, and she takes another sip, then another, until she's practically gulping it down in her eagerness.

With each sip, Cona can feel herself growing more relaxed, the tension in her muscles melting away as the alcohol takes effect. Her cheeks flush with color, and a warm, fuzzy feeling spreads throughout her body, heightening her senses and intensifying her desire for more.

As she continues to drink, you watch with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that you're the one responsible for her current state of bliss.

As Cona continues to chug the wine, her cheeks flush with excitement and her breaths come out in short, shallow gasps. Despite the discomfort of her full belly and the intoxicating effects of the alcohol, her determination to please you drives her forward.

With each gulp of wine, Cona feels herself slipping further into a haze of pleasure and desire. The warmth of the alcohol spreads through her body, intensifying the sensations of her bloated stomach and heightening her anticipation for what's to come.

As the bottle nears empty, Cona's movements become more unsteady, her fingers trembling as she struggles to maintain her grip. But with a determined glint in her eye, she presses on, determined to finish what she started.

Finally, with a triumphant gasp, Cona drains the last of the wine from the bottle, her chest heaving with exertion. She sets the empty container down with a satisfied sigh, a sense of accomplishment washing over her despite the fog in her mind.

"Well done, my dear Cona," you say, your voice filled with pride. "You've proven once again just how dedicated you are to pleasing me."

Cona's eyes light up at your words, a sense of fulfillment washing over her as she basks in your praise. Despite the lingering effects of the alcohol and the discomfort of her full belly, she can't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of what's to come.

"Now," you continue, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of your lips, "it's time to fulfill my end of the bargain. Get ready, my lovely cow, because we're going on a drive through adventure like no other."

Cona's heart races with anticipation as she imagines the delicious treats that await her.

You can see the determination in Cona's eyes as she struggles to stand, her legs wobbling beneath the weight of her swollen belly. Despite her intoxicated state, she refuses to give up, her desire for more food driving her forward.

With a grunt of effort, Cona manages to push herself upright once more, her hands bracing against her knees as she steadies herself. You watch with a mixture of amusement and admiration, impressed by her unwavering dedication to indulging in her desires.

"Come on, Cona," you urge, your voice tinged with amusement. "You can do it. Just a few more steps, and then we can feast to our hearts' content."

Cona nods, determination etched across her features as she takes a shaky step forward. Her movements are slow and unsteady, but with each step, she grows more confident, fueled by the promise of the delicious meal that awaits her.

But just as she begins to gain momentum, disaster strikes. With a sudden lurch, Cona's legs give out beneath her, sending her crashing to the ground once more. She lands with a heavy thud, her breath knocked from her lungs as she lies sprawled on the floor.

For a moment, there's silence as Cona catches her breath, her face flushed with embarrassment. But then, to your surprise, she bursts into laughter, the sound echoing through the room.

"Well, I guess I'm not quite as graceful as I thought," she says between giggles, her eyes shining with mirth. "But hey, at least I'm trying, right?"

You can't help but smile at her infectious laughter, a sense of warmth filling your chest as you realize just how much you adore this woman. With a gentle hand, you help Cona to her feet once more, determined to support her every step of the way.

"Absolutely, my dear," you say with a grin. "And don't worry, I'll make sure you get all the food you desire, no matter what it takes."

You can't help but chuckle at Cona's enthusiasm, despite her current state. With a fond smile, you retrieve the additional 2 kilograms of ice cream and bring them over to where she lies on the ground, her eyes shining with excitement.

As you approach, Cona's stomach emits a loud rumble, a clear indication of her insatiable hunger despite her drunkenness. She reaches out eagerly, her hands trembling with anticipation as she waits for you to present her with the sweet, creamy treat.

"Here you go, my dear Cona," you say with a gentle smile, placing the containers of ice cream within her reach. "But this time, let's take it slow, alright? We don't want a repeat of what just happened."

Cona nods eagerly, her eyes never leaving the containers of ice cream as if they hold the key to all her desires. With a determined expression, she begins to dig in, scooping out small spoonfuls of the frozen dessert and savoring each bite with relish.

Despite her earlier mishap, Cona seems to have found a renewed sense of determination, her movements more controlled as she indulges in her favorite treat. Each spoonful disappears slowly into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out with each bite as she savors the rich, creamy flavor.

As she continues to eat, her drunkenness seems to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of contentment and pleasure. With each bite, she feels herself growing fuller and fuller, her belly expanding with each mouthful of ice cream.

But even as she indulges in her gluttonous feast, a sense of satisfaction washes over her. In this moment, surrounded by the sweet aroma of ice cream and the warmth of your presence, Cona feels truly happy.
3 chapters, created 2 months , updated 2 months
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