The Finest Pork in China

  By Putridmedicine268

Chapter 1 - Hot pot and heavy cream


Xu - a 23 year old waiter from an impoverished background. He is currently studying engineering at one of Beijing’s best universities and using the job to make ends meet.
Zhu - a 28 year old obese heiress to her father’s pork farm by business. She is spoilt by her parents who give her anything that she wants.
Zhang - the owner of Zhang’s pork. A business providing the fattest best tasting pork in all of China. He smokes relentlessly.
Zhou - the wife of Zhang and mother of Zhu. She works with Zhang running the accounts of the business and spoils Zhu with copious amounts of food.
Wang - owner of the best hotpot restaurant in Beijing. The pork that Zhang provides has ensured that Wang earns a Michelin star every year.
Yang - a skinny waitress from rural China. She is a great beauty from a poor background. She works at the restaurant to provide for her family.
Pang - the towns local vet. He works at Beijing zoo.

Hot pot and heavy cream

Her stomach entered the restaurant first and her huge buttocks followed behind. Christ she was huge. A real porker. Her name was Zhu, a 28 year old heiress to her father Mr Zhang’s pork business who provided the finest quality pork to the best restaurants in China. His wife, Zhou was a middle aged woman who helped her husband run the business. She spoilt Zhu, giving her anything that she wanted. They came to the restaurant every Thursday and it was Xu’s job to serve their table. Zhu wearing extra large blue jeans and a black t shirt. Her hair fell down to her waist with copper tints, her makeup applied flawlessly and she always had her nails freshly painted. She put so much effort into her physical appearance. Anything but dieting.

Xu had been working at the restaurant for 6 months and had found the job to support him financially whilst he finished his studies. The job was tiring, stressful, and he was paid poorly for his hard work. The customers were rude and impatient but none were as bad as Zhu.

Xu took them upstairs to the table that they always reserved. Zhu insisted that they took the elevator as she hated any form of exercise. As Xu took them to their booth, he noticed Zhu struggle as she squeezed her plump body to settle herself down whilst her parents sat opposite. Zhu had managed to fill the entire side of the booth whilst her parents shared the other side. Xu came later with the hot pot and Zhu quickly took to ordering a huge selection of food. Plate after plate of pork plus other dishes. The selection of food would usually feed a family of 6 but Zhu always had a huge appetite and was eager to fill her huge stomach.

Mr Wang was Xu’s boss. A successful businessman and owner of a chain of hot pot restaurants all over China. This restaurant was the first and had been running for 25 years. Always serving the most succulent pork provided by Mr Zhang. Mr Wang and Mr Zhang had an excellent business relationship ensuring that they both stayed wealthy. Mr Wang was always happy to see the Zhang family as they always spent so much money every Thursday on the copious amounts of food that Zhu would eat. He would always come over the table to smoke a cigarette with Zhang and see that Zhu had everything she wanted.

Xu started bringing the plates to the table. Zhu’s eyes were only for the pork as she used her chopsticks to pile it into the pot. Her chins wobbling as she did so. Zhu was particularly fond of the pork belly cuts. Wang’s restaurant was famous for this and people travelled from all over China to sample it. Zhang and Zhou ate meagre amounts of food in comparison to their colossal daughter. She didn’t stop, shovelling meat down her gullet into her oil laden gut.

Wang asked Xu to take another huge plate of pork belly cuts over to the table and put it next to Zhu. He sat himself down beside Zhang and Zhou, handing cigarettes over to Zhang whilst the three of them discussed business and watched the greedy sow fill her face. Whilst Wang and Zhang discussed quarterly profits, a huge belch came from deep within Zhu’s swelling gut. They all happily smiled at Zhu’s disgusting gluttony whilst Wang noticed that all of the plates around Zhu were wiped clean.

Wang provided his customers with a free soft serve ice cream after their meal. This was a popular service that Zhu was particularly fond of. Zhu clicked her fingers at Xu, ‘You, bring me my ice cream over’. Wang gave Xu an encouraging look and Xu went over to the soft-serve machine. Xu was used to this kind of treatment but he had his own way of gaining revenge. Little did Zhu know but Xu had ordered cream of the highest possible calorie count to fill the restaurants soft serve machine which could take 5 gallons of cream. The cream was premium quality much higher in fat and sugar. Wang was only happy enough to sign off on the order as the cream was very popular with Zhu and Wang was happy to keep his best supplier happy as Zhang always gave Zhu whatever she wanted.

The cream contained 360 calories per half cup and Xu always filled a large bowl with cream for Zhu, delighted to see her fill her face. Xu placed the heavy bowl in front of her, as he watched her greedily shovel cream past her plump lips. Zhu’s insatiable appetite was startling to slow. She leaned back and placed her plump hands over her round stomach. Breathing heavily, she clicked her fingers and asked for another bowl. Xu looked at Wang for approval. Surely she could not eat anymore? She looked in pain as she sat back and looked at the ceiling. Wang nodded in approval as Xu ran to the kitchens to get more cream. Zhu greedily shovelled down the next bowl whilst her parents sat and watched.

She really had come to a slow now and Xu was glad to see them get up to leave. The restaurant was empty and Zhou helped her mammoth daughter out of the booth. Her huge stomach pressing against the table as she got up to leave. Zhu hiccuped and belched as she left and stepped into her father’s Buick GL8, the back of the car sagging under her weight. Wang firmly shook Zhang’s hand and reserved their table for the every Thursday of the month. Xu went into the kitchen to place another order of the heavy cream.
7 chapters, created 2 weeks , updated 6 days
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Azbzcz 6 days
What an interesting ending! But this is definitely up there with some of the best BBW stories ever written, like "The Trainer" by Uncle Jack and "Going Home" by Dan422. Well done putrid
Azbzcz 1 week
Hi, loving the story so far. You should know that the model referenced in the video retired from modeling as of two days ago. I hope Zhu keeps on gaining, though smiley
Azbzcz 1 week
Just fyi, but to clarify you may consider an "origin story" of Zhu and that of a pig, and the pig ends up processed and served to Zhu, who eats it like a slob w/burps and hiccups. Up to you, though
Azbzcz 1 week
Please take this video as inspiration:

to write a story about how a pig ends up being processed and ends up on the potbelly of Zhu
Putridmedici... 1 week
Azbzcz 1 week
Please continue this wonderful story