Kappa Delta Theta

  By Bellyempire  Premium

Chapter 1

Angelique walked across the campus late that night. The wind blew against her pudgy body. She liked this time of year. It suited her well. She approached the house which was a block away from the campus. She saw other plump figures walking in under the cover of night. She followed behind them in.

Inside the old Victorian house stood four other women. Three were quite plump while the other one was skinny. They stood around the room for about five minutes trying no to look at each other. They all knew why they were here. They were all college students at Voorhees College and they had received invitations to try and join a secretive and mysterious sorority named Kappa Delta Theta. They were are told to come to this address at this time. Most of the women looked like what everyone expected a Kappa Delta Theta girl to look like. Most of them were fat.

Angelique certainly met the stereotype. She was short fat with a big belly which would have looked much bigger if it weren’t overshadowed by her huge boobs. Big boobs usually helped a girl a lot but not a girl that looked like her. She wasn’t very pretty and was awkward. She was a bit of a loner on the college campus so being invited to a sorority kind of excited her.

The door on the opposite side of the room opened. In walked a woman. She was a little older than the college girls there but there was one big different. She had the biggest belly that any of them had ever seen. Her belly stuck out far in front of her and hung over her dress. It looked like she was ten months pregnant with triplets. The lady sat down in the only chair in the room. The chair creaked under heavy girth.

“Angelique Townsend” The big bellied woman said looking at a paper adjusting her black thick rimmed glasses.

“That’s me” Angelique replied awkwardly raising her hand.

“Kristen Isom” The lady in the chair continued down her paper.

“Here” the short light skinned girl said. She had a nice pudgy belly but a butt that was bigger than everyone else in the room. She had plump pink lips and always a look on her face like something stank.

“Jasmyne Boyd” she said.

“Here” a brown skinned girl said. She looked a little like the woman in the chair. the same round face. The same glasses but just a little shorter and belly on slightly smaller.

“Sabrina gill” she said.

“Here” said the dark skinned girl who had the third largest belly in the room but the all-around largest girl. She was dark skinned and almost completely round and had short hair with a sincere smile on her face.

“Is there a name I did not call” the woman asked looking around the room.

Everyone looked at the skinny girl in the room.

“Yes you didn`t call mine” the skinny girl asked.

“Ok” the woman said brushing her off. “We will sort that out later. First I want to first welcome you to Kappa Delta Theta Sorority. If you are here you have been invited to seek membership in our organization. We are glad you have agreed to come. I am aware there are various rumors about our organization, what we do and the different abilities of our members. There is one particular rumor that our members are able to swallow people whole and alive.”

The room erupted in laughter.

“Funny right” she continued. “like my belly is so big because there’s a grown man inside of it that I swallowed whole.”

She patted and rubbed her big round belly and laughed. The other girls laughed harder along wit her.

“Like if I were to try and throw up” she continued still chuckling. “The man might come up out my stomach through my mouth.”

She pretended to try and throw up. The room filled with laughter as they watched. Soon it became obvious she wasn’t choking. She was really trying to throw. The girls watched in horror as she heaved through her mouth and lifted her belly. Gagging noise started as something was coming out her mouth. First it was a foot, then the legs came out then buttocks, and torso. With one powerful heave from her throat the grown man flew from her mouth and plopped on to the hard wooden floor.

“Wooah that was a relief” She said. “He was giving me indigestion. He had been bothering me for months saying he wanted to get in me, I gave him what he wanted and fought all the way down my throat. “

The college girls silently starred at the motionless grown man on the floor in front of them. He was naked and his body was soaked in saliva, and the woman’s stomach juices. They could see that he was breathing.

“As you can see” she continued. “The rumors are true. If you make the decision to come back and attempt to become a woman of Kappa Delta Theta you will learn to do the same thing just as thousands of women generations before you have learned. “

The woman struggled to stand up form her chair. Her belly, though slightly deflated was still huge. She walked over to the skinny girl who was frozen in fear from what she had just witnessed.

“We still have to get your situation sorted out” the woman said. “What usually happens is another sorority tries to send one of the girls to learn what we do and our rituals. Your name is Serania Dailey and you are attempting to join, Xi Sigma Pi. Don`t deny it, my information comes from solid sources.”

The skinny girl trembled in fear. The woman wrapped her arms around her.

“Its ok baby” she said. “Its alright it was a very disrespectful thing they made you do but its ok.”

The skinny girl calmed down as the woman put her arms around her shoulders like a friend. They turned around towards the man still laying on the floor.

“You know he is so lucky” she said staring down at him. “I would have digested his sorry butt if I wouldn’t have known I needed to make room for someone else.”

With that the woman grabbed the skinny girl by both of her shoulders. They watched as she opened her mouth impossibly wide. The girl screamed loudly right before the woman shoved her headfirst into her mouth muffling her squeals. The girl kicked and fought attempting to escape but she was not match for the big woman who easily shoved her down her throat. Her throat was stretched out with the girl sliding down it. She had swallowed the skinny girl down to her hips. Her legs kicked wildly and the big woman swallowed slowly long slurping the poor girl down her throat until her toes disappeared in her mouth. She gulped hard sending her into her belly.

The large woman let out a large belch while she rubbed her again full belly. The other girls watched as the poor girl struggled around inside the big woman’s stomach. Her meals struggles inside her stomach didn’t seem to bother her. If anything she seemed
to enjoy it.

“Yes, baby fight” She said laughing. “Fight all you want. Theres nothing you can do about it. Shouldn’t have messed with Kappa Delta Theta now you got to go in my gut.”

She walked over to the chair and collapsed back into it.

“She was a cute little thing, wasn’t she?” the woman chuckled. “Just so easy to swallow down. She went down so easy.”

The other girls looked on silently watching the girl struggle helplessly to escape.

“My name is Keisha Sharpe” the large woman started. “I am your dean of probate for while you attempt to gain membership to Kappa Delta Tau. This process will not be easy you will have to make tough decisions big sacrifices, but you will gain powers unlike you any you ever imagined. I think we have done enough for tonight. If you return to our meeting next week this exact time you will officially be probates of Kappa Delta Theta Sorority. You will began to learn the history and secrets of our sorority. If you no longer wish to join the sorority do not return to next weeks meeting and you will be excused without any consequence just as long as you tell no one what you see. You are dismissed.”

The girls began to shuffle through the door.

“One more than ladies” Keisha said stopping them from leaving.

She ran her hands over her big belly as Serania struggled within.

“If I find out you tell anyone else about this” Keisha said grinning. “You will join her in there.”
6 chapters, created 3 weeks , updated 1 week
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Johnnysboy113 1 week
This story is off to an amazing start!