Deep Cravings

Chapter 1 - The Bartender

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The bar was tropic hot, the kind of sweat-soaked temperature that you only found in the South Pacific, and even then, only after drinking enough Patron to make a donkey go blind. Theo lifted his rocks glass and shook it.

“Señorita! Another margarita por favor!” he stumbled over his words, undoing another button on his linen shirt. The bartender clearly was of Pacific Islander origin, and spoke perfect English (as well as perfect Spanish, but she didn’t let Theo know that), but Theo insisted on pretending they were in some other all-inclusive resort, in the Dominican or Puerta Vallarta. He thought it was funny. He needed something to take the pain away tonight.

“Theo, chill out, man, you’re embarrassing yourself,” his friend Jeff said, grabbing his upper arm. Theo pulled back. Something about the way Jeff’s fingers sunk into the flesh of his arm bothered him. Strike that – everything about Jeff bothered him.

“Oh, what, I’m embarrassing to you now? Is that it?” Theo ran his fingers through his hair and sat up straighter in the stool, looking Jeff in the eye despite a slight sideways sway pulling him towards the bar. “So, hooking up with your friend’s girlfriend when you’re on vacation together isn’t embarrassing, but me sitting here talking to my new friend at the bar is—" Theo started raising his voice and Jeff cut him off.

“Theo, I’m not having this talk with you right now. Not here, not with you drunk like this. Smarten up.” He took his drinks and turned towards a table in the corner of the busy bar. Another man and three women were sitting around it as Jeff put the drinks down. Theo locked eyes with a blonde. He could see her take a deep breath and look away quickly.

Theo and Pamela met in college and were seriously dating before graduation. She moved around with him after school as he jumped careers, always patient, always faithful. Until she wasn’t. Did Theo take it for granted that she’d just always be there? Maybe. He knew he wasn’t blameless, but he also wasn’t a cheater. She looked fantastic tonight, though, like she’d been planning for this. Planning to leave him on top.

The bartender pushed a salt-rimmed margarita across the bar towards him, ice cubes clinking. Speaking of looking fantastic tonight, the bartender’s dark hair, honey skin, and deep black eyes like pools of ink turned Theo’s head. She had the strangest jewelry on, too. Theo looked at the bracelet on her wrist as she let go of his glass. It was a dull gold, almost dusty looking, with a heavy appearance. There was something old about it, something primitive. Were there carvings on it? Figures of some kind, like people? It was hard to tell. It almost reminded Theo of the Frog and Toad illustrations from when he was a kid – humanlike, but not human.

“Gracias,” he slurred, looking at her pretty lips. He signaled to the right with a thumb. “That’s my ex-girlfriend over there at that table. Her name is Pamela. We talked about getting married. We wanted to. At least I did at one point. I don’t know what she wanted.”

The evening breeze picked up, blowing through the outdoor bar. The bartender cleaned up some empties. She didn’t say anything, but kept her eyes focused on Theo as he took two big swigs of his tequila.

“But she cheated on me last night. With my friend, that tall guy she’s talking to now. I had to get my own room. I’m lucky they had another room at the resort. It’s costing me a fortune. So, I guess we’re broken up. She won’t even tell me what I did wrong. If she really loved me, she – God!” He drained his drink and pushed the glass to the bartender. In a moment, it came back full.

“We have some big fancy hike tomorrow up the mountain to see some ruins. Another thing I had to pay a fortune for.” Theo looked over his shoulder. The other table had cleared out. Pamela was gone for the night, back to her room, probably. Off with Jeff, maybe. “Well, I’m not wasting any more money on this trip. I’m going on that hike tomorrow. What do you think?”

The bartender shrugged and put her finger to her lips to cover a smile. The bracelet on her wrist should have reflected the moonlight, but it didn’t at all. It was almost like that strange dull metal grew darker in the light. Theo closed his tab and stumbled back to his room.

It took Theo ages to find his new room, and when he got in, he leaned against the door, sweaty and out of breath. He had somehow lost a button in his new linen shirt, the one he bought just for this vacation. He bought it a size up, but that clearly wasn’t quite enough.

Theo turned on the light and walked into the hotel room. The closet door was mirrored, top to bottom, and he stood in front of it. He played with the door, pulling it closer to him, pushing it farther away, watching his body grow and shrink.

He unbuttoned his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. His belly was round and hard, his tits flabby. He lifted one and let it drop, feeling the vibration cascade through his upper body. He was getting hard. He took his shorts and boxers off and stood naked in the mirror, lit from behind by the bronze glow of bedside lamp.

Even as drunk as he was, it was hard to ignore that he was a chubby boy now. He had all the hallmarks. Lovehandles, a fat ass, thighs that rubbed, meaty arms. Back in college he had been a hundred and sixty pounds pretty consistently. Never really overate, never had to worry. Now he was just hungry all the time. He ran his hands over his fat body. His dick loved that.

Theo looked at the bed behind him and then at the mirrored door, and adjusted it so he could see himself as he walked backwards and laid down on the bed. He threw the covers off, so he was just under the white sheet, and pulled it up to his neck. The sheet draped his body, the curve of his hip as he turned sideways, framing the roundness of his ass. He stuck his chest out so the sheet stuck to his breast, his fat little B cup, stuck to the swell of his tummy. He was so hard now.

He pulled the sheet off and lay back, head propped up on pillows. Theo spat in his hand and looked at the fat figure in the mirror, wobbling and jiggling as it played with something between two big fat thighs, titties shaking and hips spread wide and that fat belly almost covering up the hands. Look at it go, the fat piece of shit.

Theo slowed down, breathing heavy, pushing his slick cock against his belly and using his hips to try and fuck himself. It didn’t really work, but it was still exhilarating. Why had he never done this before? He didn’t need Pamela. He didn’t need Jeff. He didn’t need anyone. He liked that bartender though. He was going to have to see if she habla inglésed before he had to fly back home.
4 chapters, created 2 days , updated 2 hours
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