Chapter 1 - My ideal kind of a guy
It started when I entered the college for the 1st year, at 18 years old, and at that time he moved to the 3rd year, and was 19 years old at that time. When I saw him for the first time, I did not imagine myself with him, I am a tall thin woman with low self-esteem, and he is beautiful, short and was almost always the center of attention.His name is Rami, and after the first meeting he asked me out on a date, I was so happy, firstly, I had never had a boyfriend before and secondly, in addition to being beautiful, he was also a little plump. And I thought that maybe I could fatten him up even more? You see, I am a female fat admirer, so fat guys are my things. So I dreamed about make him my ideal of beauty.
Well, in the end, we have been dating for 2 years, he has gained a little weight, since he went on diets, but then quit them and gained weight, not much, but still weight (from 54 to a maximum of 98 kg), I like the way he looks now, he has a plump face, with a small double chin, his moobs have also increased, but mostly his weight has settled on his butt and thighs, which I really like, I especially started to get excited by the fact that his jeans began to fray at the point where his thighs touch, just wow, it drove me crazy and every time we went to buy new jeans, after that we had sex, after all, at that moment it was not enough that he weighed only 79 kg, and I confessed to him that I like bigger guys, he immediately understood me without any doubts, told me to feed him up. I was beside myself with happiness that I could now calmly feed my Rami, at first he still ate only a little, but later, when his stomach expanded, he began to eat really a lot and this began to really excite me.
Later on, we rented an apartment so that no one would distract us from the feeding process, after that he began to eat a lot more, and that where he began to transform very much, after a week of constant eating and drinking weight gain shakes he could not fit into his jeans, a bigger tummy finally appeared, at first I thought that he would still break down, that he was getting fat, but no! It seems that he himself has already gotten used to it. And so, in a month he gained about another 5 kg, when I saw that the scales were at 88 I was very happy and excited and so I first picked him up in my arms, which was not easy for me, and then carefully laid him on the bed and began to knead his already normal tummy, he liked it, later I began to knead first his gorgeous thighs, and then his meaty ass, which at that time was simply huge, then he asked me to bring something to eat.
So, I ordered 4 pizzas, while I was going down for pizza, and when I brought the pizza, I immediately started feeding him, to be honest, it even seemed to me that he ate somehow greedily, which excited me even more, after he had finished 2 of the 4 pizzas, his small shirt was really stretched. His fat belly filled with food fell out and it was no longer a thing he could hide. After that, he just stood on end. He immediately noticed this and stuck his plump hand in my pants, I took off everything unnecessary from myself and from him (and we stayed with panties only) and we began to make love, not just sex, but love.
After another month he left the college because he didn't want to go there and he liked mostly lying down, eating, watching TV shows, drawing and of course making love to me.
During that month he had already gained 15 kg, which on the scales showed 103 kg, after about half a year of this regime he already weighed 135 kg, at that time he had already started to touch the furniture in the kitchen with his big butt, and now he weighs 154 kg and he is my ideal.
His butt has become even bigger, I even had to rent another apartment where my baby could easily pass through the doorway, his belly has also become big now it hangs below his waist, and his moons has grown significantly and became bigger then woman boobs with same weight, but his face has certainly become much bigger already, with not just double but a triple chin forming. His cheeks have become even plumper.
As a result, he is not going to stop, that for sure. Now he wants to get at least 250 kg fatter to be the most beautiful man.
College Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
First person
1 chapter, created 3 months
, updated 3 months