Weight gain stories


Get Me to Stay

Short story of how she got me to stay at home   More ▼

Quotes From a Fat Girl's Life.

from young girl to immobile teen.   More ▼

Unlocked Part 7

Chericia becomes fat itself. And revels in it.   More ▼


Abs to Flab (short quick gain story)   More ▼

Feed Cycle Part 2 (the Fat Factory Chapter 3)

Growing Girl

Been the fat one all my life just never this fat   More ▼

Big Muffin

A magic muffin makes a boy have a ball!   More ▼

Jamie the Fat Factory Part 5

Sammy wanted a boyfriend   More ▼


A young lad steals the wrong book   More ▼

The Girl in My Class

Fantasy’s of this cute girl in my class   More ▼