Weight gain stories

Fat little piggy boy

Toby becomes a fat little pig boy!   More ▼

Feeling like myself

Just a fantasy of mine being kidnapped and force fed, very sexual, and maybe not to you're liking, so I'm warning you ahead of time. This is my favorite fantasy.   More ▼

Submit your story ideas!

My dear macarons - have a story idea you'd love to see written in my style? Check out this story for details on how you can make that happen!   More ▼

Tell me

Something that just popped into my mind…   More ▼

Small breaths

A simple scene between two lovers   More ▼

Cherry on top [sparkverse]

Working for an ice cream shop where the sweets and treats have the power to turn the diners into a hungry, needy mess has its perks. (HORROR)   More ▼

Thanksgiving turkey

a fantasy of thanksgiving fattening !   More ▼


Lucas has been taken hostage by a mysterious man.   More ▼

A desire to fulfill

The Character gains weight and enjoys it Cover credits Lokitu Bear   More ▼

The bachelor pads [free preview]

24 year old Bernie has a secret: when he's alone he likes to "pad" and pretend that he's fat. What happens when his secret gets out, and what will the girl he's got his eye on think of it?   More ▼