Chapter 1
Jenna was happy. She was advancing in her job at the magazine moving from a copy editor to a writer. She was about six months away from freedom. The divorce would finally come through and with the judge awarding her sole custody of their children with no visitation; she would finally be rid of Vince. Unfortunately, she was broke. All their joint assets had been frozen by the government and it looked like most would be confiscated or used up by lawyers. But, she knew she’d be fine. Jenna’s children were pulled out of private schools and put into public schools – a move she had wanted to make a long time ago. Her parents and the after school programs would help her out. She knew she would be back on her feet again soon.
But, she felt oddly empty. The funny thing was that she missed Sloane. She knew she had been right severing off all ties at the time. She had been angry. She had been used by both Sloane and her husband. She had needed time to think. And, she had thought – for a long time. She wasn’t angry with him any longer…it was more of a general feeling of disregard. Although her head told her it was over, this fact still didn’t squelch her curiosity at seeing what had happened to him…to see him one more time.
So, Jenna began doing some research on Sloane. He wasn’t in Boston or New York. She tracked him down to New Orleans. Her source told her that he had requested to be reassigned and had been there for several months. She started making plans for a little vacation – well, a working vacation. She talked to her editor and he approved her doing a travel article for the magazine. She planned just to go down there for about a week, peek in on Sloane, and then enjoy what New Orleans had to offer as she worked on writing her story. And, Sloane would never have to know she was there.
A week later, Jenna found herself in New Orleans. It was still a lovely town even after all the colossal damage caused by the hurricane and other more recent storms. She found it amazing how quickly they were able to rebuild and restore much of the town’s former glory. She was enthralled by the whole place.
She checked into the French Quarter Landmark Hotel Thursday evening. Jenna quickly unpacked and arranged a few of her things in the spacious closet. She set out a pair of jeans, lightweight sweater, and cowboy boots for the evening and took a luxurious bath in the Jacuzzi tub. With a towel tied loosely around her, she plugged in her laptop for it to charge, arranged her notes at the desk, and set out her digital camera. With a Sharpie, she sat down on the edge of the bed and circled a few of the restaurants, hotels, and sights she planned on covering for her article on a neighborhood map. Then she circled and starred one area in particular – Sloane’s office.
Early the next morning, she dressed in her once tight-fitting khaki pants, tank top, sunglasses, and leather sandals. As she stood in front of the mirror to check her makeup, she couldn’t help but notice all the weight she had lost over the past few months. When she had originally met Sloane, she had been a size 16 and just approaching 200 pounds. The months after having met him, she hit a size 18 and then was on the fast track to a size 20. She was a very plump 235 lbs when she had left her husband and broken it off with Sloane. Now, she had thinned out to 187 lbs and was a size 14/16 – depending on the brand. She wouldn’t mind putting on a little more weight – but that would be her “own” decision. And, only when and if she was ready. But, for now, she was very happy at what she saw in the mirror – a relaxed, self-confident woman.
She made her way up to Jackson Square where she found a little café. She ordered an espresso and a beignet and perused her newspaper – one eye on it and the other gazing at the door of a small office she knew Sloane to be working out of. It wasn’t too long before he appeared before her. But, it was far from the Sloane that she had always known. This Sloane was not the Marlborough Man she was used to seeing. He looked like a slick NYC banker with his fine black silk suit and shiny shoes. Gone were the cowboy boots, denim jeans, and rolled up shirts. The shirt he was wearing was starched, white…and held his big ball belly in check. He had indeed filled out. The rest of him had filled out as well.
5 chapters, created 17 years
, updated 55 years