I Want to Fatten You...

Chapter 1 - I want to fatten you

I Want to Fatten You...

I draw the heavy drapes closed over the large windows in the room, the room where you love to be. I watched eagerly as you lumber over to the bed, your bulging belly bouncing ever so slightly. You struggle into the pillow filled bed, a bed designed just for you. You grunt and groan as you lift your bulk up enough to get on. I light the candles and incense all around the room while you struggle for the comfortable spot in the bed.

I want to fatten you...

Your efforts to settle do not go unnoticed and I see that the expenditure has winded you slightly; I smile and tuck the soft, warm covers up under your massive bulk. I fluff up the pillows behind your as you lay back, rubbing your wide girth with excitement. The scent of the incense makes you lull into a feeling of calm as I wheel in your first course.

I want to fatten you...

I see your bright eyes bulge as you unconsciously lick your pudgy lips in anticipation of the feast before you. A cart, laden with rich, creamy pastas and warm, melted cheese. The bread smells lovely; the garlic makes your greedy mouth water. I take the tongs and fluff up the pasta watching your eyes light up hungrily, I do tease; but only so lightly.

I want to fatten you...

I load a large fork with the first bite and lower it into you open mouth, the creamy, rich sauce helps it slide down ever so effortlessly; I wind up some more pasta on the fork and drop it into your gaping maw. You look up at me, eyes filled with lust and love as I tear off a piece of cheesy garlic bread and add it to your waiting hole.

I want to fatten you...

The pasta disappears so quickly, my hungry little piggy devours it so fast. You moan quietly as I prepare the next course; five layered lasagna smothered with still bubbling cheese and spiced tomato sauce. I cut off a large slab of the fattening pasta and feed you smaller slices off it. You swallow them down eager, begging for more. The cheeses blend ever so well, a melody of flavours all in one succulent bite.

I want to fatten you...

Ravioli is next, stuffed to bursting with meat and cheeses; just like you will be. I hear you groan audibly as I lift the lid off the meal. I pick up one large ravioli on a spoon and hold it above your greedy mouth, you lick your lips; I pull back, just enough to hear you beg for it. Then I place it in your mouth and gather up the next one. One by one the ravioli vanishes into the bottomless pit that is your stomach.

I want to fatten you...

Manicotti, thick and juicy; I see you eye it and your eagerness to eat is so sensual for me. I love being your feeder; you make me so happy when you eat whatever I give you. I cut off a slice of the large tubed pasta and watch it vanish down that dark void. You groan and rub your belly; only now are you beginning to feel full, but my dear that is just the start we have so much more to cram into your gullet that we can't stop now.

I want to fatten you...

You finish off the rest of the garlic bread as I wheel away the empty cart; now things get fun. Your favourite course is coming right up; the next cart filled to capacity with sweets of all kinds. Cakes, tarts, pies, cookies still warm and melting with chocolate, and a mysterious canister sitting on the second level of the car, that will come later on. I slice off the first piece of cake; four layers of rich, smooth angel food covered with a thick layer of frosting.

I want to fatten you...

You eat faster than I can cut off the slices; I love how eager you are to be fed. You beg me for more, I gladly oblige as I start on the pies next. Pies of all kinds; apple, cherry, blueberry, strawberry rhubarb, they are all your favourites. I cut off an entire half of the apple pie; your eyes grow wide with anticipation of downing all that in one go; or as much as you can of it.

I want to fatten you...

My little piggy is getting very full now; your belly taut and rounded. I rub it ever so slightly as you moan with pleasure. We have so much more to get in there, we can't stop now. I know you can get it all down, I've seen you do it before. You nod as I get the signal to begin feeding you once more; I pick up the plate overloaded with chocolate chip cookies so moist and chewy that they fall apart in my hands. I add the halves to your waiting hole.

I want to fatten you...

You make me so happy, eating whatever I give you. My heavenly glutton; so full and fat, this is our life now; I devote myself to making you fatter. We have one goal; immobility. It's a mutual dream we shared and soon enough we will be there. I look at the now empty plate of cookies and the full round globe that sits proudly atop the covers. I rub that huge belly once more; coaxing it to accept more because the cart is not even halfway emptied yet.

I want to fatten you...

Strawberry tarts, peach tarts, blueberry cherry tarts; I made three dozen of each because you love your sweets so much. I made them bite-sized just for you; I want to see you enjoy them to the fullest. Oh my beautiful glutton, you always amaze me about how much you can take in; if ever there was a heaven on Earth; it would be here with you in this room of gluttonous pleasure. Feeding you, growing you, watching as you outgrow every piece of clothing I get for you; it's all so erotic and pleasurable. Wow, those tarts vanished quickly; all of them but yet your eyes still beg for more. I look at what we have left; a lemon merengue pie, fluffy and light with the just the perfect amount of zesty lemony goodness; you nod in approval and reach out for the pie with those beautiful fat laden arms I've worked so hard to make.

I want to fatten you...

The pie cuts easily, the lemon filling just begging to be consumed; I oblige and load it onto a fork to deposit into your endless vault of a belly. You can't get enough of my pies; you always beg me for several and I will gladly whip them up for you. Because seeing you grow bigger and bigger is a dream we share, the love of feeding a willing fatty. That pie never seems big enough and now all that remains is a single crumb of the buttery graham cracker crust I drop it into your mouth.

I want to fatten you...

Now we come to the mysterious container on the lower shelf; you been such a good little piggy so far and it's time to tell you what is in store for you next. I lift the heavy container onto the empty upper shelf and attach a pump to the top; I see the realization dawn in your eyes; you know what this is. And you are correct; this is the best part of all, this container is filled with rich, creamy, thick weight gainer shake, made of course with only whole milk and melted ice cream. It's a caloric bomb and I'm going to set it off in you because...

I love to fatten you.
1 chapter, created 11 years , updated 11 years
12   1   9995


Verychubbyte... 2 years
beautiful story,id love to make it real